
Reputation: 6538

How to port a specific C module to Python 3?

There is a thinning pip package that is currently getting compiled only with Python2.

When I install it with sudo pip install thinning and then attempt to import thinning, I get an error:

ImportError: /usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/thinning.cpython-35m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so: undefined symbol: Py_InitModule3

I assume this is because of Py_InitModule3 is not used by Python3 anymore. Here is complete c source file:


#include "Python.h"
#include "arrayobject.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <limits.h>

static PyObject *guo_hall_thinning(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);
int _guo_hall_thinning(unsigned char* binary_image, int width, int height);
void initthinning(void);

/* ==== Set up the methods table ====================== */
static PyMethodDef thinningMethods[] = {
    {"guo_hall_thinning",guo_hall_thinning, METH_VARARGS,
    "Takes a 2D numpy UBYTE array in C-order and thins it in place using the algorithm by Guo and Hall."
    "Images that come out of cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) have the right format."
    "We assume that the dimensions of the image fit into an int on your platform. If your computer for some"
    "reason has a 2 byte int and lots of memory so that the image can become too large, bad things can happen."
    "\tsegmented_image is a NumPy matrix,"
    "\treturns the same NumPy matrix (thinned)"},
    {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL}     /* Sentinel - marks the end of this structure */

/* ==== Initialize the C_test functions ====================== */
void initthinning()  {
    PyObject* module = Py_InitModule3("thinning",thinningMethods, "Thinning of segmented images. See https://bitbucket.org/adrian_n/thinning.");
    PyModule_AddStringConstant(module, "__author__", "Adrian Neumann <[email protected]>");
    PyModule_AddStringConstant(module, "__version__", "1.2.3");
    import_array();  // Must be present for NumPy.  Called first after above line.

/* ==== Guo Hall Thinning =========
    Takes a 2D numpy UBYTE array in C-order and thins it in place using the algorithm by Guo and Hall.
    Images that come out of cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) have the right format.

    We assume that the dimensions of the image fit into an int on your platform. If your computer for some
    reason has a 2 byte int and lots of memory so that the image can become too large, bad things can happen.

    interface:  guo_hall_thinning(segmented_image)
                segmented_image is a NumPy matrix,
                returns the same NumPy matrix (thinned)
static PyObject *guo_hall_thinning(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
    PyArrayObject *segmented_image;

    /* Parse tuples separately since args will differ between C fcns */
    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!", &PyArray_Type, &segmented_image)) {
        return NULL;
    if (NULL == segmented_image) {
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Parameter is not a valid image");
        return NULL;
    if (PyArray_TYPE(segmented_image) != NPY_UBYTE || !PyArray_CHKFLAGS(segmented_image, NPY_ARRAY_CARRAY)) {
        PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Parameter is not a grayscale image");
        return NULL;

    npy_intp* shape = PyArray_DIMS(segmented_image);

    int height = (int)shape[0];
    int width = (int)shape[1];

    unsigned char *in_data = PyArray_DATA(segmented_image);

    if (height>=3 && width>=3) {
        int ok = _guo_hall_thinning(in_data, width, height);
        if (ok<0) {
            return PyErr_NoMemory();
    return (PyObject*)segmented_image;

int nonzero_clever(const unsigned char* arr, unsigned int start, unsigned int len) {
    /* find the first nonzero element from arr[start] to arr[start+len-1] (inclusive)
       look at a long long at a time to be faster on 64 bit cpus */
    const unsigned int step=sizeof(unsigned long long)/sizeof(unsigned char);
    unsigned int i=start;
    //unsigned types should throw exceptions on under/overflow...
    while(len>step && i<len-step) {
            if (*((unsigned long long*)(arr +i))==0) {
            } else {
                int j=0;
                while(arr[i+j]==0) j++;
                return i+j;
    while(i<len) {
        if (arr[i]!=0) { return i;}
    return len;

int guo_hall_iteration(const unsigned char* binary_image, unsigned char* mask, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const int iteration) {
        /* one iteration of the algorithm by guo and hall. see their paper for an explanation.
           We only consider nonzero elemets of the image. We never reinitialize the mask, once a pixel is
           black, it will never become white again anyway. */
        unsigned int changed = 0;
        for (unsigned int j = 1; j < height-1; j++) {
            const unsigned char* line = binary_image+j*width;
            unsigned int start=0;
            const int len = width-1;

            while(start+1<len) {
                start = nonzero_clever(line, start+1, len);
                if (start==len) break;

                const unsigned int i = start;
                assert(binary_image[i + j*width]!=0);

                const bool p2 = binary_image[i-1 + width*j];
                const bool p6 = binary_image[i+1 + width*j];

                const bool p9 = binary_image[i-1 + width*(j-1)];
                const bool p8 = binary_image[i   + width*(j-1)];
                const bool p7 = binary_image[i+1 + width*(j-1)];

                const bool p3 = binary_image[i-1 + width*(j+1)];
                const bool p4 = binary_image[i   + width*(j+1)];
                const bool p5 = binary_image[i+1 + width*(j+1)];
                const unsigned int C = ((!p2 && (p3 || p4)) +
                    (!p4 && (p5 || p6)) +
                    (!p6 && (p7 || p8)) +
                    (!p8 && (p9 || p2)));
                // printf("%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9);
                if (C==1) {
                    const unsigned int N1 = (p9 || p2) + (p3 || p4) + (p5 || p6) + (p7 || p8);
                    const unsigned int N2 = (p2 || p3) + (p4 || p5) + (p6 || p7) + (p8 || p9);
                    const unsigned int N = N1 < N2 ? N1 : N2;
                    unsigned int m;

                    if (iteration == 0)
                        {m = (p8 && (p6 || p7 || !p9));}
                        {m = (p4 && (p2 || p3 || !p5));}

                    if (2 <= N && N <= 3 && m == 0)   {
                        mask[i + width*j] = 0;
                        changed += 1;

        return changed;

void andImage(unsigned char* image, const unsigned char* mask, const int size) {
    /* calculate image &=mask.
       to be faster on 64 bit cpus, we do this one long long at a time */
    const int step = sizeof(unsigned long long)/sizeof(unsigned char);
    unsigned long long* image_l = (unsigned long long*)image;
    const unsigned long long* mask_l = (unsigned long long*) mask;
    unsigned int i=0;
    for(; size/step>2 && i<size/step-2; i+=2) {
        image_l[i] = image_l[i] & mask_l[i];
        image_l[i+1] = image_l[i+1] & mask_l[i+1];
    for(i=i*step; i<size; ++i) {
        image[i] = image[i] & mask[i];

int _guo_hall_thinning(unsigned char* binary_image, int width, int height) {
    /* return -1 if we can't allocate the memory for the mask, else 0 */
    int changed;
    unsigned char* mask = (unsigned char*) malloc(width*height*sizeof(unsigned char));
    if (mask==NULL) {
        return -1;

    memset(mask, UCHAR_MAX, width*height);
    do {
        changed = guo_hall_iteration(binary_image, mask, width, height, 0);
        andImage(binary_image, mask, width*height);

        changed += guo_hall_iteration(binary_image, mask, width, height, 1);
        andImage(binary_image, mask, width*height);
    } while (changed != 0);

    return 0;

I've started reading Porting Extension Modules to Python 3 but I must admit there is little I can understand.

I tried to change Py_InitModule to Python 3 analogue PyModule_Create with some other code adjustments but it didn't work. Unfortunately this thinning module is a hard dependency for our application. So, I am pretty stuck right now without time and knowledge how to port this module to Python3.

Upvotes: 5

Views: 1307

Answers (1)

Dimitris Fasarakis Hilliard
Dimitris Fasarakis Hilliard

Reputation: 160377

What has changed:

Note: I can't really get into the details of what the function guo_hall_thinning does per se. What I know is that it uses a small subset of the numpy C-API for getting and returning the data as an ndarray; I couldn't find any documentation on them being altered so it should be good to go.

Now, what has definitely changed is the way modules are initialized; with this I can help you and get it imported in a Python 3 distribution. I'm using 3.5 for this too, even though, I believe differences between older versions of the 3.x family shouldn't exist or are backwards compatible.

As you noted, general information is provided in the Porting to Python 3 document with specifics about the initialization phase in Module Initialization and state. The new change is described in PEP 3121 which, by itself, is a nice but challenging read.

Now, the gist of it can be listed in two points:

A) Modules are now defined in a dedicated PyModuleDef struct:

struct PyModuleDef{
  PyModuleDef_Base m_base;  /* To be filled out by the interpreter */
  Py_ssize_t m_size; /* Size of per-module data */
  PyMethodDef *m_methods;
  inquiry m_reload;
  traverseproc m_traverse;
  inquiry m_clear;
  freefunc m_free;

This new struct contains some additional members holding the name and documentation for the module. The members m_reload, m_traverse, m_clear and m_free provide additional control during initialization/finalization but, we can opt to leave them as NULL. These along with a module m_size set to -1 are for simplicity, setting these values is generally done to support multiple interpreters/ mutliple initializations and should be more tricky.

So, in short, the fancy new module struct for the thinning module could look like this:

static struct PyModuleDef moduledef = {
       "Thinning of segmented images. See https://bitbucket.org/adrian_n/thinning",

aaand that's it for the first issue!

B) New initialization function i.e you'll need to give initthinning a major face-lift.

The new module initialization function returns a PyObject * and is now named PyInit_<module_name>. In it (heh, get it?) new modules are created with PyModule_Create(&moduledef) which takes the struct we defined and returns the initialized module. It's prettier now and looks like this:

/* ==== Initialize the C_test functions ====================== */
PyObject *
    // create module
    PyObject *module = PyModule_Create(&moduledef);

    // handle probable error
    if (module == NULL)
        return NULL;

    PyModule_AddStringConstant(module, "__author__", "Adrian Neumann <[email protected]>");
    PyModule_AddStringConstant(module, "__version__", "1.2.3");
    import_array();  // Must be present for NumPy.  Called first after above line.

    // return newly created module
    return module;

Installing the module:

All this is for the initialization of the module. You can download the module (as you have done, I believe) find the thinning_folder/src/c_thinning.c file and replace everything prior to:

/* ==== Guo Hall Thinning =========

with the following:


#include "Python.h"
#include "arrayobject.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <limits.h>

static PyObject *guo_hall_thinning(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);
int _guo_hall_thinning(unsigned char* binary_image, int width, int height);

/* ==== Set up the methods table ====================== */
static PyMethodDef thinningMethods[] = {
    {"guo_hall_thinning",guo_hall_thinning, METH_VARARGS,
    "Takes a 2D numpy UBYTE array in C-order and thins it in place using the algorithm by Guo and Hall."
    "Images that come out of cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) have the right format."
    "We assume that the dimensions of the image fit into an int on your platform. If your computer for some"
    "reason has a 2 byte int and lots of memory so that the image can become too large, bad things can happen."
    "\tsegmented_image is a NumPy matrix,"
    "\treturns the same NumPy matrix (thinned)"},
    {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL}     /* Sentinel - marks the end of this structure */

static struct PyModuleDef moduledef = {
        "Thinning of segmented images. See https://bitbucket.org/adrian_n/thinning.",

/* ==== Initialize the C_test functions ====================== */
PyObject *
    PyObject *module = PyModule_Create(&moduledef);

    if (module == NULL)
        return NULL;

    PyModule_AddStringConstant(module, "__author__", "Adrian Neumann <[email protected]>");
    PyModule_AddStringConstant(module, "__version__", "1.2.3");
    import_array();  // Must be present for NumPy.  Called first after above line.
    return module;

/* ==== Guo Hall Thinning =========
// Leave the rest as it was

After that, navigate to the top level directory containing setup.py and run:

python setup.py install

as usual. Some compilation warnings will probably pop-up but those are safe to ignore. If all goes well you'll get a successful install and the following will not result in a nasty seg-fault:

>>> from thinning import guo_hall_thinning
>>> print(guo_hall_thinning.__doc__)
Takes a 2D numpy UBYTE array in C-order and thins it in place using the algorithm by Guo and Hall.Images that come out of cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) have the right format.

We assume that the dimensions of the image fit into an int on your platform. If your computer for somereason has a 2 byte int and lots of memory so that the image can become too large, bad things can happen.

    guo_hall_thinning(segmented_image)  segmented_image is a NumPy matrix,  returns the same NumPy matrix (thinned)

It seems to run :) :

I further edited the source in c_thinning.c to print out the number of elements changed during every iteration. It seems to be changing things but I don't understand what underlying criteria it uses because I haven't read the corresponding paper.

In short, guo_hall_thinning(ndarr) apparently does the 'thinning' in place. This means that after it is executed, the original array that was supplied as a parameter is going to be altered. So, a check of the form:

gray_img == guo_hall_thinning(gray_img)

is always going to be True (Hint: check for equality between numpy arrays with (arr1 == arr2).all()).

Here's a test I ran in which you can visually see the altering taking place, I believe this test can be reproduced on your machine too:

# dtype = 'B' is UBYTE
>>> n = numpy.ndarray(shape=(100, 200), dtype='B')
>>> n
array([[ 40, 159,  95, ..., 114, 114,  97],
       [121,  95, 108, ..., 114, 101,  32],
       [ 48, 161,  90, ..., 127,   0,   0],
       [110,  32,  97, ..., 124,   1,   0],
       [124,   5,   0, ...,   0,   0, 131],
       [  1,   0,  25, ...,   0, 125,  17]], dtype=uint8)
>>> thinning.guo_hall_thinning(n)
-- Array height 100 Array width: 200

Value of `changed` during 0 iteration is: 1695 
Value of `changed` during 1 iteration is: 1216 
Value of `changed` during 2 iteration is: 808 
Value of `changed` during 3 iteration is: 493 
Value of `changed` during 4 iteration is: 323 
Value of `changed` during 5 iteration is: 229 
Value of `changed` during 6 iteration is: 151 
Value of `changed` during 7 iteration is: 90 
Value of `changed` during 8 iteration is: 46 
Value of `changed` during 9 iteration is: 27 
Value of `changed` during 10 iteration is: 11 
Value of `changed` during 11 iteration is: 8 
Value of `changed` during 12 iteration is: 7 
Value of `changed` during 13 iteration is: 4 
Value of `changed` during 14 iteration is: 0 
Value of `ok` is: 0

# array returned
array([[ 40, 159,  95, ..., 114, 114,  97],
       [121,   0,   0, ..., 114,   0,  32],
       [ 48,   0,   0, ..., 127,   0,   0],
       [110,   0,  97, ..., 124,   1,   0],
       [124,   5,   0, ...,   0,   0, 131],
       [  1,   0,  25, ...,   0, 125,  17]], dtype=uint8)

So I'm guessing it does work :-).

Upvotes: 11

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