Reputation: 605
I have Windows Store app that is in the Store for 2 years. After Windows 10 release I get a lot of crashes. I can reproduce crash, but only on Windows 10, not 8, or 8.1, also, I`m able to see that this crash happens only on Windows 10, through developer console. There are a lot of such crashes on windows 10 ~ 1000, for month.
The crash sequence: I open the page, app hangs for a second and then it closes without any suggestion for report.
When I debug app with visual studio, app fails with exception:
Access violation reading location 0x00000090 in Windows.Ui.Xaml.dll
Stack trace from console:
windows_ui_xaml DirectUI::CCueRenderer::Initialize 0x154
windows_ui_xaml DirectUI::CTimedTextSource::Initialize 0xE0
windows_ui_xaml DirectUI::CTimedTextSource::Create 0x60
windows_ui_xaml DirectUI::MediaElement::EnableTimedText 0x60
windows_ui_xaml DirectUI::MediaElement::HandleMediaOpened 0x21
windows_ui_xaml DirectUI::MediaElement::OnMediaOpened 0x4D
windows_ui_xaml CFxCallbacks::MediaElement_OnMediaOpened 0x20
windows_ui_xaml CMediaElement::OpenMedia 0x156
windows_ui_xaml CMediaElement::HandleSourceReadyEvent 0x12
windows_ui_xaml CMediaElement::HandleMediaEvent 0x90
windows_ui_xaml CMediaQueue::ProcessQueue 0x67
windows_ui_xaml CMediaQueueManager::ProcessQueues 0x90
windows_ui_xaml CCoreServices::Tick 0x246
windows_ui_xaml CCoreServices::NWDrawTree 0x2F1
windows_ui_xaml CCoreServices::NWDrawMainTree 0xB7
windows_ui_xaml CWindowRenderTarget::Draw 0x73
windows_ui_xaml CXcpBrowserHost::OnTick 0x1CB
windows_ui_xaml CXcpDispatcher::Tick 0x88
windows_ui_xaml CXcpDispatcher::OnReentrancyProtectedWindowMessage 0x6F
windows_ui_xaml CXcpDispatcher::WindowProc 0xE0
user32 _InternalCallWinProc 0x2B
user32 UserCallWinProcCheckWow 0x1F0
user32 DispatchMessageWorker 0x231
user32 DispatchMessageW 0x10
windows_ui Windows::UI::Core::CDispatcher::ProcessMessage 0x356
windows_ui Windows::UI::Core::CDispatcher::WaitAndProcessMessages 0x129
windows_ui Windows::UI::Core::CDispatcher::ProcessEvents 0x75
windows_ui_xaml CJupiterWindow::RunCoreWindowMessageLoop 0x55
windows_ui_xaml CJupiterControl::RunMessageLoop 0x25
windows_ui_xaml DirectUI::DXamlCore::RunMessageLoop 0x1E
windows_ui_xaml DirectUI::FrameworkView::Run 0x1A
twinapi_appcore Windows::ApplicationModel::Core::CoreApplicationView::Run 0x3D
twinapi_appcore _lambda_8b2420e462ae079d580fd8e4ff08c89d_::_helper_func_stdcall_ 0xAC
shcore _WrapperThreadProc 0xCA
kernel32 BaseThreadInitThunk 0x24
ntdll __RtlUserThreadStart 0x2F
ntdll _RtlUserThreadStart
That is errors description if I download reports:
Does anyone has faced the same issue with windows 10 too? As I understand, there is no managed (my) function calls in stack trace, does it mean that it is Windows 10 bug?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1013
Reputation: 13
I just solved a very similar problem where an universal app would crash with read access violation. The stack trace looked very similar to yours, most of the time it crashed somewhere down the road from CXcpDispatcher::Tick. Although not always, stack trace and also the exception itself would vary sometimes.
The cause was a native c++ class that was dll-imported (p/invoke) by a thin C# wrapper. When the app was holding an instance of that class it would crash every now and then.
That c++ class had one private member of type std::string. After removing that member the universal app stopped crashing. The c++ compiler actually issued a warning C4251 for that member.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 605
As @Pooley mentioned, this code causes error on windows 10 computers:
var file = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("msappx:///Resources/Sounds/" + name + ".mp3"));
var stream = await file.OpenAsync(FileAccessMode.Read);
var mediaElement = new MediaElement();
mediaElement.SetSource(stream, file.FileType); mediaElement.Play();
Upvotes: 1