Reputation: 322
I'm attempting to use browser-sync with Gulp 4, but bs is not preserving state, and instead does a full refresh. This is not very useful. It seems bs no longer supports true injection. I filed an issue on GH if you want to contribute.
Here is the pertinent code:
// styles:dev task
gulp.task('styles:dev', function() {
return gulp.src(config.src)
// browserSync task
gulp.task('browserSync', function(cb) {
browserSync.init(config, cb);
// Watch task:
gulp.task('watch:styles', function() {
gulp.task('watch', gulp.parallel('watch:styles'));
// default task
gulp.parallel('copy:dev', 'styles:dev'), 'browserSync', 'watch')
Thanks in advance.
Upvotes: 5
Views: 7279
Reputation: 5374
Almost 3 years later Gulp 4 now looks a little bit different, see
To have a complete Gulp 4 kickstart example, see
// Requires Gulp v4.
// $ npm uninstall --global gulp gulp-cli
// $ rm /usr/local/share/man/man1/gulp.1
// $ npm install --global gulp-cli
// $ npm install
const { src, dest, watch, series, parallel } = require('gulp');
const browsersync = require('browser-sync').create();
const sass = require('gulp-sass');
const autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer');
const sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps');
const plumber = require('gulp-plumber');
const sasslint = require('gulp-sass-lint');
const cache = require('gulp-cached');
// Compile CSS from Sass.
function buildStyles() {
return src('scss/ix_experience.scss')
.pipe(plumber()) // Global error listener.
.pipe(sass({ outputStyle: 'compressed' }))
.pipe(autoprefixer(['last 15 versions', '> 1%', 'ie 8', 'ie 7']))
.pipe(browsersync.reload({ stream: true }));
// Watch changes on all *.scss files, lint them and
// trigger buildStyles() at the end.
function watchFiles() {
['scss/*.scss', 'scss/**/*.scss'],
{ events: 'all', ignoreInitial: false },
series(sassLint, buildStyles)
// Init BrowserSync.
function browserSync(done) {
proxy: 'blog.localhost', // Change this value to match your local URL.
socket: {
domain: 'localhost:3000'
// Init Sass linter.
function sassLint() {
return src(['scss/*.scss', 'scss/**/*.scss'])
configFile: '.sass-lint.yml'
// Export commands.
exports.default = parallel(browserSync, watchFiles); // $ gulp
exports.sass = buildStyles; // $ gulp sass = watchFiles; // $ gulp watch = series(buildStyles); // $ gulp build
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 322
Fixed. Here's where I went wrong:
The browser-sync constructor takes an options object, which can include a files
array. Most of the tutorials I've read, including the gulpfile for Google's very own Web Starter Kit, do not include this. As it turns out, this is required for style injection to preserve state.
Furthermore, do not pass .stream()
or .reload()
as the final pipe in your styles task. It is not needed, and will short circuit style injection, forcing a full refresh.
Finally, the browserSync
process must not be terminated, and watch
and browserSync
tasks must execute in parallel in order for live style injection to take place.
Hope this helps anybody facing this issue.
I also closed the corresponding github issue, and posted my gulpfile
Upvotes: 3