Reputation: 243
My code is using puppetlabs lvm module. Uses as shown below
Part of code from r10k profile which invokes module.
class profile::streams::messagequeue(
$mq_install_root = '/opt/IBM/mqm',
$mq_install_temp = '/tmp/mqm',
$mq_install_temp_suffix = 'MQServer',
$mq_archive_source_dir = 'puppet:///modules/ibm_messagequeue',
$mq_archive_tar = 'mqadv_dev80_linux_x86-64.tar.gz',
$mq_user = 'mqm',
$mq_group = 'mqm',
$mq_password = 'mqm2015',
$mq_version = '8.0.0-4',
$mq_cp_install_temp = '/tmp/mqm_cp',
$mq_cp_archive_tar = '8.0.0-WS-MQ-LinuxX64-FP0004.tar.gz',
$mq_cp_version = 'U8004-8.0.0-4',
$mq_config_queue_manager = 'QMGR_CLAIM',
$mq_config_default_port = '5672',
$mq_config_channel_name = 'CHNL_CLAIM',
$mq_config_channel_port = '5673',
$mq_data_volume = '/dev/sdd',
$mq_data_size = '10G',
$mq_log_volume = '/dev/sdc',
$mq_log_size = '40G',
$mq_root_volume = '/dev/sde',
$mq_root_size = '10G',
#install message queue (IBM MQ)
class {'::ibm_messagequeue':
install_root => $mq_install_root,
install_temp => $mq_install_temp,
install_temp_suffix => $mq_install_temp_suffix,
archive_source_dir => $mq_archive_source_dir,
archive_tar => $mq_archive_tar,
user => $mq_user,
group => $mq_group,
password => $mq_password,
version => $mq_version,
cp_install_temp => $mq_cp_install_temp,
cp_archive_tar => $mq_cp_archive_tar,
cp_version => $mq_cp_version,
config_queue_manager => $mq_config_queue_manager,
config_default_port => $mq_config_default_port,
config_channel_name => $mq_config_channel_name,
config_channel_port => $mq_config_channel_port,
data_volume => $mq_data_volume,
data_size => $mq_data_size,
log_volume => $mq_log_volume,
log_size => $mq_log_size,
root_volume => $mq_root_volume,
root_size => $mq_root_size,
Main module code which installs ibm mq.
class ibm_messagequeue (
$install_root = '/opt/IBM/mqm',
$install_temp = '/tmp/mqm',
$install_temp_suffix = 'MQServer',
$archive_source_dir = 'puppet:///modules/ibm_messagequeue',
$archive_tar = 'mqadv_dev80_linux_x86-64.tar.gz',
$user = 'mqm',
$group = 'mqm',
$password = 'mqm2015',
$version ='8.0.0-4',
$cp_install_temp = '/tmp/mqm_cp',
$cp_archive_tar = '8.0.0-WS-MQ-LinuxX64-FP0004.tar.gz',
$cp_version = 'U8004-8.0.0-4',
$config_queue_manager = 'QMGR_CLAIM',
$config_channel_name = 'CHNL_CLAIM',
$ibmmq_install_root = $install_root ? {
undef => '/opt/IBM/mqm',
default => $install_root,
$ibmmq_install_temp = $install_temp ? {
undef => '/tmp/mqm',
default => $install_temp,
$ibmmq_archive_source_dir = $archive_source_dir ? {
undef => '',
default => $archive_source_dir,
$ibmmq_archive_tar = $archive_tar ? {
undef => 'mqadv_dev80_linux_x86-64.tar.gz',
default => $archive_tar,
$ibmmq_user = $user ? {
undef => 'mqm',
default => $user,
$ibmmq_group = $group ? {
undef => 'mqm',
default => $group,
$ibmmq_password = $password ? {
undef => 'mqm2015',
default => $password,
$ibmmq_version = $version ? {
undef => '8.0.0-4',
default => $version,
$ibmmq_cp_install_temp = $cp_install_temp ? {
undef => '/tmp/mqm_cp',
default => $cp_install_temp,
$ibmmq_cp_archive_tar = $cp_archive_tar ? {
undef => '8.0.0-WS-MQ-LinuxX64-FP0004.tar.gz',
default => $cp_archive_tar,
$ibmmq_cp_version = $cp_version ? {
undef => 'U8004-8.0.0-4',
default => $cp_version,
$ibmmq_config_queue_manager = $config_queue_manager ? {
undef => 'QMGR_CLAIM',
default => $config_queue_manager,
$ibmmq_config_default_port = $config_default_port ? {
undef => '5672',
default => $config_default_port,
$ibmmq_config_channel_name = $config_channel_name ? {
undef => 'CHNL_CLAIM',
default => $config_channel_name,
$ibmmq_config_channel_port = $config_channel_port ? {
undef => '5673',
default => $config_channel_port,
$ibmmq_data_volume = $data_volume ? {
undef => '/dev/sdb2',
default => $data_volume,
$ibmmq_data_size = $data_size ? {
undef => '10G',
default => $data_size,
$ibmmq_log_volume = $log_volume ? {
undef => '/dev/sdc1',
default => $log_volume,
$ibmmq_log_size = $log_size ? {
undef => '40G',
default => $log_size,
$ibmmq_root_volume = $root_volume ? {
undef => '/dev/sdc1',
default => $root_volume,
$ibmmq_root_size = $root_size ? {
undef => '10G',
default => $root_size,
$ibmmq_install_temp_suffix = $install_temp_suffix ? {
undef => 'MQServer',
default => $install_temp_suffix,
$ibmmq_install_temp_final = "${ibmmq_install_temp}/${ibmmq_install_temp_suffix}"
# setup group and user for running the message queue
group { $ibmmq_group:
ensure => 'present',
user { $ibmmq_user:
ensure => 'present',
home => "/home/${ibmmq_user}",
name => $ibmmq_user,
password => $ibmmq_password,
shell => '/bin/bash',
managehome => true,
require => Group[$ibmmq_group],
# Ensure IBM root directory is inatalled
file { $ibmmq_install_root: ensure => 'directory', }
# Ensure temp directory is present to extract files
file { $ibmmq_install_temp: ensure => 'directory', }
# Ensure temp directory is present to extract files
file { $ibmmq_cp_install_temp: ensure => 'directory', }
#Create data and log directory
file { '/opt': ensure => 'directory', }
file { '/opt/IBM': ensure => 'directory', }
file { '/var/mqm': ensure => 'directory', }
file { '/var/mqm/log': ensure => 'directory', }
file { '/var/mqm/data': ensure => 'directory', }
# Format disks and mount points
class { '::lvm':
volume_groups => {
'vg_mq_root' => {
physical_volumes => $ibmmq_root_volume,
logical_volumes => {
'lv_mq_root' => {
#'size' => $ibmmq_root_size,
'mountpath' => $ibmmq_install_root,
'mountpath_require' => true,
'ensure' => present,
'vg_mq_data' => {
physical_volumes => $ibmmq_data_volume,
logical_volumes => {
'lv_mq_data' => {
#'size' => $ibmmq_data_size,
'mountpath' => '/var/mqm/data',
'mountpath_require' => true,
'ensure' => present,
'vg_mq_log' => {
physical_volumes => $ibmmq_log_volume,
logical_volumes => {
'lv_mq_log' => {
#'size' => $ibmmq_log_size,
'mountpath' => '/var/mqm/log',
'mountpath_require' => true,
'ensure' => present,
#Install Websphere base version
class {'ibm_messagequeue::install':
archive_filename => $ibmmq_archive_tar,
temp_dir => $ibmmq_install_temp,
version => $ibmmq_version,
original_source_dir => $ibmmq_archive_source_dir,
source_dir => $ibmmq_install_temp_final,
target_dir => $ibmmq_install_root,
#Install Websphere service pack update
class {'ibm_messagequeue::installcp':
cp_archive_filename => $ibmmq_cp_archive_tar,
cp_temp_dir => $ibmmq_cp_install_temp,
cp_version => $ibmmq_cp_version,
cp_original_source_dir => $ibmmq_archive_source_dir,
cp_source_dir => $ibmmq_cp_install_temp,
cp_target_dir => $ibmmq_install_root,
#Configure queues manager, Listeners and AMQP channels
class {'::ibm_messagequeue::config':
config_install_root => $ibmmq_install_root,
config_queue_manager => $ibmmq_config_queue_manager,
config_user => $ibmmq_user,
config_default_port => $ibmmq_config_default_port,
config_channel_name => $ibmmq_config_channel_name,
config_channel_port => $ibmmq_config_channel_port,
# setup all the environment variables
file { '/etc/profile.d/':
content => "export MQ_ID=${ibmmq_user}"
# Control execution order
Hiera data passed
streams_mq_group: "mqm"
streams_mq_user: "mqm"
streams_mq_password: "password"
streams_mq_config_default_port: "5672"
streams_mq_config_channel_port: "5673"
mq_install_root: "/opt/IBM/mqm"
mq_install_temp: "/tmp/mqm"
mq_archive_source_dir: ""
mq_archive_tar: "mqadv_dev80_linux_x86-64.tar.gz"
mq_version: "8.0.0-4"
mq_cp_install_temp: "/tmp/mqm_cp"
mq_cp_archive_tar: "8.0.0-WS-MQ-LinuxX64-FP0004.tar.gz"
mq_cp_version: "U8004-8.0.0-4"
mq_config_queue_manager: "QMGR_CLAIM"
mq_config_channel_name: "CHNL_CLAIM"
mq_var_volume: "/dev/sdc"
mq_var_size: "10G"
mq_log_volume: "/dev/sdb"
mq_log_size: "100G"
mq_root_volume: "/dev/sdd"
mq_root_size: "10G"
mq_server: "uapp1021d"
puppetrole: "streams::messagequeue"
profile::streams::messagequeue::mq_install_root: "%{hiera('mq_install_root')}"
profile::streams::messagequeue::mq_install_temp: "%{hiera('mq_install_temp')}"
profile::streams::messagequeue::mq_archive_source_dir: "%{hiera('mq_archive_source_dir')}"
profile::streams::messagequeue::mq_archive_tar: "%{hiera('mq_archive_tar')}"
profile::streams::messagequeue::mq_version: "%{hiera('mq_version')}"
profile::streams::messagequeue::mq_cp_install_temp: "%{hiera('mq_cp_install_temp')}"
profile::streams::messagequeue::mq_cp_archive_tar: "%{hiera('mq_cp_archive_tar')}"
profile::streams::messagequeue::mq_cp_version: "%{hiera('mq_cp_version')}"
profile::streams::messagequeue::mq_config_queue_manager: "%{hiera('mq_config_queue_manager')}"
profile::streams::messagequeue::mq_config_channel_name: "%{hiera('mq_config_channel_name')}"
profile::streams::messagequeue::mq_var_volume: "%{hiera('mq_var_volume')}"
profile::streams::messagequeue::mq_var_size: "%{hiera('mq_var_size')}"
profile::streams::messagequeue::mq_log_volume: "%{hiera('mq_log_volume')}"
profile::streams::messagequeue::mq_log_size: "%{hiera('mq_log_size')}"
profile::streams::messagequeue::mq_root_volume: "%{hiera('mq_root_volume')}"
profile::streams::messagequeue::mq_root_size: "%{hiera('mq_root_size')}"
profile::streams::messagequeue::mq_server: "%{hiera('mq_server')}"
profile::streams::messagequeue::mq_group: "%{hiera('streams_mq_group')}"
profile::streams::messagequeue::mq_user: "%{hiera('streams_mq_user')}"
profile::streams::messagequeue::mq_password: "%{hiera('streams_mq_password')}"
profile::streams::messagequeue::mq_config_default_port: "%{hiera('streams_mq_config_default_port')}"
profile::streams::messagequeue::mq_config_channel_port: "%{hiera('streams_mq_config_channel_port')}"
It gives the following error.
Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Duplicate declaration: Physical_volume[/dev/sdd] is already declared in file /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/environments/qa/modules/lvm/manifests/volume_group.pp:17; cannot redeclare at /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/environments/qa/modules/lvm/manifests/volume_group.pp:17 on node Warning: Not using cache on failed catalog Error: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run
Fail to understand why I am getting this error. Appreciate any help.
Thank you
Upvotes: 1
Views: 418
Reputation: 8223
Your mq_data_volume
defaults to sdd
, and while you override the default for mq_root_volume
with sdd
, you don't change the value of mq_data_volume
So yes, you do have a duplication after all.
Upvotes: 0