Reputation: 334
If anyone has any other solutions to achieve this I would be very interested in hearing them.
I am trying to create a password checker program for a school project but am having trouble with my progressbar. Basically, when the password's strength is strong (therefore meaning the score is higher) the progressbar works perfectly fine, but when the strength of the password is not strong the progressbar does not change to the desired colour or show a value.
Here is my code:
Public Class PassCheck
Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Integer,
ByVal wMsg As Integer, ByVal wParam As Integer,
ByVal IParam As Integer) As Integer
Dim Checked As Boolean
Dim Password As String
Dim PasswordLength As Integer
Dim PasswordStrength As String
Dim Score As Integer
Dim ProgBarVal As Double
Dim LengthScore As Integer
Dim NumberScore As Integer
Dim CapsScore As Integer
Dim LowerScore As Integer
Dim SymbolScore As Integer
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
hidepasswordOption.Checked = True
textboxPassword.PasswordChar = "*"
End Sub
Private Sub hidepasswordOption_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles hidepasswordOption.Click
hidepasswordOption.Checked = Not hidepasswordOption.Checked
If textboxPassword.PasswordChar = "*" Then
textboxPassword.PasswordChar = ""
textboxPassword.PasswordChar = "*"
End If
End Sub
Private Sub buttonCheck_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles buttonCheck.Click
Score = 0
NumberScore = 0
SymbolScore = 0
LowerScore = 0
CapsScore = 0
Password = textboxPassword.Text
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(Password) Then
MsgBox("You must enter a password!", 16, "Error!")
Exit Sub
End If
Checked = True
progressbarStrength.Value = 0
progressbarStrength.Maximum = 20
progressbarStrength.Minimum = 0
labelScoreText.Text = Score & "/20"
progressbarStrength.Value = Score
labelStrengthText.Text = PasswordStrength
End Sub
Public Sub Progbar_calc()
If Score <= 10 Then
PasswordStrength = "Weak"
SendMessage(progressbarStrength.Handle, 1040, 2, 0)
ElseIf Score <= 15 Then
PasswordStrength = "Medium"
SendMessage(progressbarStrength.Handle, 1040, 3, 0)
ElseIf Score <= 20 Then
PasswordStrength = "Strong"
SendMessage(progressbarStrength.Handle, 1040, 1, 0)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Check_Password()
Password = textboxPassword.Text
PasswordLength = Len(Password)
ImprovePass.Password = textboxPassword.Text
Dim array() As Char = Password.ToCharArray()
For i = 0 To array.Length - 1
If Char.IsUpper(array(i)) Then
If CapsScore >= 3 Then
CapsScore = CapsScore + 1
End If
ElseIf Char.IsLower(array(i)) Then
If LowerScore >= 3 Then
LowerScore = LowerScore + 1
End If
ElseIf Char.IsNumber(array(i)) Then
If NumberScore >= 3 Then
NumberScore += 1
End If
ElseIf Char.IsSymbol(array(i)) Then
If SymbolScore >= 3 Then
SymbolScore += 1
End If
End If
Score += CapsScore
Score += LowerScore
Score += NumberScore
Score += SymbolScore
If PasswordLength >= 8 Then
Score += 8
Score += PasswordLength
End If
If CapsScore = 0 Then
ImprovePass.listboxImprove.Items.Add("You should include some capital letters.")
ElseIf CapsScore = 1 Then
ImprovePass.listboxImprove.Items.Add("You have included 1 capital letter,")
ImprovePass.listboxImprove.Items.Add("You should include some more capital letters.")
ElseIf CapsScore >= 2 Then
ImprovePass.listboxImprove.Items.Add("You have included 2 or more capital letters!")
End If
If LowerScore = 0 Then
ImprovePass.listboxImprove.Items.Add("You should include some lower case letters.")
ElseIf LowerScore = 1
ImprovePass.listboxImprove.Items.Add("You have included 1 lower case letter,")
ImprovePass.listboxImprove.Items.Add("You should include some more lowercase letters.")
ElseIf LowerScore >= 2 Then
ImprovePass.listboxImprove.Items.Add("You have included 2 or more lower case letters!")
End If
If NumberScore = 0 Then
ImprovePass.listboxImprove.Items.Add("You should include some numbers.")
ElseIf NumberScore = 1 Then
ImprovePass.listboxImprove.Items.Add("You have included 1 number,")
ImprovePass.listboxImprove.Items.Add("You should include some more numbers.")
ElseIf NumberScore >= 2 Then
ImprovePass.listboxImprove.Items.Add("You have included 2 or more numbers!")
End If
If SymbolScore = 0 Then
ImprovePass.listboxImprove.Items.Add("You should include some symbols.")
ElseIf SymbolScore = 1 Then
ImprovePass.listboxImprove.Items.Add("You have included 1 symbol,")
ImprovePass.listboxImprove.Items.Add("You should include some more symbols.")
ElseIf SymbolScore >= 2 Then
ImprovePass.listboxImprove.Items.Add("You have included 2 or more symbols!")
End If
If PasswordLength <= 6 Then
ImprovePass.listboxImprove.Items.Add("You have only included" & Space(1) & PasswordLength & Space(1) & "characters,")
ImprovePass.listboxImprove.Items.Add("You should include at least 3 more to make your password more secure!")
ElseIf PasswordLength <= 8 Then
ImprovePass.listboxImprove.Items.Add("You have only included" & Space(1) & PasswordLength & Space(1) & "characters,")
ImprovePass.listboxImprove.Items.Add("You should include at least 4 more to make your password more secure!")
ElseIf PasswordLength >= 11 Then
ImprovePass.listboxImprove.Items.Add("You have included 11 or more characters!")
End If
'MsgBox("Upper: " & CapsScore & "Lower: " & LowerScore & "Number: " & NumberScore & "Symbol: " & SymbolScore)
End Sub
Private Sub improvePassMenu_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles improvePassMenu.Click
If textboxPassword.PasswordChar = "*" Then
ImprovePass.labelPassText.Text = "(Hidden)"
ImprovePass.labelPassText.Text = Password
End If
End Sub
Private Sub textboxPassword_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles textboxPassword.TextChanged
Score = 0
NumberScore = 0
SymbolScore = 0
LowerScore = 0
CapsScore = 0
Password = textboxPassword.Text
PasswordLength = Len(Password)
Select Case PasswordLength
Case < 6
buttonCheck.Enabled = False
labelScoreText.Text = "Too Short"
labelStrengthText.Text = "Too Short"
Case > 12
buttonCheck.Enabled = False
labelScoreText.Text = "Too Long"
labelStrengthText.Text = "Too Long"
Case Else
buttonCheck.Enabled = True
labelScoreText.Text = ""
labelStrengthText.Text = ""
End Select
End Sub
End Class
Progress bar works when strength is strong:
Progress bar works on medium only when it is the first (or possibly second) check since the program has been opened:
When it isn't the first (or possibly second) check it doesn't work:
Progress bar works on weak only when it is the first (or possibly second) check since the program has been opened:
When it isn't the first (or possibly second) check it doesn't work:
I need this to work EVERY TIME no matter how many passwords you enter.
Any ideas why it might not be working? Thanks,
Upvotes: 1
Views: 699
Reputation: 38915
If anyone has any other solutions...
That control is not meant to be used that way. It seems to work ok for me, but I dont know what values you are using before the time it fails.
A simple rectangular meter using a PictureBox:
'form level variables:
Private pValue As Double
Private pColor1 As Color
Then when you evaluate the score (I used a track bar):
pValue = track1.Value / 20
Select Case track1.Value
Case Is <= 10
pColor1 = Color.Red
Case Is <= 15
pColor1 = Color.Yellow
Case Else
pColor1 = Color.LimeGreen
End Select
' pb2 is the picturebox
Then in the paint event:
If pValue = 0 Then Exit Sub
Dim rect = New Rectangle(0, 0,
Convert.ToInt32(pb2.Width * pValue),
' single color version
Using br As New SolidBrush(pColor1)
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(br, rect)
End Using
Its kind of wonky because it is always red for the first HALF of the fill, Yellow or Green for about 25% (but I left your scaling alone).
For a gradient - no way your teacher will think you figured this out - you need a few small changes. The vars:
Private pColor1 As Color
Private pColor2 As Color
Private pValue As Double
The evaluation:
pValue = track1.Value / 20
Select Case track1.Value
Case Is <= 10
pColor1 = Color.Red
pColor2 = Color.MistyRose
Case Is <= 15
pColor1 = Color.Red
pColor2 = Color.Yellow
Case Else
pColor1 = Color.Yellow
pColor2 = Color.LimeGreen
End Select
is the gradient start color, pcolor2
is the end color. Play with them to see what looks best. The paint event:
If pValue = 0 Then Exit Sub
Dim rect = New Rectangle(0, 0,
Convert.ToInt32(pb2.Width * pValue),
Using br As New LinearGradientBrush(rect, pColor1, pColor2, LinearGradientMode.Horizontal)
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(br, rect)
End Using
On mine, I also have a text indicator for the result. It's still Red/WEAK for 50% rather than 33% of the time. Easy to scale if you wanted to.
Upvotes: 2