Reputation: 1054
Got a hopefully simple problem. When I receive action A in my update function, I'd like to return a task that does some stuff, then results in action B, which is received by the update function again. Its my understanding that whatever effects are returned from Update will be executed by startapp, but nothing seems to be happening. Here's a whittled down example:
import StartApp exposing (start)
import Effects
import Task
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (..)
main =
{ init = init
, update = update
, view = view
, inputs = []
type Action
= Click
| Dummy
type alias Model =
{ clicks: Int
init : (Model, Effects.Effects Action)
init = (Model 0, Effects.none)
update : Action -> Model -> (Model, Effects.Effects Action)
update action model =
case action of
Click ->
-- the click is received.
(model, Effects.task (Task.succeed Dummy))
Dummy ->
-- this never happens!!
({ model | clicks = model.clicks + 1}, Effects.none)
view : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html
view address model =
let start = button [ onClick address Click ] [ text (toString model.clicks) ]
div [] ([start])
Upvotes: 0
Views: 467
Reputation: 36385
requires a port for tasks in addition to main
. Change your main
function and add the tasks
port like this and you'll be all set:
app =
{ init = init
, update = update
, view = view
, inputs = []
main =
port tasks : Signal (Task.Task Effects.Never ())
port tasks =
Upvotes: 2