Reputation: 3541
I'm trying write a batch script that finds all directories, and sub-directories, and renames them to a single letter of the alphabet
Here's what I have so far
@echo off
SET "alfa=0abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
SET count=1
FOR /D /r %%G in ("*") DO (call :subroutine "%%G")
GOTO :eof
echo %count%:%1
::Get the letter from %alfa% at the index %count%
::Rename the directory %1 to the single char letter retrieved in line above
SET /a count+=1
IF %count%==26 (
SET /a count=1
GOTO :eof
It doesn't matter what the folder is renamed to, as long as it is a) only one letter and b) a directory with the same name doesn't already exists in that directory
NOTE: There should not be more than 26 directories in a directory
Thanks for any help
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Views: 240
Reputation: 80033
SET "targetdir=U:\sourcedir"
SET "alphas=a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z"
:: prefix each dirname in the subtree with "#" to avoid name-clashes.
FOR /f "delims=" %%t IN ('dir /s /b /ad "%targetdir%" ^|sort /r') DO REN "%%t" "#%%~nxt"
:: Repeat scan and rename
FOR /f "delims=" %%t IN ('dir /s /b /ad "%targetdir%" ^|sort /r') DO (
SET "renamed="
FOR %%r IN (%alphas%) DO IF NOT defined renamed IF NOT EXIST "%%~dpt%%r" REN "%%t" "%%r"&SET "renamed=%%r"
You would need to change the setting of targetdir
to suit your circumstances.
First, rename every directory in the subtree b prefixing its name with some string which does not match the start of any subdirectoryname or filename. This could be made intelligent, but I simply used #
By sort
ing the names in reverse-order, any subdirectory name appears before its parent, hence we will not have the situation where an attempt will be made to rename a subdirectory whose parent has changed name.
Then, using the same principle, try to change the name of the subdirectories to the single-letter as required, by checking whether there is already a subdirectory at that level with the character in question.
I'd suggest exercising this agains a dummy subtree to guage its suitability.
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Reputation: 67216
The solution below assume that directory names with just one char, that char is a letter. If this is not true, additional code must be inserted.
@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
call :treeProcess
goto :EOF
set "alfa=0abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
rem Create "name" array with directory names
set "count=0"
for /D %%d in (*) do (
set "dir=%%d"
rem If dir name have more than one letter
if "!dir:~1!" neq "" (
rem ... insert it in "name" array
set /A count+=1
set "name[!count!]=%%d"
) else (
rem ... remove such letter from the alfa string
set "alfa=!alfa:%%d=!"
rem Rename the directories from "name" array to just one letter from alfa string
for /L %%i in (1,1,%count%) do (
ren "!name[%%i]!" "!alfa:~%%i,1!"
set "name[%%i]="
rem Recursively call this subroutine to process nested directories
for /D %%d in (*) do (
cd %%d
call :treeProcess
cd ..
exit /b
Upvotes: 1