Reputation: 179
Hi i have a controller with a drop down which needs location data.
I provide this data via a service.
The service is working find I know it as dropLocation: alias('loaddropLocation')
line works and show all the location with duplicates. But when i change the alias
to uniq
i expect to get unique array data. but it does not work.
import Ember from 'ember';
const {
}= Ember;
} = computed;
const {
} = Ember.inject;
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
dropLocation: uniq('loaddropLocation'),//first-line
Dropdata: service(),
loaddropLocation: computed('Dropdata',function(){
return get(this,'Dropdata').locations().then((locs) =>{
return locs;
I have updated my controller with inputs from @torazaburo .
loaddropData get update with an array. but dropLocation does not. When I click on the controller from ember-inspector the value gets computed and dropLocation gets updated and I see value in my UI. how can I change this behavior. I tried to calculate uniq values from aobservesDropData but it not working.
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
dropLocation: uniq('loaddropLocation'),//first-line
Dropdata: service(),
dropLocation: uniq('loaddropLocation'),
observesDropData: function(){
return get(this,'Dropdata').locations().then((locs) =>{
This does not work
dropLocation: computed('loaddropLocation', function() {
return Ember.computed.uniq(get(this,'loaddropLocation'));
More updates: It seems computed property and promises does not go well together in emberjs. I got few points from ember slack community that locations should be a computed property
//in my service
locations: computed(function() {
return get(this,'store')
.then(stores =>{
return => {
return get(store,'adminAreaLevel2') +" "+ get(store,'adminAreaLevel1')
along with
//in my controller
dropLocation: uniq('Dropdata.locations')
does not work because of know issue that cp does not work with promises well.
Alternative I tried was
locations: computed(function() {
var self = this;
var locs;
return get(this,'store')
.then(stores =>{
locs = => {
return get(store,'adminAreaLevel2') +" "+ get(store,'adminAreaLevel1')
//same thing in my controller
dropLocation: uniq('Dropdata.locations'),
this seems to work but not correctly. I am using as input for ember-power-select when i click the dropdown first time. the value is not updated. when i click on dropdrown for second time the value for options are populated.
// trying to create a twiddle for my Problem need to figure out how to mock data for services and add ember-power-select addon to twiddle
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Views: 383
You cannot return a promise as the value of a computed property. It might work depending on how it is being consumed downstream--for instance, a template might be able to emit it--but uniq
certainly does not know how to deal with a promise as input, which is what you are doing.
An imperfect alternative is to observe the dependency, then set the property in the object when the promise fulfills:
dropLocation: uniq('loaddropLocation'),//first-line
Dropdata: service(),
observeDropdata: observe('Dropdata', function(){
get(this,'Dropdata').locations().then(locs => this.set('loaddropLocation, locs));
Minor points:
You could write
const {get, computed: {uniq, alias}, inject: {service} } = Ember;
Also, in your original code (locs) => { return locs; })
is equivalent to locs => locs
which of course is equivalent to not writing it at all.
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