
Reputation: 759

Unit Test Mock Controller, C# Do I need to Mock HTTPContext? What methods do I mock?

I am tasked with writting unit Tests for some code we have in our Database. The Unit Tests must Mock everything, and test for both passing and failed scenarios. Currently I am using NUnit and FakeItEasy, I have used Moq in the past and don't mind using it again.


public class AccountController : BaseController
    private readonly IAccountsManager _accountsManager;
    private readonly ICallerInfoManager _callerInfoManager;

    public AccountController(IAccountsManager accountsManager, ICallerInfoManager callerInfoManager)
        : base(callerInfoManager)
        _accountsManager = accountsManager;
        _callerInfoManager = callerInfoManager;

    public List<Account> Get()
        var context = _callerInfoManager.GetFromHttpContext();
        return _accountsManager.GetAll(context.SiteLocationCode);

    public List<Account> Search(AccountRequest request)
        var context = _callerInfoManager.GetFromHttpContext();
        return _accountsManager.GetAllWithNameContaining(request.SearchTerm, context.SiteLocationCode);


 public class CallerInfoManager : ICallerInfoManager
    private readonly IContactContextManager _contactContextManager;
    private const string ContactIdKey = "c";
    private const string SafeIdKey = "sa";
    private const string SiteLocationCode = "s";

    public CallerInfoManager(IContactContextManager contactContextManager)
        _contactContextManager = contactContextManager;

    public CallerInfo GetFrom(HttpRequest request)
        return ExtractCallerInfo(request.QueryString);

    public CallerInfo GetFromHttpContext()
        return GetFrom(HttpContext.Current.Request);


   public class AccountsManager : IAccountsManager
    private readonly IAccountRepository _accountRepository;

    public AccountsManager(IAccountRepository accountRepository)
        _accountRepository = accountRepository;

    public List<Account> GetAll(string siteLocationCode)
        return _accountRepository.GetAll(siteLocationCode);

    public List<Account> GetAllWithNameContaining(string term, string siteLocationCode)
        return _accountRepository.Search(term, siteLocationCode);

    public Account Add(Account account)
        return account;

This is what I have so far for my Unit tests. I really dont think I am doing it right. I feel like I am not properly mocking the objects.

Question: What methods am I supposed to be mocking and testing within the controller?

My Tests: (First one passes, second one isn't working)


public class AccountControllerTests {

    //Tests that all accounts where returned
    public void GetAllAccounts_ReturnAllAccounts()
        var mockAccountsManager = A.Fake<IAccountsManager>();
        var mockCallerInfoManager = A.Fake<ICallerInfoManager>();

        using (var accountsController = new AccountController(mockAccountsManager, mockCallerInfoManager))
           List<Account> accounts = accountsController.Get();

           A.CallTo(() => mockCallerInfoManager.GetFromHttpContext()).MustHaveHappened();
           Assert.AreNotEqual(null, accounts); 

    //Tests that the proper search parameter was returned
    public void SearchforAccount_ReturnSearchAccount()
        var mockAccountsManager = A.Fake<IAccountsManager>();
        var mockCallerInfoManager = A.Fake<ICallerInfoManager>();

        Account searchAccountEntity = new Account
            Id = 01,
            CompanyName = "google"


        //Define search parameter
        AccountRequest mockAccountRequest = new AccountRequest
            SearchTerm = "google"

        using (var accountsController = new AccountController(mockAccountsManager, mockCallerInfoManager))
            List<Account> returnedAccounts = accountsController.Search(mockAccountRequest);
            mockAccountsManager.GetAllWithNameContaining("universal", "test");

            Assert.AreSame(mockAccountRequest, returnedAccounts);


Upvotes: 1

Views: 739

Answers (1)


Reputation: 18649

Question: What methods am I supposed to be mocking and testing within the controller?

This should probably be a question for the manager / team lead / architect / senior developer who set you the task :-)

second one isn't working

Is this instance the sut seems to me to be AccountController.Search but you're not mocking _accountsManager.GetAllWithNameContaining.

Also with Assert.AreSame(mockAccountRequest, returnedAccounts); one is a list, the other is an AccountRequest.

Try this:

    public void SearchforAccount_ReturnSearchAccount()
        var mockAccountsManager = A.Fake<IAccountsManager>();
        var mockCallerInfoManager = A.Fake<ICallerInfoManager>();
        const string SearchTerm = "google"; // Use the passed in parameter in the CallTo setup

        //Define search parameter
        AccountRequest mockAccountRequest = new AccountRequest
            SearchTerm = SearchTerm

        List<Account> expected = new List<Account> { new Account() }; // What we expect to get back

        A.CallTo(() => mockAccountsManager.GetAllWithNameContaining(SearchTerm, A<string>.Ignored)).Returns(expected); // mock the call made in the controller

        using (var accountsController = new AccountController2(mockAccountsManager, mockCallerInfoManager))
            List<Account> returnedAccounts = accountsController.Search(mockAccountRequest);

            Assert.AreSame(expected, returnedAccounts);

Do I need to Mock HttpContext?

To get that test working, no. The interface ICallerInfoManager wraps the call to HttpContext and isolates the controller from it, so it will safely run through without hitting HttpContext

That said, if you need to test everything then yes. Your trouble part of the code to test will be:

public CallerInfo GetFrom(HttpRequest request)
    return ExtractCallerInfo(request.QueryString);

public CallerInfo GetFromHttpContext()
    return GetFrom(HttpContext.Current.Request);

Because of the hard dependency to HttpContext.

HttpContext and HttpRequest are not that mockable, but have close relations which is. And as @Steve G alluded to in the comments that's quite a big topic.

Upvotes: 1

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