Reputation: 771
I have a table with rowversion column .
I am getting the data with below query
Declare @eventId int
Create table #tempEvents
[EventID] [int] NOT NULL,
Insert into #tempEvents
(Select top(@TopN) [EventID] FROM [dbo].[PolicyEventsOminibus] WITH (UPDLOCK,READPAST) WHERE [PublishStatus] = @PublishStatus)
update [PolicyEventsOminibus] set [PublishStatus]=1 where Eventid in (Select #tempEvents.eventid from #tempEvents)
Select [PolicyEventsOminibus].* FROM [dbo].[PolicyEventsOminibus] WITH (UPDLOCK,READPAST) where Eventid IN(Select #tempEvents.eventid from #tempEvents)
drop TABLE #tempEvents
After fetching the data I will update status using below query based on rowversion
Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[Update_Events]
@Publishstatus int,
@PrevPublishstatus int,
@LastUpdatedTimeStamp varchar(100),
@EventID int,
@RowVersion rowversion
Update PolicyEventsOminibus
Publishstatus = @Publishstatus ,
LastUpdatedTimeStamp = @LastUpdatedTimeStamp
where EventID = @EventID and [RowVersion] = @RowVersion and Publishstatus =@PrevPublishstatus
C# Code For calling the selection store procedure
public List<PolicyEventsOminibus> GetEventsFromOminibus(int publishStatus, int topN)
var dmvPlcyEvnts = this.contextObj.GetPolicyEventsOminibusbyEventsContext(publishStatus, topN);
return (List<PolicyEventsOminibus>)dmvPlcyEvnts.ToList();
public virtual ObjectResult<PolicyEventsOminibus> GetPolicyEventsOminibusbyEvents(Nullable<int> publishStatus, Nullable<int> topN)
var publishStatusParameter = publishStatus.HasValue ?
new ObjectParameter("PublishStatus", publishStatus) :
new ObjectParameter("PublishStatus", typeof(int));
var topNParameter = topN.HasValue ?
new ObjectParameter("TopN", topN) :
new ObjectParameter("TopN", typeof(int));
return ((IObjectContextAdapter)this).ObjectContext.ExecuteFunction<PolicyEventsOminibus>("GetPolicyEventsOminibusbyEvents", publishStatusParameter, topNParameter);
C# code for calling updation stored procedure Update_Events
public int UpdateEventPublishStatus(int eventId, int pubStatus, byte[] rowVersion, int? prevpubStatus)
int result = this.contextObj.UpdateDmvPolicyEventsOminibus(pubStatus, prevpubStatus, DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyyyhhmmss"), eventId, rowVersion);
return result;
public virtual int Update_DMVPolicyEventsOminibus(Nullable<int> publishstatus, Nullable<int> prevPublishstatus, string lastUpdatedTimeStamp, Nullable<int> eventID, byte[] rowVersion)
var publishstatusParameter = publishstatus.HasValue ?
new ObjectParameter("Publishstatus", publishstatus) :
new ObjectParameter("Publishstatus", typeof(int));
var prevPublishstatusParameter = prevPublishstatus.HasValue ?
new ObjectParameter("PrevPublishstatus", prevPublishstatus) :
new ObjectParameter("PrevPublishstatus", typeof(int));
var lastUpdatedTimeStampParameter = lastUpdatedTimeStamp != null ?
new ObjectParameter("LastUpdatedTimeStamp", lastUpdatedTimeStamp) :
new ObjectParameter("LastUpdatedTimeStamp", typeof(string));
var eventIDParameter = eventID.HasValue ?
new ObjectParameter("EventID", eventID) :
new ObjectParameter("EventID", typeof(int));
var rowVersionParameter = rowVersion != null ?
new ObjectParameter("RowVersion", rowVersion) :
new ObjectParameter("RowVersion", typeof(byte[]));
return ((IObjectContextAdapter)this).ObjectContext.ExecuteFunction("Update_DMVPolicyEventsOminibus", publishstatusParameter, prevPublishstatusParameter, lastUpdatedTimeStampParameter, eventIDParameter, rowVersionParameter);
But The updation only happening for the first time. If I delete the row and insert it again and then if I run above stored procedures(Select & Updation ) i am unable to update the status as rowversion is getting mismatched with DB Value rowVersion.
I am executing the Updation stored procedure using Entity Framework Object context ExecuteFunction.
I am not sure whether it is a problem with EF or Auto mapper which we use to map entity to Domain model.
I would appreciate if somebody help me to identity the issue?.
If you need any further information please let me know.
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Views: 376