Reputation: 1553
I'm having difficulty with populating and showing the suggestions list of XLabs.Forms.Control:AutoCompleteView. I've already binded the observable collection in the ViewModel to the Suggestions property of the autocompleteview xaml.
According to my debug code (i.e. just a loop that writes the contents returned by a query to the debug output), my queries are returning items so i think the problem lies in just showing the said items.
Here's the code for the Xaml and ViewModel (the Store class has a StoreName property/field)
<DataTemplate x:Key="SugestionItemTemplate">
<ViewCell Height="60">
<StackLayout VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand">
<Label Text="{Binding StoreName}" VerticalOptions="Center" HorizontalOptions="Start" />
<StackLayout HorizontalOptions="Center" Spacing="10">
<vm:CreateSaleViewModel />
<Label Text="Store" />
<controls:AutoCompleteView Placeholder="Type a store"
SuggestionItemDataTemplate="{StaticResource SugestionItemTemplate}"
Text="{Binding StoreQuery}"
SearchBackgroundColor = "White"
SearchCommand ="{Binding SearchCmd}"
Suggestions="{Binding StoreSuggestions}" />
class CreateSaleViewModel
// Query Variables
public string StoreQuery { get; set; }
// Query Suggestions
public ObservableCollection<Store> StoreSuggestions { get; private set; }
public ICommand SearchCmd { get; set; }
public CreateSaleViewModel()
SearchCmd = new Command(Search);
private async void Search()
StoreSuggestions = await App.AzureDataStore.SearchStoresAsync(StoreQuery);
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1733
Reputation: 21
I just ran into this same thing. I solved it by completely ignoring the Search Command, and hooking into the AutoCompleteView TextChanged event in code-behind.
SuggestionItemDataTemplate="{StaticResource SuggestionItemTemplate}"
Placeholder="Type Product Here"
SearchTextColor = "Black"
SearchBorderColor = "Yellow"
SearchCommand="{Binding SearchCommand}"
Suggestions="{Binding Items, Mode=TwoWay}"
SelectedItem ="{Binding SelectedItem}"
SelectedCommand = "{Binding CellSelectedCommand}"/>
Code Behind
public AddStockItem()
BindingContext = Model;
MyAutoComplete.TextChanged += MyAutoComplete_TextChanged;
async void MyAutoComplete_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e)
await Model.LoadProducts(e.NewTextValue);
View Model Search ICommand Does nothing at all
public Command<string> SearchCommand
return _searchCommand ?? (_searchCommand = new Command<string>(
obj =>{},
obj => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.ToString())));
ViewModel LoadProducts Updates the ObservableCollection after network call.
public async Task LoadProducts(string term)
var items = await service.GetProducts(term);
Items=new ObservableCollection<string>(items);
Upvotes: 1