Reputation: 409
I make a custom leaderboard through ui::ListView
. Each element of leaderboard is the ui::Button
. When the user taps on some position, he receives detailed statistics on this position in the leaderboard. I’m using Cocos2d-x ver. 3.8.1. For clarity, here’s my code for this:
auto lvLeaderboard = ListView::create();
for (int j = 0; j < linesCount; j++)
Button* btnSingleUser = Button::create("btn.png”);
btnSingleUser->setTag(j + offsetResult);
btnSingleUser->addTouchEventListener([&](Ref* sender, Widget::TouchEventType type){
switch (type)
case ui::Widget::TouchEventType::ENDED:
Button* currentButton = (Button*)sender;
lvLeaderboard->setSize(Size(winSize.width, _height));
lvLeaderboard->setPosition(Point(0, 0));
All works fine, I can scroll the leaderboard, and see the statistics of each user to whom I tap.
But there’s one problem. I need to load the next portion of data, when the user reaches the end of the list (I download the results on 50 lines at a time). But I can’t to find the variable, method or handler, which works when the user reaches the first or last element of the ListView.
I tried to do
ui:ListView inherits ScrollView, so I tried to find some methods in both of them. Everything I tried, let not the result I want.
How can I determine when the user reaches the first and last element in ListView
? Or, if this not possible, how to determine the end and beginning of the ScrollView
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Views: 1848
Reputation: 373
You can add eventListener to your scrollView and detect then check like this
scrollView->addEventListener([](Ref *r, ScrollView::EventType type) {
if (type == ScrollView::EventType::SCROLL_TO_BOTTOM) {// SCROLL_TO_TOP
// do what you need to do
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Reputation: 629
You can schedule an update method or run a repeat forever action to call a method continually to check whether the bottom item of list view has last tag (in your case tag-10 == linesCount-1). You need to take reference of lvLeaderboard globally to have access to below function.
static Vec2 calculateItemPositionWithAnchor(Widget* item, const Vec2& itemAnchorPoint)
Vec2 origin(item->getLeftBoundary(), item->getBottomBoundary());
Size size = item->getContentSize();
return origin + Vec2(size.width * itemAnchorPoint.x, size.height * itemAnchorPoint.y);
static Widget* findClosestItem(const Vec2& targetPosition, const Vector<Widget*>& items, const Vec2& itemAnchorPoint, ssize_t firstIndex, float distanceFromFirst, ssize_t lastIndex, float distanceFromLast)
CCASSERT(firstIndex >= 0 && lastIndex < items.size() && firstIndex <= lastIndex, "");
if (firstIndex == lastIndex)
if (lastIndex - firstIndex == 1)
if (distanceFromFirst <= distanceFromLast)
// Binary search
ssize_t midIndex = (firstIndex + lastIndex) / 2;
Vec2 itemPosition = calculateItemPositionWithAnchor(, itemAnchorPoint);
float distanceFromMid = (targetPosition - itemPosition).length();
if (distanceFromFirst <= distanceFromLast)
return findClosestItem(targetPosition, items, itemAnchorPoint, firstIndex, distanceFromFirst, midIndex, distanceFromMid);
return findClosestItem(targetPosition, items, itemAnchorPoint, midIndex, distanceFromMid, lastIndex, distanceFromLast);
static Widget* getBottommostItemInCurrentView(ListView* lvLeaderboard)
const Vec2& positionRatioInView = Vec2::ANCHOR_MIDDLE_BOTTOM;
const Vec2& itemAnchorPoint = Vec2::ANCHOR_MIDDLE;
// Calculate the target position
Size contentSize = lvLeaderboard->getContentSize();
Vec2 targetPosition = -lvLeaderboard->getInnerContainerPosition();
targetPosition.x += contentSize.width * positionRatioInView.x;
targetPosition.y += contentSize.height * positionRatioInView.y;
// Find the closest item through binary search
ssize_t firstIndex = 0;
Vec2 firstPosition = calculateItemPositionWithAnchor(lvLeaderboard->getItems().at(firstIndex), itemAnchorPoint);
float distanceFromFirst = (targetPosition - firstPosition).length();
ssize_t lastIndex = lvLeaderboard->getItems().size() - 1;
Vec2 lastPosition = calculateItemPositionWithAnchor(lvLeaderboard->getItems().at(lastIndex), itemAnchorPoint);
float distanceFromLast = (targetPosition - lastPosition).length();
return findClosestItem(targetPosition, lvLeaderboard->getItems(), itemAnchorPoint, firstIndex, distanceFromFirst, lastIndex, distanceFromLast);
void HelloWorld::checkIfAtEnd() {
Button* bottom = (Button*)getBottommostItemInCurrentView(lvLeaderboard);
CCLOG("Bottom Button Having = %d", bottom->getTag());
if (bottom->getTag()-10 == linesCount-1) {
CCLOG("Bottom item reached..");
Following code snippet calls above function continually after specified seconds, here 0.5.
DelayTime* dl = DelayTime::create(0.5);
CallFunc* cb = CallFunc::create(CC_CALLBACK_0(HelloWorld::checkIfAtEnd, this));
Sequence* seq = Sequence::create(dl, cb, nullptr);
Upvotes: 1