Hui Min
Hui Min

Reputation: 41

Dengue Netlogo Model

My group has worked on a code that models dengue fever in a particular area. However, we do not understand what's wrong with the code as the infected does not get infected. Sorry as we are new to this programming. Hope that you can take the time and look through the programme. Thanks.

breed [humans human]
breed [mosquitoes mosquito]
breed [dead]

globals [
  total-human     ;; Total number of agents that are human
  total-mosquito  ;; Total number of mosquitoes that are human
  angle           ;; Heading for individuals

turtles-own [
  kill                  ;; Agent-subset consisting of mosquitoes within          vison of human
  infected-human?       ;; If true, human is infected
  infected-mosquito?    ;; If true, mosquito is infected
  susceptible-human?    ;; If true, human is susceptible
  susceptible-mosquito? ;; If true, mosquito is susceptible

to setup
create-dead 0
[ set shape "square"
  set color orange ]

to setup-people
create-humans initial-people
  setxy random-xcor random-ycor
  set shape "person"
 set color white

  set infected-human? false
  set susceptible-human? true

  if who < initial-infected-people ;; these people are initially infected
    set infected-human? true
    set susceptible-human? false


to setup-mosquitoes
create-mosquitoes initial-mosquito
  setxy random-xcor random-ycor
  set shape "mosquito"
  set color blue

  set infected-mosquito? false
  set susceptible-mosquito? true

  if (random-float 100 < 10) ;; 10% of mosquitoes are initially infected
    set infected-mosquito? true
    set susceptible-mosquito? false

to assign-color-human
  if infected-human? [ set color red ]
  if susceptible-human? [ set color white ]

to assign-color-mosquito
  if infected-mosquito? [ set color yellow ]
  if susceptible-mosquito? [set color blue ]

to go

to move-mosquitoes
  ask mosquitoes
rt random 100
lt random 100
fd 1


to move-people
  ask humans
rt random 100 ;people move around the world randomly
lt random 100
fd 1

ifelse infected-human? = true ;there is a chance that if people are       infectious they will infect mosquitoes who bite them
  [ask mosquitoes in-radius bite-likelihood
    [if any? mosquitoes with [susceptible-mosquito? = true]
                  [set infected-mosquito? true
                   set susceptible-mosquito? false]

  [ask mosquitoes in-radius bite-likelihood ;there is a chance that if people are not infectious they can be infected by infectious mosquitoes
    [ifelse infected-mosquito? = true ;if mosquitoes are infectious they can infect nearby non-infected people
                  [ask humans in-radius bite-likelihood [if any? humans in-radius bite-likelihood with [susceptible-human? = true]
                                                                          [set infected-human? true
                                                                           set susceptible-human? false]
                  [ask humans in-radius bite-likelihood with [susceptible-human? = true] [if any? humans in-radius bite-likelihood with [susceptible-human? = true]
                                                                          [set infected-human? false
                                                                           set susceptible-human? true]] ;if noninfectious mosquitoes bite noninfectious people, nothing happens


  ifelse infected-human? = true
  [ask humans in-radius recovery-likelihood [if any? humans in-radius recovery-likelihood with [infected-human? = true]
                                             set infected-human? false
                                             set susceptible-human? true

  [ask humans in-radius death-likelihood [if any? humans in-radius death-likelihood with [infected-human? = true]
                                          [set breed dead]


Upvotes: 4

Views: 200

Answers (1)


Reputation: 17678

Okay, so the problem is that the initial-infected-people do not get infected. If they don't get infected, they obviously can't infect the mosquitoes who then can't infect other people. This means the problem is probably this line:

if who < initial-infected-people

General advice - if you are using who, you are probably doing something wrong. In this case I am assuming you have a slider (or some other entry method) setting initial-infected-people to some number. Let's say that number is 5. Then this line says to infect any turtle with a who number < 5. This ties to your problem that you aren't using breeds properly. There is no guarantee that any of the turtles who you have turned into humans have low who numbers.

What you need to do is have better separation of your breeds and use the ask-n-of primitive to infect the initial humans. Something like:

breed [humans human]
breed [mosquitoes mosquito]
breed [deads dead]

globals [
  total-human     ;; Total number of agents that are human
  total-mosquito  ;; Total number of mosquitoes that are human

humans-own [
  kill                  ;; Agent-subset of mosquitoes within vision
  infected-human?       ;; If true, human is infected
  susceptible-human?    ;; If true, human is susceptible

mosquitoes-own [
  infected-mosquito?    ;; If true, mosquito is infected
  susceptible-mosquito? ;; If true, mosquito is susceptible

to setup
  set total-human <some number> (or put on a slider)
  set total-mosquito <some number> (or put on a slider)
  create-humans total-human [<code for shape, position etc]
  ask n-of initial-infected-people humans [set infected-person? TRUE]
  create-mosquitoes total-mosquito [<code for shape, position etc>]

Upvotes: 2

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