Reputation: 84
Ok, I'm really stuck. But I think I'm headed in the right direction. the script that calls this script has multiple fields which are generated dynamically by PHP. I need some way of looping through them and checking if they're set to avoid any undefined variables, and then once I know that they're all set and checked for validity inserting them into the MySQL table passwords. I could really use your help on this one guys.
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// This is just for reference: check_fields($pattern,$post,$minlength,$maxlength,$name_of_field)
$numOfFields = $_POST['numOfFields'];
for($z = 1;$z <= $numOfFields;$z++) {
if(isset($_POST['password_input$z']) && isset($_POST['group_input$z']) && isset($_POST['belongs_input$z']) && isset($_POST['name_input$z']) && isset($_POST['choice$z'])) {
$password[$z] = check_fields("/([[:alnum:]\!\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\*\(\)\-\_\+\=\[\]\;\'\:\"\'\<\>\?\/\`\~])+/",$_POST['password_input$z'],6,50,'Password$z');
$password_group[$z] = check_fields("/^[a-zA-Z \'\"]+$/",$_POST['group_input$z'],1,50,'Password Group$z');
$password_belongs_to[$z] = check_fields("/^[a-zA-Z \'\"]+$/",$_POST['belongs_input$z'],1,50,'Belongs To$z');
$password_name[$z] = check_fields("/^[a-zA-Z \'\"]+$/",$_POST['name_input$z'],1,50,'Password Name$z');
$changes_periodically[$z] = check_fields("/^[0-1]+$/",$_POST['choice$z'],1,50,'Changes Periodically$z');
else {
$password[$z] = false;
$password_group[$z] = false;
$password_belongs_to[$z] = false;
$password_name[$z] = false;
$changes_periodically[$z] = false;
// Iterate through each array and if they are all set, set the master password_setting to true
function check_all_arrays($fieldArray)
global $numOfFields;
$p = 0;
if(isset($fieldArray)) {
foreach($fieldArray as $test) {
echo "Yeah, this seems to be working";
if($test == true) {
else {
return false;
if($p == $numOfFields) {
return true;
else {
return false;
if(check_all_arrays($password) == true && check_all_arrays($password_group) == true && check_all_arrays($password_belongs_to) == true && check_all_arrays($password_name) == true && check_all_arrays($changes_periodically) == true) {
echo "Got passed master checks, this is good";
// Encrypt the users password before entering it into the database.
// Clean the data before inserting it into the database.
$instance = PasswordCrypt::createWithNewPassword($_POST['password_input']);
$password_pass = mysqli_escape_string($mysqli,$instance->encodePassword($_POST['password_input']));
$token_pass = mysqli_escape_string($mysqli,$instance->getToken());
$key_pass = mysqli_escape_string($mysqli,$instance->getKey());
$group = mysqli_escape_string($mysqli,$_POST['group_input']);
$belongs_input = mysqli_escape_string($mysqli,$_POST['belongs_input']);
$name_input = mysqli_escape_string($mysqli,$_POST['name_input']);
$password_save = "INSERT INTO passwords (password_id,customer_id,password_not_key,token_pass,key_pass,password_group,
changes_periodically,security_status,belongs_to,password_name)VALUES('','" . $_SESSION['customer_id'] . "','" . $password_pass . "','". $token_pass . "','" . $key_pass . "','" . $group . "','" . $choice . "','','" . $belongs_input . "','" . $name_input . "')";
mysqli_query($mysqli,$password_save) OR DIE(mysqli_error($mysqli));
// Echo confirmation message to user
echo "<div style='text-align:center;'>You have successfully stored 1 password</div>";
<form action="myPassword.php">
<button input="submit_back">Back</button>
else {
// Tell them to use only letters in fields besides the password field.
echo "<div style='text-align:center;'>All fields are required except changes periodically. Password field may have letters, numbers, and special characters and must be at least 6 characters. All other fields may only have letters. Thank you</div>";
<form action="myPassword.php">
<button type="submit">Go Back</button>
</div> <!-- End of display categories -->
</div> <!-- End of boxWrapper div -->
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Upvotes: 0
Views: 62
Reputation: 144
What you have now will work if you change the single quotes on all the $_POST variables to double quotes.
E.g. change isset($_POST['password_input$z'])
to isset($_POST["password_input$z"])
You could also make it a little easier to read by wrapping the variable in curly braces {}. isset($_POST["password_input{$z}"])
Upvotes: 1