Reputation: 58999
How do you sort an array of strings naturally in different programming languages? Post your implementation and what language it is in in the answer.
Upvotes: 24
Views: 11357
Reputation: 414735
Here's how you can get explorer-like behaviour in Python:
#!/usr/bin/env python
>>> items = u'a1 a003 b2 a2 a10 1 10 20 2 c100'.split()
>>> items.sort(explorer_cmp)
>>> for s in items:
... print s,
1 2 10 20 a1 a2 a003 a10 b2 c100
>>> items.sort(key=natural_key, reverse=True)
>>> for s in items:
... print s,
c100 b2 a10 a003 a2 a1 20 10 2 1
import re
def natural_key(astr):
return [int(s) if s.isdigit() else s for s in re.split(r'(\d+)', astr)]
def natural_cmp(a, b):
return cmp(natural_key(a), natural_key(b))
try: # use explorer's comparison function if available
import ctypes
explorer_cmp = ctypes.windll.shlwapi.StrCmpLogicalW
except (ImportError, AttributeError):
# not on Windows or old python version
explorer_cmp = natural_cmp
if __name__ == '__main__':
import doctest; doctest.testmod()
To support Unicode strings, .isdecimal()
should be used instead of .isdigit()
may also fail (return value that is not accepted by int()
) for a bytestring on Python 2 in some locales e.g., '\xb2' ('²') in cp1252 locale on Windows.
Upvotes: 8
Reputation: 503
Java solution:-
This can be achieved by implementing new Comparator<String>
and pass it to Collections.sort(list, comparator)
public int compare(String s1, String s2) {
int len1 = s1.length();
int len2 = s2.length();
int lim = Math.min(len1, len2);
char v1[] = s1.toCharArray();
char v2[] = s2.toCharArray();
int k = 0;
while (k < lim) {
char c1 = v1[k];
char c2 = v2[k];
if (c1 != c2) {
if(this.isInteger(c1) && this.isInteger(c2)) {
int i1 = grabContinousInteger(v1, k);
int i2 = grabContinousInteger(v2, k);
return i1 - i2;
return c1 - c2;
return len1 - len2;
private boolean isInteger(char c) {
return c >= 48 && c <= 57; // ascii value 0-9
private int grabContinousInteger(char[] arr, int k) {
int i = k;
while(i < arr.length && this.isInteger(arr[i])) {
return Integer.parseInt(new String(arr, k, i - k));
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 15134
Here's a cleanup of the code in the article the question linked to:
def sorted_nicely(strings):
"Sort strings the way humans are said to expect."
return sorted(strings, key=natural_sort_key)
def natural_sort_key(key):
import re
return [int(t) if t.isdigit() else t for t in re.split(r'(\d+)', key)]
But actually I haven't had occasion to sort anything this way.
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 120
php has a easy function "natsort" to do that,and I implements it by myself:
$temp_files = array('+====','-==',"temp15-txt","temp10.txt",
$my_arr = $temp_files;
echo "Natural order: ";
echo "My Natural order: ";
function is_alpha($a){
return $a>='0'&&$a<='9' ;
function my_nat_func($a,$b){
while(!is_alpha($a[$i])) ++$i;
$m = intval(substr($a,$i));
while(!is_alpha($b[$i])) ++$i;
$n = intval(substr($b,$i));
return $m>$n?1:($m==$n?0:-1);
return 1;
return -1;
return $a>$b?1:($a==$b?0:-1);
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 2338
In C++ I use this example code to do natural sorting. The code requires the boost library.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 1445
For MySQL, I personally use code from a Drupal module, which is available at h
Basically, you execute the posted SQL script to create functions, and then use ORDER BY natsort_canon(field_name, 'natural')
Here's a readme about the function:
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 326
My implementation on Clojure 1.1:
(ns alphanumeric-sort
(:import [java.util.regex Pattern]))
(defn comp-alpha-numerical
"Compare two strings alphanumerically."
[a b]
(let [regex (Pattern/compile "[\\d]+|[a-zA-Z]+")
sa (re-seq regex a)
sb (re-seq regex b)]
(loop [seqa sa seqb sb]
(let [counta (count seqa)
countb (count seqb)]
(if-not (not-any? zero? [counta countb]) (- counta countb)
(let [c (first seqa)
d (first seqb)
c1 (read-string c)
d1 (read-string d)]
(if (every? integer? [c1 d1])
(def result (compare c1 d1)) (def result (compare c d)))
(if-not (= 0 result) result (recur (rest seqa) (rest seqb)))))))))
(sort comp-alpha-numerical ["a1" "a003" "b2" "a10" "a2" "1" "10" "20" "2" "c100"])
("1" "2" "10" "20" "a1" "a2" "a003" "a10" "b2" "c100")
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 5021
Python, using itertools:
def natural_key(s):
return tuple(
int(''.join(chars)) if isdigit else ''.join(chars)
for isdigit, chars in itertools.groupby(s, str.isdigit)
>>> natural_key('')
('abc-', 123, 'foo', 456, '.xyz')
>>> sorted(['1.1.1', '1.10.4', '1.5.0', '42.1.0', '9', 'banana'], key=natural_key)
['1.1.1', '1.5.0', '1.10.4', '9', '42.1.0', 'banana']
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 202655
In C, this solution correctly handles numbers with leading zeroes:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
/* like strcmp but compare sequences of digits numerically */
int strcmpbynum(const char *s1, const char *s2) {
for (;;) {
if (*s2 == '\0')
return *s1 != '\0';
else if (*s1 == '\0')
return 1;
else if (!(isdigit(*s1) && isdigit(*s2))) {
if (*s1 != *s2)
return (int)*s1 - (int)*s2;
(++s1, ++s2);
} else {
char *lim1, *lim2;
unsigned long n1 = strtoul(s1, &lim1, 10);
unsigned long n2 = strtoul(s2, &lim2, 10);
if (n1 > n2)
return 1;
else if (n1 < n2)
return -1;
s1 = lim1;
s2 = lim2;
If you want to use it with qsort
, use this auxiliary function:
static int compare(const void *p1, const void *p2) {
const char * const *ps1 = p1;
const char * const *ps2 = p2;
return strcmpbynum(*ps1, *ps2);
And you can do something on the order of
char *lines = ...;
qsort(lines, next, sizeof(lines[0]), compare);
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 44814
Note that for most such questions, you can just consult the Rosetta Code Wiki. I adapted my answer from the entry for sorting integers.
In a system's programming language doing something like this is generally going to be uglier than with a specialzed string-handling language. Fortunately for Ada, the most recent version has a library routine for just this kind of task.
For Ada 2005 I believe you could do something along the following lines (warning, not compiled!):
type String_Array is array(Natural range <>) of Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String;
function "<" (L, R : Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String) return boolean is
--// Natural ordering predicate here. Sorry to cheat in this part, but
--// I don't exactly grok the requirement for "natural" ordering. Fill in
--// your proper code here.
end "<";
procedure Sort is new Ada.Containers.Generic_Array_Sort
(Index_Type => Natural;
Element_Type => Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String,
Array_Type => String_Array
Example use:
using Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
Example : String_Array := (To_Unbounded_String ("Joe"),
To_Unbounded_String ("Jim"),
To_Unbounded_String ("Jane"),
To_Unbounded_String ("Fred"),
To_Unbounded_String ("Bertha"),
To_Unbounded_String ("Joesphus"),
To_Unbounded_String ("Jonesey"));
Sort (Example);
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 16282
For Tcl, the -dict (dictionary) option to lsort:
% lsort -dict {a b 1 c 2 d 13}
1 2 13 a b c d
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 51531
Just a link to some nice work in Common Lisp by Eric Normand:
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 45533
I just use StrCmpLogicalW. It does exactly what Jeff is wanting, since it's the same API that explorer uses. Admittedly, it's not portable.
In C++:
bool NaturalLess(const wstring &lhs, const wstring &rhs)
return StrCmpLogicalW(lhs.c_str(), rhs.c_str()) < 0;
vector<wstring> strings;
// ... load the strings
sort(strings.begin(), strings.end(), &NaturalLess);
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 101259
If the OP is asking about idomatic sorting expressions, then not all languages have a natural expression built in. For c I'd go to <stdlib.h>
and use qsort
. Something on the lines of :
/* non-functional mess deleted */
to sort the arguments into lexical order. Unfortunately this idiom is rather hard to parse for those not used the ways of c.
Suitably chastened by the downvote, I actually read the linked article. Mea culpa.
In anycase the original code did not work, except in the single case I tested. Damn. Plain vanilla c does not have this function, nor is it in any of the usual libraries.
The code below sorts the command line arguments in the natural way as linked. Caveat emptor as it is only lightly tested.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
int naturalstrcmp(const char **s1, const char **s2);
int main(int argc, char **argv){
/* Sort the command line arguments in place */
(int(*)(const void *, const void *))naturalstrcmp);
int naturalstrcmp(const char **s1p, const char **s2p){
if ((NULL == s1p) || (NULL == *s1p)) {
if ((NULL == s2p) || (NULL == *s2p)) return 0;
return 1;
if ((NULL == s2p) || (NULL == *s2p)) return -1;
const char *s1=*s1p;
const char *s2=*s2p;
do {
if (isdigit(s1[0]) && isdigit(s2[0])){
/* Compare numbers as numbers */
int c1 = strspn(s1,"0123456789"); /* Could be more efficient here... */
int c2 = strspn(s2,"0123456789");
if (c1 > c2) {
return 1;
} else if (c1 < c2) {
return -1;
/* the digit strings have equal length, so compare digit by digit */
while (c1--) {
if (s1[0] > s2[0]){
return 1;
} else if (s1[0] < s2[0]){
return -1;
} else if (s1[0] > s2[0]){
return 1;
} else if (s1[0] < s2[0]){
return -1;
} while ( (s1!='\0') || (s2!='\0') );
return 0;
This approach is pretty brute force, but it is simple and can probably be duplicated in any imperative language.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 58999
Array.prototype.alphanumSort = function(caseInsensitive) {
for (var z = 0, t; t = this[z]; z++) {
this[z] = [], x = 0, y = -1, n = 0, i, j;
while (i = (j = t.charAt(x++)).charCodeAt(0)) {
var m = (i == 46 || (i >=48 && i <= 57));
if (m !== n) {
this[z][++y] = "";
n = m;
this[z][y] += j;
this.sort(function(a, b) {
for (var x = 0, aa, bb; (aa = a[x]) && (bb = b[x]); x++) {
if (caseInsensitive) {
aa = aa.toLowerCase();
bb = bb.toLowerCase();
if (aa !== bb) {
var c = Number(aa), d = Number(bb);
if (c == aa && d == bb) {
return c - d;
} else return (aa > bb) ? 1 : -1;
return a.length - b.length;
for (var z = 0; z < this.length; z++)
this[z] = this[z].join("");
Upvotes: 5