
Reputation: 17

split rows by condition in R data.table

I have a data table containing 3 columns, one of them contains a key:value list of different lengths. I wish to rearrange the table such that each row will have only one key, conditioned on the value

for example, suppose that I wish to get all rows for whom the value is <= 2 so that each key is on its own row:\

input_tbl <-

the wanted table then should be

tbl_output <- data.table::data.table(a=c("AA",
"AA"),b=c("ha:llo","wor:ld"), c=c(1,1), s=c(1,2))

I had tried the following function:

data_table_clean <- function(dt){

  dt[ ,"b" := data.table::tstrsplit(b, ',', fixed = T),by=c(a, c)]
  dt[,c('b', 's'):= data.table::tstrsplit(b, ':', fixed=TRUE)]
    return(dt[s <=2,])


this produces the following error

"Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'a' not found"

Any suggestions are welcome, off course.

The keys are actually of the form :

input2_tbl <-

and accordingly the output table should be:

 tbl2_output <- data.table::data.table(a=c("AA",
    c=c(1,1), s=c(1,2))

Thank you!


data_table_clean <- function(dt){

  res <- dt[, data.table::tstrsplit(unlist(strsplit(gsub('[{}"]', '', b),',', fixed=TRUE)), ":(?=[^:]+$)", perl=TRUE),
                     by = .(a, c)][V2 > -100]

  data.table::setnames(res, 3:4, c("b", "s"))

when running this I get the following error:

Error in .subset(x, j) : invalid subscript type 'list'

Upvotes: 1

Views: 1137

Answers (2)


Reputation: 193497

Since it seems like you are working with a JSON object, why not use something that parses the JSON, for example, the "jsonlite" package?

With that, you can make a simple function, that looks like this:

myFun <- function(invec) {
  x <- fromJSON(invec)
  list(b = names(x), s = unlist(x))

Now, applied to your dataset, you would get:

input_tbl[, myFun(b), by = .(a, c)]
#     a c        b s
# 1: AA 1   ha:llo 1
# 2: AA 1   wor:ld 2
# 3: AA 1 doog:bye 3

And, for the subsetting:

input_tbl[, myFun(b), by = .(a, c)][s <= 2]
#     a c      b s
# 1: AA 1 ha:llo 1
# 2: AA 1 wor:ld 2

You can probably also even rewrite the myFun function to add a "threshold" argument that lets you subset within the function itself.

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 886938

One option would be to extract the characters that we need in the final output. We use str_extract to do that after grouping by 'a', 'c'. The output is a list, which we unlist, get the non-numeric and numeric into two columns and then subset the rows with the condition s<3.

input_tbl[, {
     tmp <- unlist(str_extract_all(b, "[A-Za-z]+:[A-Za-z]+|\\d+"))
       list(b=tmp[c(TRUE, FALSE)], s=tmp[c(FALSE, TRUE)])
     }, by = .(a,c)][s<3]
#    a c      b s
#1: AA 1 ha:llo 1
#2: AA 1 wor:ld 2

Or if we are using strsplit/tstrsplit, grouped by 'a', 'c', we remove the curly brackets and quotes ([{}]") with gsub, split by , (strsplit), unlist the output, and then use tstrsplit to split by : that is followed by a number. The subset part is similar as above.

res <- input_tbl[, tstrsplit(unlist(strsplit(gsub('[{}"]', '', 
        b), ',', fixed=TRUE)), ":(?=\\d)", perl=TRUE) ,.(a,c)][V2<3]
setnames(res, 3:4, c("b", "s"))
#    a c      b s
#1: AA 1 ha:llo 1
#2: AA 1 wor:ld 2


For the updated dataset, we can do the tstrsplit on the last delimiter (:)

res1 <- input2_tbl[, tstrsplit(unlist(strsplit(gsub('[{}"]', '', 
   b),',', fixed=TRUE)), ":(?=[^:]+$)", perl=TRUE) ,
         by = .(a, c)][V2 < 3]
setnames(res1, 3:4, c("b", "s"))
#     a c                 b s
# 1: AA 1 99:1d:3u:7y:89:67 1
# 2: AA 1 99:1D:34:YY:T6:Y6 2

Upvotes: 2

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