Reputation: 701
I would like to create a function in my Tree class to traverse an n-ary Tree[T] to get back a tuple with (level, T) so that users of that Tree can do things like
tree.traverse.foreach{ case(l, t) => printf("%-30s %s", " "*l +, info(t))
to get a report like this
n1.0.1 >> n1.0.1
n1.0.2 >> n1.0.2
n1.0.3 >> n1.0.3
n3.0.1 >> n1.0.1
n3.0.1.1 >> n1.0.1
The tree node is
class TreeNode[T](val id: String,
private var _data: Option[T],
private var _parent: String,
private var _treeNodeType: TreeNodeType) {
private var _children: Set[String] = Set()
I can traverse the tree recursively using the traverse or traversef
class Tree[T] {
private val ROOT = "rootnode"
val rootNode = new TreeNode(ROOT, None.asInstanceOf[Option[T]], "", ROOTNODETYPE)
var hmTree: HashMap[String, TreeNode[T]] = HashMap(ROOT -> rootNode)
def traverse: Unit = {
def iter(s: String, l: Int): Unit = {
val n = hmTree(s)
printf("%-30s\n", " "*l +
n.children.foreach(c => iter(c, l+1))
iter(ROOT, 0)
def traversef(f: Option[T] => String): Unit = {
def iter(s: String, l: Int): Unit = {
val n = hmTree(s)
printf("%-30s %s\n", " "*l +, f(
n.children.foreach(c => iter(c, l+1))
iter(ROOT, 0)
I looked at (Question: How to implement lazy traversal of n-ary tree using Streams?) but couldn't get the code to work. The thing that tripped me was how to Stream.cons the children.
I am ok with either a stream or an iterator. Key is to define the traverse method in the Tree class and use it outside.
Thanks in advance.
Many thanks to @Archeg -- here is the working traverse
def traverse(t: TreeNode[T], depth: Int = 0): Stream[(TreeNode[T], Int)] = {
(t, depth) #:: t.children.foldLeft(Stream.empty[(TreeNode[T], Int)]) {
case (aggr, el) => aggr #::: traverse(hmTree(el), depth+ 1)
foreach{ case(t, l) => printf("%-30s %s\n", " "*l +, }
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I've made it simple so it would be easy to figure it out:
case class Tree[T](data: T, children: List[Tree[T]])
def traverse[T](t: Tree[T]): Stream[T] = #:: t.children.foldLeft(Stream.empty[T])((aggr, el) => aggr #::: traverse(el))
A slightly modified version which provides you with indentation:
def traverseInd[T](t: Tree[T], depth: Int = 0): Stream[(T, Int)] =
(, depth) #:: t.children.foldLeft(Stream.empty[(T, Int)]) {
case (aggr, el) => aggr #::: traverseInd(el, depth+ 1)
Upvotes: 2