Reputation: 4152
h = {
data: {
user: {
value: "John Doe"
To assign value to the nested hash, we can use
h[:data][:user][:value] = "Bob"
However if any part in the middle is missing, it will cause error.
Something like
h.dig(:data, :user, :value) = "Bob"
won't work, since there's no Hash#dig=
available yet.
To safely assign value, we can do
h.dig(:data, :user)&.[]=(:value, "Bob") # or equivalently
h.dig(:data, :user)&.store(:value, "Bob")
But is there better way to do that?
Upvotes: 27
Views: 10306
Reputation: 51
you can use merge!
[37] pry(main)> h = {
data: {
user: {
value: "John Doe"
=> {:data=>{:user=>{:value=>"John Doe"}}}
[38] pry(main)> h.merge!(data: {user: {value: "John Foo"}})
=> {:data=>{:user=>{:value=>"John Foo"}}}
[39] pry(main)> h
=> {:data=>{:user=>{:value=>"John Foo"}}}
[40] pry(main)> h.merge!(data: nil)
=> {:data=>nil}
[41] pry(main)> h
=> {:data=>nil}
[42] pry(main)> h.merge!(data: {user: {value: "John Foo2"}})
=> {:data=>{:user=>{:value=>"John Foo2"}}}
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 916
A more ruby-helper-like version of @niels-kristian answer
You can use it like:
a = {}
a.bury!([:a, :b], "foo")
a # => {:a => { :b => "foo" }}
class Hash
def bury!(keys, value)
key = keys.first
if keys.length == 1
self[key] = value
self[key] = {} unless self[key]
self[key].bury!(keys.slice(1..-1), value)
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 388
Searching for an answer to a similar question I developmentally stumbled upon an interface similar to @niels-kristian's answer, but wanted to also support a namespace definition parameter, like an xpath.
def deep_merge(memo, source)
# From:
# Author: Stefan Rusterholz
merger = proc { |key, v1, v2| Hash === v1 && Hash === v2 ? v1.merge(v2, &merger) : v2 }
memo.merge!(source, &merger)
# Like Hash#dig, but for setting a value at an xpath
def bury(memo, xpath, value, delimiter=%r{\.})
xpath = xpath.split(delimiter) if xpath.respond_to?(:split)!{|x|x.to_s.to_sym}.push(value)
deep_merge(memo, xpath.reverse.inject { |memo, field| {field.to_sym => memo} })
Nested hashes are sort of like xpaths, and the opposite of dig
is bury
irb(main):014:0> memo = {:test=>"value"}
=> {:test=>"value"}
irb(main):015:0> bury(memo, 'test.this.long.path', 'value')
=> {:test=>{:this=>{:long=>{:path=>"value"}}}}
irb(main):016:0> bury(memo, [:test, 'this', 2, 4.0], 'value')
=> {:test=>{:this=>{:long=>{:path=>"value"}, :"2"=>{:"4.0"=>"value"}}}}
irb(main):017:0> bury(memo, 'test.this.long.path.even.longer', 'value')
=> {:test=>{:this=>{:long=>{:path=>{:even=>{:longer=>"value"}}}, :"2"=>{:"4.0"=>"value"}}}}
irb(main):018:0> bury(memo, 'test.this.long.other.even.longer', 'other')
=> {:test=>{:this=>{:long=>{:path=>{:even=>{:longer=>"value"}}, :other=>{:even=>{:longer=>"other"}}}, :"2"=>{:"4.0"=>"value"}}}}
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 8845
And building on @rellampec's answer, ones that does not throw errors:
def dig_set(obj, keys, value)
key = keys.first
if keys.length == 1
obj[key] = value
obj[key] = {} unless obj[key]
dig_set(obj[key], keys.slice(1..-1), value)
obj = {d: 'hey'}
dig_set(obj, [:a, :b, :c], 'val')
obj #=> {d: 'hey', a: {b: {c: 'val'}}}
Upvotes: 8
Reputation: 752
interesting one:
def dig_set(obj, keys, value)
if keys.length == 1
obj[keys.first] = value
dig_set(obj[keys.first], keys.slice(1..-1), value)
will raise an exception anyways if there's no []
or []=
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 538
I found a simple solution to set the value of a nested hash, even if a parent key is missing, even if the hash already exists. Given:
x = { gojira: { guitar: { joe: 'charvel' } } }
Suppose you wanted to include mario's drum to result in:
x = { gojira: { guitar: { joe: 'charvel' }, drum: { mario: 'tama' } } }
I ended up monkey-patching Hash:
class Hash
# ensures nested hash from keys, and sets final key to value
# keys: Array of Symbol|String
# value: any
def nested_set(keys, value)
raise "DEBUG: nested_set keys must be an Array" unless keys.is_a?(Array)
final_key = keys.pop
return unless valid_key?(final_key)
position = self
for key in keys
return unless valid_key?(key)
position[key] = {} unless position[key].is_a?(Hash)
position = position[key]
position[final_key] = value
# returns true if key is valid
def valid_key?(key)
return true if key.is_a?(Symbol) || key.is_a?(String)
raise "DEBUG: nested_set invalid key: #{key} (#{key.class})"
x.nested_set([:instrument, :drum, :mario], 'tama')
usage for your example:
h.nested_set([:data, :user, :value], 'Bob')
any caveats i missed? any better way to write the code without sacrificing readability?
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 106077
It's not without its caveats (and doesn't work if you're receiving the hash from elsewhere), but a common solution is this:
hash = {|h,k| h[k] = }
hash[:data][:user][:value] = "Bob"
p hash
# => { :data => { :user => { :value => "Bob" } } }
Upvotes: 16