Reputation: 2166
I'm building a shiny app that queries an SQL database so the user can ggplot the data. I would like the user to be able to rename factors manually but am struggling to get going. Here is an example of what I want to do:
titlePanel("Reactive factor label"),
numericInput("wafer", label = h3("Input wafer ID:"), value = NULL),
actionButton("do", "Search wafer"),
textInput("text", label = h3("Factor name to change"), value = ""),
textInput("text", label = h3("New factor name"), value = ""),
actionButton("do2", "Change name")
# Create example data
Name <- factor(c("Happy", "New", "Year"))
Id <- 1:3
dd <- data.frame(Id, Name)
con <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), ":memory:")
dbWriteTable(con, "dd", dd)
query <- function(...) dbGetQuery(con, ...)
wq = data.frame()
sq = data.frame()
shinyServer(function(input, output){
# create data frame to store reactive data set from query
values <- reactiveValues()
values$df <- data.frame()
# Wait for user to search
d <- eventReactive(input$do, { input$wafer })
# Reactive SQL query
a <- reactive({ paste0("Select * from dd where Id=",d()) })
wq <- reactive({ query( a() ) })
# Check outputs
output$waf <- renderPrint(input$wafer)
output$que <- renderPrint({ a() })
output$pos <- renderPrint( wq()[1,1] )
# observe d() so that data is not added until user presses action button
if (!is.null(d())) {
sq <- reactive({ query( a() ) })
# add query to reactive data frame
values$df <- rbind(isolate(values$df), sq())
output$tstat <- renderDataTable({
data <- values$df
In static R I would normally use data table to rename factors i.e.:
DT <- data.table(df)
DT[Name=="Happy", Name:="Sad"]
But I'm not sure how to go about this with a reactiveValues i.e. values$df
I have read this (R shiny: How to get an reactive data frame updated each time pressing an actionButton without creating a new reactive data frame?). This lead me to try this but it doesn't do anything (even no error):
observeEvent(input$do2, {
DT <- data.table(values$df)
DT[Name == input$text1, Name := input$text2]
values$df <- data.frame(values$df)
Perhaps there is a way around this..maybe there is a way to use an action button to "lock in" the data as a new data frame, which can then be used to rename?
Sorry for such a long winded question. My real app is much longer and more complex. I have tried to strip it down.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1443
Reputation: 21425
Your approach works but there are a few issues in your app.
In ui.R
, both textInput
have the same id
, they need to be different so you can refer to them in the server.R
. In the observeEvent
you posted, you refer to input$text1
and input$text2
so you should change the id
of the textInputs
to text1
and text2
In the observeEvent
you posted, the last line should be values$df <-
, otherwise it does not change anything.
Upvotes: 1