Reputation: 7
I'm having problem on running the following VBA code on Excel 2010 or later, while it ran just fine on Excel XP. In later versions, a message box with the text "Excel cannot complete this task with available resources. Choose less data or close other application." appears and, on clicking "OK", Excel restarts.
Sub Calibrar()
Dim PDFFile As String
Dim XLSFile As String
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
XLSFile = Range("W17") & "_" & Range("W19") & "_" & Range("E23") & "_" & "Agendamento" & ".xls"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="\\PMPA-FS3\DMAE-LabHid-Calibra-Agendamento$\Solicitações\" & Range("W17") & "_" & Range("W19") & "_" & Range("E23") & "_Agendamento" & ".xls"
PDFFile = Range("W17") & "_" & Range("W19") & "_" & Range("E23") & "_" & Range("E11") & "_" & "Pedido" & ".xls"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="\\PMPA-FS3\DMAE-LabHid-Calibra-Agendamento$\Pedidos\" & Range("W17") & "_" & Range("W19") & "_" & Range("E23") & "_" & Range("E11") & "_" & "Pedido" & ".xls"
Worksheets.PrintOut Preview:=False, Copies:=1, ActivePrinter:="CutePDF Writer on CPW2:", PrToFileName:="", Collate:=False
Workbooks(XLSFile).Sheets("Controle").Move After:=Workbooks(PDFFile).Sheets(1)
Worksheets("Análise Crítica").Activate
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="\\PMPA-FS3\DMAE-LabHid-Calibra-AnaliseCritica$\" & Range("W15") & "_" & Range("W16") & "_" & Range("E20") & "_Analise Critica" & ".xls"
ActiveWorkbook.Close Savechanges:=True
ActiveWorkbook.Close Savechanges:=True
End Sub
When I ran this, all files were generated normally, but the message and restarting of Excel are quite annoying.
(EDIT: I forgot to mention that I ran this macro with Task Manager to see how much memory was used and I couldn't see any excessive consumption.)
Any ideas on how I fix this?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 320
Reputation: 7
I followed suggestions from @ScottHoltzman and @JMichael, and changed my code to this:
Sub Calibrar()
' Calibrar Macro
' Macro gravada em 20/04/2012 por Lahidro
' Atalho do teclado: Ctrl+Shift+P
' Calibrar Macro
' Salva o Pedido de Agendamento da Calibração com a notação Processo+Ramal+hidrometro
' Atalho do teclado: Ctrl+Shift+P
Dim PDFFile As String
Dim XLSFile As String
Dim processo As String
Dim ramal As String
Dim medidor As String
Dim situacaoPedido As String
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set planilha = Workbooks("Mod.10.066_Agendamento de Ensaio de Medidor e Planilhas Associadas (revisão 2015.12.04).xls")
processo = planilha.Worksheets("Agendamento").Range("W17").Value
ramal = planilha.Worksheets("Agendamento").Range("W19").Value
medidor = planilha.Worksheets("Agendamento").Range("E23").Value
situacaoPedido = planilha.Worksheets("Agendamento").Range("E11").Value
XLSFile = processo & "_" & ramal & "_" & medidor & "_" & "Agendamento" & ".xls"
planilha.SaveAs Filename:="\\PMPA-FS3\DMAE-LabHid-Calibra-Agendamento$\Solicitações\" & processo & "_" & ramal & "_" & medidor & "_Agendamento" & ".xls"
PDFFile = processo & "_" & ramal & "_" & medidor & "_" & situacaoPedido & "_" & "Pedido" & ".xls"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="\\PMPA-FS3\DMAE-LabHid-Calibra-Agendamento$\Pedidos\" & processo & "_" & ramal & "_" & medidor & "_" & situacaoPedido & "_" & "Pedido" & ".xls"
Worksheets.PrintOut Preview:=False, Copies:=1, ActivePrinter:="CutePDF Writer on CPW2:", PrToFileName:="", Collate:=False
Workbooks(XLSFile).Sheets("Controle").Move After:=Workbooks(PDFFile).Sheets(1)
planilha.SaveAs Filename:="\\PMPA-FS3\DMAE-LabHid-Calibra-AnaliseCritica$\" & processo & "_" & ramal & "_" & medidor & "_Analise Critica" & ".xls"
End Sub
And it worked. Thank you very much!
Upvotes: 0