Matan Tubul
Matan Tubul

Reputation: 794

Attribute error while reading wav file

I am new in python and i try to build a program that know to decode and encode dual-tone multiple-frequency (DTMF) signals used to dial a telephone. for now the encoding part is working good but for some reason the encoding is not working and i get the follwoing exception

 Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:\Users\matant\workspace\dialer2\", line 239, in <module>
        x = d.decoder()
      File "C:\Users\matant\workspace\dialer2\", line 218, in decoder
        data = self.read_wav()
      File "C:\Users\matant\workspace\dialer2\", line 201, in read_wav
        n = fin.getnframes()
    AttributeError: 'file' object has no attribute 'getnframes'

as you can see i writing frames into the file so i dont understand why its happend: this is my code:

Created on Jan 10, 2016

@author: matant
import json
from math import pi, sin
import wave
import logging
import struct
import os

ROW_FREQ = (697, 770, 852, 941)
COL_FREQ = (1209, 1336, 1477, 1633)
COMPRESSION_NAME = "Uncompressed"
PI2 = 6.283185306
scale = 32767 #16-bit unsigned short

keys=   '1','2','3','A',\

FREQUENCY_MAP['1'] = (697, 1209)
FREQUENCY_MAP['2'] = (697, 1336)
FREQUENCY_MAP['3'] = (697, 1477)
FREQUENCY_MAP['A'] = (697, 1633)
FREQUENCY_MAP['4'] = (770, 1209)
FREQUENCY_MAP['5'] = (770, 1336)
FREQUENCY_MAP['6'] = (770, 1477)
FREQUENCY_MAP['B'] = (770, 1633)
FREQUENCY_MAP['7'] = (852, 1209)
FREQUENCY_MAP['8'] = (852, 1336)
FREQUENCY_MAP['9'] = (852, 1477)
FREQUENCY_MAP['C'] = (852, 1633)
FREQUENCY_MAP['*'] = (941, 1209)
FREQUENCY_MAP['0'] = (941, 1336)
FREQUENCY_MAP['#'] = (941, 1477)
FREQUENCY_MAP['D'] = (941, 1633)
FREQUENCY_MAP['S'] = (0, 0)

                    format='%(asctime)s <%(levelname)s> %(module)s.%(funcName)s() %(message)s',
                    datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class DTMF:
    VALID_SEQUENCE_TYPES = [list, tuple, set]

    def __init__(self, input_string=None, input_list=None):
        Initializes a DTMF instance with an option DTMF sequence. This can be a list of lists or a json string.
        If both are supplied, it tries to parse the json_string. If it does, it uses that. If there are errors, it
        validates the list and tries to use that. Basically input_string takes precedence.
        General workflow would be setting dtmf_sequence and calling generate_raw_data. This data can then be saved to a
        .wav file or compressed and saved as other, smaller, file formats.
        :param input_list: list of lists or tuples of the form [['A', 100], ['S', 50], ['2', 100], ['S', 50]]
        :param input_string: json_string of the form '[["A", 100], ["S", 50], ["2", 100], ["S", 50]]'
        log.debug("Creating instance of DTMF")
        log.debug("input_string = {}".format(input_string))
        log.debug("input_list = {}".format(input_list))

        self._dtmf_sequence = None
        self._raw_data = None

        if input_string is not None:
            converted_json_sequence = self.parse_json_string(input_string)
            self._dtmf_sequence = converted_json_sequence
        elif input_list is not None:
            self._dtmf_sequence = input_list

    def dtmf_sequence(self):
        return self._dtmf_sequence

    def dtmf_sequence(self, input_sequence):
        if type(input_sequence) == str:
            input_sequence = self.parse_json_string(input_sequence)
        if type(input_sequence) == list:
            if self._dtmf_sequence_is_valid(input_sequence):
                self._dtmf_sequence = input_sequence
        log.debug("Set _dtmf_sequence to {}".format(self._dtmf_sequence))

    def parse_json_string(self, input_string):
        return json.loads(input_string)

    def generate_raw_data(self):
        Generates raw data that can be saved into a .wav file. This can take some time to generate.
        :raise AttributeError: If no dtmf sequence has been set
        _data = list()
        if self._dtmf_sequence is None:
            raise AttributeError("No dtmf sequence set")

        for tone_tuple in self._dtmf_sequence:
            key = tone_tuple[0]
            tone_duration = tone_tuple[1]
            f1 = FREQUENCY_MAP[key][0]
            f2 = FREQUENCY_MAP[key][1]
            _data += (self.generate_tone(f1, f2, tone_duration))
        self._raw_data = _data

    def save_wave_file(self, file_path):
        if self._raw_data is None or len(self._raw_data) < 1:

        f =, 'w')
        f.setcomptype(COMPRESSION_TYPE, COMPRESSION_NAME)"Saving wav file {} THIS MAY TAKE A WHILE".format(file_path))
        for i in self._raw_data:
            f.writeframes(struct.pack('i', i))"Saved file to {0}".format(file_path))

    def dtmf_sequence_is_valid(input_list):
        Validates an input sequence for proper structure and contents.
        :param input_list:
        if type(input_list) is not list:
            log.warning('input_list must be a list instance')
            return False

        if [(type(item) in DTMF.VALID_SEQUENCE_TYPES) for item in input_list].count(False) != 0:
            log.warning('input_list contains invalid sequence type')
            return False

        for item in input_list:
            if type(item[0]) != str or type(item[1]) != int:
                log.debug("Type list[0]: {}".format(type(item[0])))
                log.debug("Type list[1]: {}".format(type(item[1])))
                log.warning('input_list must contain a list of sequences of [str, int]')
                return False
        return True

    def generate_tone(f1, f2, _duration_in_ms):
        Generates a single value representing a sample of two combined frequencies.
        :param f1:
        :param f2:
        :param _duration_in_ms:
        assert f1 in ROW_FREQ or f1 == 0
        assert f2 in COL_FREQ or f2 == 0
        number_of_samples = int(SAMPLE_RATE * _duration_in_ms / 1000)
        scale = 32767  # signed int / 2

        result = list()
        for i in range(number_of_samples):
            p = i * 1.0 / SAMPLE_RATE
            result.append(int((sin(p * f1 * pi * 2) + sin(p * f2 * pi * 2)) / 2 * scale))
            "Generated {0}ms tone of {1} samples with F1: {2} F2: {3}".format(_duration_in_ms, number_of_samples, f1,
        return result

    def create_dtmf_wave_file(self, input_sequence, file_path, dump_to_csv=False):
        A convenience method. Validates and assigns a dtmf_sequence, then generates data and saves to a .wav
        :param input_sequence: list of lists or tuples of the form [['A', 100], ['S', 50], ['2', 100], ['S', 50]] or json_string of the form '[["A", 100], ["S", 50], ["2", 100], ["S", 50]]'
        :param file_path: the full path of the wav file that will be saved
        self._dtmf_sequence = input_sequence

            pass  # file doesn't exist

        if dump_to_csv:
            with open('dtmf_dump.csv', 'w') as f:
                for d in self._raw_data:


    def read_wav(self):
        fin = open('testNum.wav','r')
        n = fin.getnframes()
        d = fin.readframes(n)

        data = []
        for i in range(n):
            #LS8bit = inv_endian(ord(d[2*i]))
            #MS8bit = inv_endian(ord(d[2*i+1]))
            LS8bit, MS8bit = ord(d[2*i]),ord(d[2*i+1])
        return data 

# Decoder takes a DTMF signal file (.wav), sampled at 44,000
# 16-bit samples per second, and decode the corresponding symbol X.

    def decoder(self):
        data = self.read_wav()
        temp = []    
        for f1 in ROW_FREQ:
            for f2 in COL_FREQ:
                diff = 0
                for i in range(SAMPLE_RATE): #assume phase has not shifted dramatically    
                    p = i*1.0/SAMPLE_RATE
                    diff += abs(S-data[i])
        f1,f2 = min(temp)[1:] #retrieve the frequency of minimum signal distortion 
        i, j = ROW_FREQ.index(f1), COL_FREQ.index(f2)    
        X = keys[4*i+j]
        print 'Decoded key is: ', X
        return X

if __name__ == '__main__':
    d = 100
    sample_input = [('0', d), ('5', d), ('0', d), ('8', d), ('6', d), ('9', d), ('0',d), ('1',d) , ('8',d),('6',d)]
    d = DTMF()
    d.create_dtmf_wave_file(sample_input, file_path='testNum.wav', dump_to_csv=True)
    x = d.decoder()

Upvotes: 1

Views: 3595

Answers (2)

Andriy Ivaneyko
Andriy Ivaneyko

Reputation: 22061

You have to operate with wave read object which could be returned from, that method would return file with Attribute your code are trying to access.

Also you add new from wave import open statement, so in that way you would overwrite default open method, but it's better to access wave open method thought dot natation as

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 76254

    fin = open('testNum.wav','r')

Looks like you're using the built-in open function instead of the one from the wave module. Try:

    fin ='testNum.wav','r')

Upvotes: 2

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