Reputation: 11
I am using a cell template for each row in my data grid. If I qualify the json object with an index then the value appears correctly but of course it is the same for each row. If I remove the index, then all rows are displayed with the same value but the value is an array.
---the js file (function() { angular.module('xxxSurvey').controller('EditxxxSurveyController', EditxxxSurveyController); EditxxxSurveyController.$inject = ['$scope', 'UserFacilityListService', 'xxxSurveyService']; function EditxxxSurveyController($scope, UserFacilityListService, xxxSurveyService) { $scope.dataLoaded = false; $scope.currentPage = 1; $scope.pageSize = 10;
// test ui-grid setup
$scope.dataLoaded = true;
$scope.editWorksheetOptions = {
enableSorting: true,
columnDefs: [
name: 'all', field: 'MasterPatientId', width: 40,
enableSorting: false, enableColumnMenu: false, pinnedLeft: true,
//cellTemplate: '<input type="checkbox" id="i{{COL_FIELD}}">'
cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents">{{grid.appScope.worksheetInfo.MasterProviderId}}</div>'
{name: 'residentName', field: 'residentName', minWidth: 90, pinnedLeft: true,
cellTemplate: '<div class="ui-grid-cell-contents">{{[0].ResidentNameLast}}</div>'
{name: 'residentRoom', field: 'residentRoom', width: 90, pinnedLeft: true},
{name: 'status', field: 'status', width: 90},
data: []
$scope.$on('FacilitySelected', function() {
if (UserFacilityListService.getSelectedFacility()) {
$scope.selectedFacility = UserFacilityListService.getSelectedFacility();
var promise = xxxSurveyService.getCurrentWorksheet($scope.selectedFacility.MasterProviderId);
function(payload) {
if (payload !== null) {
$scope.worksheetInfo = payload.worksheetInfo;
$ = payload.residentData;
--the json data
[{"AssessmentId":1,"WorksheetId":4,"MasterPatientId":1,"ResidentNameFirst":"xx","ResidentNameMiddle":"^","ResidentNameLast":"zzz","ResidentNameSuffix":"^"}, {"AssessmentId":2,"WorksheetId":2,"MasterPatientId":2,"ResidentNameFirst":null,"ResidentNameMiddle":null,"ResidentNameLast":null,"ResidentNameSuffix":null}]
--the html div id="editWorksheetGrid" ui-grid="editWorksheetOptions" class="grid" ui-grid-pinning>
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Views: 831
Reputation: 1
i had same issue. For me it was rowIdentity problem. Define following in your controller.
$scope.gridOptions.rowIdentity = function (row) {
return row.ID; //make sure ID is unique.
This fixed my problem. Thanks
Upvotes: 0