Reputation: 1450
I am having an angular JS application. In this I have a dropdown in which I can create a new option by typing and pressing enter key. However when I press enter key I get some JS exceptions
Here is the exception
TypeError: Cannot read property 'disabled' of undefined
at angular.js:26183
at forEach (angular.js:336)
at readNgOptionsMultiple [as readValue] (angular.js:26181)
at angular.js:28062
at Scope.$get.Scope.$eval (angular.js:15830)
at Scope.$get.Scope.$apply (angular.js:15929)
at HTMLSelectElement.<anonymous> (angular.js:28061)
at HTMLSelectElement.jQuery.event.dispatch (jquery-2.1.4.js:4435)
at HTMLSelectElement.elemData.handle (jquery-2.1.4.js:4121)
at Object.jQuery.event.trigger (jquery-2.1.4.js:4350)
The file is Angular.js file and below is the location where it causes.
forEach(selectedValues, function(value) {
var option = options.selectValueMap[value];
if (!option.disabled) selections.push(options.getViewValueFromOption(option));
My HTML/Angular Code is as below
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12">
<div class="form-group form-md-line-input form-md-floating-label">
<select class="js-select2-tags form-control input-lg form-control-static" id="new-note-tags" name="note-tags" style="width: 100%" multiple="multiple" data-placeholder="Type one or more tags..."
ng-model="addNote.AssociatedTags" ng-options="option.Name for option in NoteTags track by option.Name"
data-msg="Note tags cannot be empty"></select>
<label for="new-note-tags">Note Tags<span class="required"> * </span></label>
Could any one guide me here?
Update: I hve checked this and my observation is the newly added option is actually not getting added into the options. var option = options.selectValueMap[value];
I have added this code to make sure options are added. Looks like it is not working. Please note I have a multi select control.
$('.js-select2-tags', $container).select2({
tags: true,
multiple: true,
placeholder: jQuery(this).data('placeholder'),
allowClear: false
enter code here
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Views: 10739
Reputation: 5353
I would say probably because your new option doesn't have value so the options.selectValueMap doesn't work as expected.
It returns undefined
Just test with
if(option && !option.disabled)
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