Reputation: 872
Hi i am looking for a query to get sales for each products category for each month
i have 2 categories
Catid CatName
1 Dispenser
2 Refill
i used this below query to get total sales for all products categories
SELECT YEAR(OrderDate) as [Sales Year],
MONTH(OrderDate) as [Sales Month],
SUM(TotalAmount) AS [Total Sales]
FROM Orders
GROUP BY YEAR(OrderDate), MONTH(OrderDate)
ORDER BY YEAR(OrderDate), MONTH(OrderDate)
out put for above query
Sales Year Sales Month Total Sales
2015 6 1000.00
2015 7 2000.00
how can i get total sales for each product category
out put should be like this
Sales Year Sales Month Dispenser-sales Refill-sales
2015 6 500.00 500.00
2015 7 500.00 1500.00
my schema
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Views: 15455
Reputation: 13949
You might want to do this using dynamic sql and PIVOT so you won't have to know the catid catname
Plus you probably want to sum the Orderdetails Quantity * UnitPrice
in order to get the individual category amounts, instead of the Order total amount.
SELECT @Columns = COALESCE(@Columns + ',', '') + QUOTENAME(CatName)
FROM Category
SET @Sql = '
SELECT YEAR(o.OrderDate) [Sales Year],
MONTH(o.OrderDate) [Sales Month],
od.Quantity * od.UnitPrice AS [CatAmount]
FROM Orders o
JOIN OrderDetails od ON o.Order_ID = od.Orderid
JOIN Store s ON od.Proid = s.Pro_ID
JOIN Category c ON s.CatID = c.Catid
) T
FOR CatName IN (' + @Columns + ')
) p
ORDER BY [Sales Year], [Sales Month]'
If you just want specific categories, you can just hard code the names into your pivot statement without using dynamic sql.
SELECT YEAR(o.OrderDate) [Sales Year],
MONTH(o.OrderDate) [Sales Month],
od.Quantity * od.UnitPrice AS [CatAmount]
FROM Orders o
JOIN OrderDetails od ON o.Order_ID = od.Orderid
JOIN Store s ON od.Proid = s.Pro_ID
JOIN Category c ON s.CatID = c.Catid
) T
FOR CatName IN ([Dispenser-sales],[Refill-sales])
) p
ORDER BY [Sales Year], [Sales Month]
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 49270
You have to join
the other tables involved (based on the schema shown) and use conditional aggregation, to get a split by category id.
YEAR(o.OrderDate) as [Sales Year],
MONTH(o.OrderDate) as [Sales Month],
SUM(case when c.catid = 1 then o.TotalAmount else 0 end) AS [Dispenser Sales],
SUM(case when c.catid = 2 then o.TotalAmount else 0 end) AS [Refill Sales]
FROM Orders o
join orderdetails od on o.order_id = od.orderid
join store s on s.pro_id = od.pro_id
join category c on c.catid = s.catid
GROUP BY YEAR(o.OrderDate), MONTH(o.OrderDate)
ORDER BY YEAR(o.OrderDate), MONTH(o.OrderDate)
Upvotes: 1