Reputation: 2117
I have a simple toolbar with a info icon item on the right. When click on the item I would like to expand the toolbar with an animation. With a new view and a FAB button. Like the Textra SMS is doing.
When clicking outside the expanded toolbar, I want to colapse the toolbar.
I looking how can I handle this with CollapsingToolbarLayout? Is it possible? All the example I find on the web are collapsing/Expanding with the scroll of the the view (Recyclerview, Scrollview etc...). But I don't want my toolbar to move when scrolling my view.
It is a good way to use CollapsingToolbarLayout? or do I need to do it all by myself?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 3851
Reputation: 31468
seems perfectly fine for that purpose (and I actually believe it would make your layout look much better than one in the Textra SMS
You will need few things:
A way to disable CollapsingToolbarLayout
. The best way in my opinion (at least the best I found so far) is to use a custom CoordinatorLayout
instead of the regular CoordinatorLayout
public class DisableableCoordinatorLayout extends CoordinatorLayout {
private boolean mPassScrolling = true;
public DisableableCoordinatorLayout(Context context) {
public DisableableCoordinatorLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
public DisableableCoordinatorLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {
super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr);
public boolean onStartNestedScroll(View child, View target, int nestedScrollAxes) {
return mPassScrolling && super.onStartNestedScroll(child, target, nestedScrollAxes);
public void setPassScrolling(boolean passScrolling) {
mPassScrolling = passScrolling;
You need to actually disable your CollapsingToolbarLayout
(you don't want your CollapsingToolbarLayout
to react to scrolls anymore):
You need to use your AppBarLayout
to expand the CollapsingToolbarLayout
onOptionsMenu item click
mAppBarLayout.setExpanded(true, true);
You also need to use the AppBarLayout
to collapse the CollapsingToolbarLayout
on click outside (implement click outside in any way you feel like)
mAppBarLayout.setExpanded(false, true);
Upvotes: 3