Reputation: 1496
I have the following function inside a db
object that uses reactivemongo to write documents to mongoDB.
def writeDocument(json: JsValue):Future[WriteResult] = {
def collection: JSONCollection = {
val driver = new MongoDriver
val connection = driver.connection(List("localhost"))
val db = connection("superman")
val document =[JsObject]
val future = collection.insert(document)
future.onComplete {
case Failure(e) => {
logger.error("""Message="Database is not reachable." """ + """ transactionID=""" + (json \\ "transactionID") + " errorResponse=" + e.getLocalizedMessage)
throw e}
case Success(result) =>
println("successfully inserted document with result = " + result)
On the controller side, I have this part of code which calls the above writeDocument()
function. Since reactivemongo is asynchronous, I always get a success JSON message even if the DB is not alive. I know that the DB writes are happening via Futures, how do I make sure that I only send a successful response back only after the data is written in the DB successfully?
def validateRequest(json: JsValue): Result = {
val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("superman")
val jsonSchema = Source.fromURL(getClass.getResource("/schema.json")).getLines.mkString
val transactionID = (json \ "transactionID").get
val result: VA[JsValue] = SchemaValidator.validate(Json.fromJson[SchemaType](
Json.parse(jsonSchema.stripMargin)).get, json)
invalid = { errors =>
var violatesList = List[String]()
val invalidError = Json.obj("transactionID" -> transactionID, "status" -> "error", "description" -> "Invalid Request Received")
for (msg <- (errors.toJson \\ "msgs")) {
violatesList = (msg(0).get).as[String] :: violatesList
val errorResponse = Json.toJson(invalidError ++ Json.obj("violations" -> violatesList))
logger.error( """Message="Invalid Request Received" for transactionID=""" + transactionID.toString() + "errorResponse:" + errorResponse)
valid = {
post =>
val insertResult = db.writeDocument(json){ result =>
val json = Json.obj("transactionID" -> transactionID.toString,
"status" -> "OK", "message" -> ("Valid Request Received"))
}.recover{ case error: Throwable =>
val json = Json.obj("transactionID" -> transactionID.toString,
"status" -> "FAILED")
Upvotes: 0
Views: 451
Reputation: 6092
You need to make the following changes:
1.At the end of writeDocument
instead of (or in addition to) handling the future directly, you should return the future.
2.In your controller you should map the future to a response, by writing something like:
def myAction() = Action.async { request =>{ result =>
val json = Json.obj("transactionID" -> transactionID.toString,
"status" -> "OK", "message" -> ("Valid Request Received"))
}.recover{ case error: Throwable =>
val json = Json.obj("transactionID" -> transactionID.toString,
"status" -> "FAILED")
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 53839
Simply forward the future and map it to the wanted Result
Play will serve this result as soon as the promise is redeemed: Play Async
def writeDocument(json: JsValue): Future[LastError] = {
// ...
valid = { post =>
val future = db.writeDocument(json) { _ =>
val successResponse = Json.obj("transactionID" -> transactionID.toString, "status" -> "OK", "message" -> ("Valid Request Received"))
Upvotes: 1