Reputation: 355
I'm trying to build a simple text editor using Haskell, hscurses and Data.Text. I'm quite new to Haskell.
Here is a snippet from my code:
data Cursor = Cursor {
position :: Int,
line :: Int,
column :: Int
} deriving (Eq, Show)
isNewline :: Char -> Bool
isNewline c = c == '\n'
onNewline :: T.Text -> Int -> Bool
onNewline buf pos
| pos >= T.length buf = False
| otherwise = isNewline $ T.index buf pos
findIndex :: (Char -> Bool) -> T.Text -> Int -> Maybe Int
findIndex pred buf pos
| buf == T.empty = Just 0
| otherwise = rightWhile pos
where rightWhile pos
| pos > bufMax buf = Nothing
| pred $ T.index buf pos = Just pos
| otherwise = rightWhile (pos + 1)
findIndexLeft :: (Char -> Bool) -> T.Text -> Int -> Maybe Int
findIndexLeft pred buf pos = leftWhile pos
where leftWhile pos
| pos < 0 = Nothing
| pred $ T.index buf pos = Just pos
| otherwise = leftWhile (pos - 1)
startOfLine :: T.Text -> Int -> Int
startOfLine buf pos = case findIndexLeft isNewline buf (pos - 1) of
Nothing -> 0
Just p -> p + 1
endOfLine :: T.Text -> Int -> Int
endOfLine buf pos = case findIndex isNewline buf pos of
Nothing -> 1 + bufMax buf
Just p -> p
lineOffset :: T.Text -> Int -> Int
lineOffset buf pos = pos - startOfLine buf pos
lineLength :: T.Text -> Int -> Int
lineLength buf pos = endOfLine buf pos - startOfLine buf pos
bufMax :: T.Text -> Int
bufMax buf = max 0 $ T.length buf - 1
bufLines :: T.Text -> Int
bufLines = T.foldl (\acc c -> if isNewline c then (acc+1) else acc) 0
moveCursorRight :: T.Text -> Cursor -> Cursor
moveCursorRight buf c@(Cursor pos line col)
| buf == T.empty = c
| otherwise = Cursor newPos newLine newCol
where end = 1 + bufMax buf
onEnd = pos == end
newPos = clip (pos + 1) 0 end
newLine = if onNewline buf pos && not onEnd
then line + 1
else line
newCol = lineOffset buf newPos
moveCursorLeft :: T.Text -> Cursor -> Cursor
moveCursorLeft buf (Cursor pos line col) =
Cursor newPos newLine newCol
where onStart = pos == 0
newPos = clipLow (pos - 1) 0
newLine = if onNewline buf newPos && not onStart
then line - 1
else line
newCol = lineOffset buf newPos
-- More movement functions follow...
The problem with this code is that for buffers that are thousands of lines long, it gets very slow. That's probably because of the use of index functions, that are O(n) and not constant time as they would be in C, for example.
How would a seasoned Haskeller approach this? What would be a reasonably efficient way to implement "movement" in strings in Haskell? The movement should also be composable, that is, I would like to be able to implement "Page down" in terms of "Move one line down", etc.
Edit: Update
Should anyone ever need this, here is what I ended up with.
type Line = T.Text
data BufferContext = BufferContext {
before :: [Line],
at :: Line,
after :: [Line]
} deriving (Eq, Show)
moveCursorRight :: Cursor -> Cursor
moveCursorRight c@(Cursor pos line col bc@(BufferContext before at after))
| col >= T.length at = moveCursorDown c
| otherwise = Cursor (pos+1) line (col+1) bc
moveCursorLeft :: Cursor -> Cursor
moveCursorLeft c@(Cursor pos line col bc@(BufferContext before at after))
| col <= 0 = upCursor { column = if null before then 0 else T.length $ head before }
| otherwise = Cursor (pos-1) line (col-1) bc
where upCursor = moveCursorUp c
moveCursorDown :: Cursor -> Cursor
moveCursorDown c@(Cursor _ _ _ (BufferContext _ _ [])) = c
moveCursorDown c@(Cursor _ cLine _ (BufferContext before at (l:ls))) =
c { line = cLine+1,
column = 0,
context = BufferContext (at:before) l ls
moveCursorUp c@(Cursor _ _ _ (BufferContext [] _ _)) = c
moveCursorUp c@(Cursor _ cLine _ (BufferContext (l:ls) at after)) =
c { line = cLine-1,
column = 0,
context = BufferContext ls l (at:after)
This implementation is very usable on 1 million lines and that is good enough for me. There is still one problem with this approach, though. If I want to jump to a random line, I have to move one by one, which can be slow. But still, this is a great improvement over the original approach.
I have also tried implementing the context as
data BufferContext = BufferContext {
before :: T.Text,
at :: Char,
after :: T.Text
} deriving (Eq, Show)
but that doesn't help too much, because "at" has to be consed with "before" and according to the documentation, T.cons
is O(n)... Also, the line centric approach is better when the actual display is done.
Thanks to all who have helped!
Upvotes: 2
Views: 409
Reputation: 17786
As gallais says in the comments, you want to use a zipper. The idea is that your "cursor" is actually a data structure like this:
type Line = T.Text
data TextZipper = TextZipper {
textBefore :: [Line],
currentLine :: Line,
textAfter :: [Line]
The trick is that "textBefore" contains the lines above the cursor in reverse order. So to move down a line you put the "currentLine" at the head of "textBefore" and get the new "currentLine" out of "textAfter", like this:
moveDown :: TextZipper -> Maybe TextZipper
moveDown tzip = case textAfter tzip of
[] -> Nothing -- Already at the bottom of the file.
t:ts -> TextZipper {
textBefore = currentLine tzip : textBefore tzip,
currentLine = t,
textAfter = ts
moveUp will be very similar. You will also need a textZipperToList function to extract the contents of the zipper for saving, and a textZipperFromList function.
I recall reading somewhere that Emacs uses a similar concept except that it does it by character rather than by line. The buffer is represented as two blocks of text, one the block before the cursor, and one the block after the cursor. Moving the cursor is accomplished by copying characters from one block to the other. Same concept here. Given this you might want to think about replacing each list of lines with a single Text value.
Upvotes: 3