
Reputation: 3930

Doubly Linked List Template Copy Constructor Assignment Operator

I wrote a simple implementation of doubly linked list in C++ using templates. However, I have some problems with copy constructor and assignment operator. My code gives me segmentation fault and I don't know how to fix it and where is the error (the problem is with copy constructor and assignment operator):

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

template <class T>
class MyNode
    MyNode(const T &e = T(), MyNode *n = NULL, MyNode *p = NULL) : element(e), next(n), previous(p) {}
    ~MyNode() {}
    T element;
    MyNode *next;
    MyNode *previous;


template <class T>
class MyList
    MyNode<T> *head;
    MyNode<T> *tail;

        head = new MyNode<T>();
        tail = new MyNode<T>();
        delete head;
        delete tail;
    MyList(const MyList& otherList)
        while (otherList.head->next!=NULL)
            MyNode<T> *curr = otherList.head->next;
            otherList.head->next = curr->next;

    MyList& operator=(const MyList& otherList)
        if(this == &otherList)
            return *this;

        while (otherList.head->next!=NULL)
            MyNode<T> *curr = otherList.head->next;
            otherList.head->next = curr->next;

        return *this;

    bool isEmpty()
        return (head->next == NULL);

    void insertFirst(const T &e)
        if (isEmpty())
            MyNode<T> *newNode = new MyNode<T>(e);
            head->next = newNode;
            tail->previous = newNode;
            MyNode<T> *actualFirst = head->next;
            MyNode<T> *newNode = new MyNode<T>(e, actualFirst);
            actualFirst->previous = newNode;
            head->next = newNode;
    void insertLast(const T &e)
        if (isEmpty())
            MyNode<T> *newNode = new MyNode<T>(e);
            head->next = newNode;
            tail->previous = newNode;
            MyNode<T> *actualLast = tail->previous;
            MyNode<T> *newNode = new MyNode<T>(e, NULL, actualLast);
            actualLast->next = newNode;
            tail->previous = newNode;

    bool remove(MyNode<T> *r)
        if (isEmpty())
            return false;;
        MyNode<T> *removeNode = tail->previous;
        while (removeNode!=NULL)
            if (removeNode==r)
            removeNode = removeNode->previous;
        if (removeNode==NULL)
            return false;
            MyNode<T> *afterRemove = removeNode->next;
            MyNode<T> *beforeRemove = removeNode->previous;
            if (afterRemove==NULL)
                tail->previous = beforeRemove;
                afterRemove->previous = beforeRemove;
            if (beforeRemove==NULL)
                head->next = afterRemove;
                beforeRemove->next = afterRemove;
            delete removeNode;
            return true;

    void clear()
        while (tail->previous!=NULL)
            MyNode<T> *remove = tail->previous;
            tail->previous = remove->previous;
            delete remove;

    void show()
        while (head->next!=NULL)
            MyNode<T> *curr = head->next;
            std::cout << curr->element << "\n";
            head->next = curr->next;


int main()
    MyList<int> l1;

    MyList<int> l2(l1);
    //l2 = l1;

    return 0;

Upvotes: 2

Views: 28229

Answers (1)


Reputation: 210909

If you want to copy a list, you have to do a deep copy:

MyList(const MyList& otherList)
    if ( otherList.head == nullptr)
        head = tail = nullptr;                       // if "otherList" is empty the new list is empty too.
        head = new MyNode<T>( otherList.head );      // allocate head and copy data
        MyNode<T> tempOther* = otherList.head->next;
        MyNode<T> temp* = head;
        while (tempOther != nullptr )
            temp->next = new MyNode<T>( tempOther, nullptr, temp ); // allocate next elemnt and copy data ( predecessor is "temp" )
            temp = temp->next;                                      // temp refers to last element of list
            tempOther = tempOther->next;                            // step one forward
        tail = temp;

The assigne operator works similar to the copy constructor.

Further you don't need to allocate a node for head and tail. headis only a pointer to the first element and tail is only a pointer to the last element of the list.

  : head( nullptr )
  , tail( nullptr )

Adapt isEmpty, insertFirst and insertLast like this:

bool isEmpty() { return head == nullptr); }

void insertFirst(const T &e)
    if (isEmpty())
        head = tail = new MyNode<T>(e);
        MyNode<T> *newNode = new MyNode<T>(e, head, nullptr );
        head->previous = newNode; // new node is predecessor of head
        head = newNode ;          // new head is new node

void insertLast(const T &e)
    if (isEmpty())
        head = tail = new MyNode<T>(e);
        MyNode<T> *newNode = new MyNode<T>(e, nullptr, tail );
        tail->next = newNode; // new node is successor of tail
        tail = newNode ;      // new tail is new node

Adapt method remove like this:

bool remove(MyNode<T> *r)
    MyNode<T> *removeNode = head;
    while ( removeNode != nullptr )    //  search the node to remove
        if ( removeNode == r )         // break if node to remove is found
        removeNode = removeNode->next; // setp on forward
    if ( removeNode == r ) // if node was found remove it
        if ( removeNode == head )
            head = removeNode->next;     // if head is removed, new head is successor of head
        if ( removeNode == tail )
            tail = removeNode->previous; // if tail is removed, new tail is predecessor of tail
        if ( removeNode->previous!= nullptr )
            removeNode->previous->next = removeNode->next;      // new succesor of predecessor is successor
        if ( removeNode->next != nullptr )
            removeNode->next->previous = removeNode->previous;  // new prdecessor of successor is predecessor
        delete removeNode;
        return true;
    return false;

Finally clear and show:

void clear()
    MyNode<T> *curr = head; 
    while ( curr != nullptr )
        MyNode<T> *del = curr;
        curr = curr->next;
        delete del;
    head = tail = nullptr; 

void show()
    MyNode<T> *curr = head; 
    while ( curr != nullptr )
        std::cout << curr->element << "\n";
        curr  = curr->next;

Upvotes: 7

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