Reputation: 665
I am trying to retrieve the duration, picture and views of a playlist video using the Youtube API. I noticed that none of those are included in the snippet that I retrieved. Here is the code I have so far:
gapi.client.load('youtube', 'v3', function() {
var request ={
part: 'snippet, contentDetails',
playlistId: 'PL3C9792F77CB0EE51',
maxResults: 50
request.execute(function(response) {
for (var i = 0; i < response.items.length; i++) {
console.log(response.items[i].snippet.title + " published at "
+ response.items[i].snippet.publishedAt);
returns the following per video:
Object {
publishedAt: ...,
channelId: ...,
title: ...,
description: ...,
thumbnails { ... }
and console.log(response.items[i].contentDetails)
Object {
videoId: ...,
I was thinking of possibly using the videoId to then make another request and retrieve duration, pictures and views for each given video, but I'm unsure of how to proceed
Upvotes: 3
Views: 1917
Reputation: 2604
Step by step.
Youtube PlayListItem has this structure.
"kind": "youtube#playlistItem",
"etag": etag,
"id": string,
"snippet": {
"publishedAt": datetime,
"channelId": string,
"title": string,
"description": string,
"thumbnails": {
(key): {
"url": string,
"width": unsigned integer,
"height": unsigned integer
"channelTitle": string,
"playlistId": string,
"position": unsigned integer,
"resourceId": {
"kind": string,
"videoId": string,
"contentDetails": {
"videoId": string,
"startAt": string,
"endAt": string,
"note": string
"status": {
"privacyStatus": string
If you want to retrieve video Image, on thumbnails
attribute you have the url to the image. However you can also do it like this.<insert-youtube-video-id-here>/default.jpg
For the high quality version of the thumbnail use a url similar to this:<insert-youtube-video-id-here>/hqdefault.jpg
There is also a medium quality version of the thumbnail, using a url similar to the HQ:<insert-youtube-video-id-here>/mqdefault.jpg
For the standard definition version of the thumbnail, use a url similar to this:<insert-youtube-video-id-here>/sddefault.jpg
For the maximum resolution version of the thumbnail use a url similar to this:<insert-youtube-video-id-here>/maxresdefault.jpg
EDIT (Get video Info)
To get the information left you have to get videoObjet by Id you have retrieved on PlayListItem making this call. Demo
async: false,
type: 'GET',
url: "{{videoId}}&key={{yourKey}}&part=snippet,contentDetails",
success: function(data) {
...Do what you want with data...
The returned JSON looks like this:
kind: "youtube#videoListResponse",
etag: ""oqbvhYxBE6fAbRk6m7aLlHf5s1I/jg_aG2jmpbZL5qs3yae4JnZbDs0"",
pageInfo: {
totalResults: 1,
resultsPerPage: 1
items: [{
kind: "youtube#video",
etag: ""oqbvhYxBE6fAbRk6m7aLlHf5s1I/YQ-QRwoxkXL4UBFIFCyCwIdmtzg"",
id: "ojCkgU5XGdg",
contentDetails: {
duration: "PT23M14S",
dimension: "2d",
definition: "hd",
caption: "true",
licensedContent: false
statistics: {
viewCount: "25587",
likeCount: "168",
dislikeCount: "17",
favoriteCount: "0",
commentCount: "45"
If you want to retrieve more information about the video. You have to add on query part
param any of the next options: snippet
, contentDetails
, fileDetails
, player
, processingDetails
, recordingDetails
, statistics
, status
, suggestions
y topicDetails
I Hope It Helps
Upvotes: 6