Reputation: 329
I was trying to update a value with some ifelse conditions.
For instance, in the code below, I just want to update the reactive "multiplier" if the reactive "decim_factor" changes its value, and not if it's only updated. I tried to use the observeEvent with "decim_factor" as eventExpr, but it didn't work.
rm(list = ls())
ui <- shinyUI(pageWithSidebar(
headerPanel("Click the button"),
numericInput("index","Numeric Input",1),
p("This is the criteria to change the decim_factor depending on numericInput"),
p(" num_input >= 20 - decim_factor=3"),
p("20 > num_input >= 10 - decim_factor=2"),
p("10 > num_input - decim_factor=1")
server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) {
decim_factor <- reactive({
num_input <- input$index
if(num_input>=20) {decim_factor <- 3}
else if(10<=num_input & num_input<20) {decim_factor <- 2}
else decim_factor <- 1
#I was trying to calculte the 'multiplier' only if 'decim_factor' changes its value
#and not if it is updated
#I tried to use observeEvent, depending on decim_factor() but it didn't work
#If I put the observeEvent function as comment it works, but the multiplier
#updates every time I change the numeric_input
multiplier <- reactive({
#The outputs come with da Sis.time() just to check if the values are updated
output$decim <- renderText({paste("Decim = ",decim_factor(), ";",Sys.time())})
output$multip <- renderText({paste("Muliplier =", multiplier(), ";",Sys.time())})
Upvotes: 1
Views: 3126
Reputation: 21425
Even when the value of your decim_factor
does not change, you reset it in the reactive so it triggers the observeEvent that updates the multiplier
. If you want to prevent this, you could do:
server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) {
values <- reactiveValues(decim_factor=1,multiplier=10)
num_input <- input$index
if(num_input>=20 & values$decim_factor != 3) {values$decim_factor <- 3}
else if(10<=num_input & num_input<20 & values$decim_factor != 2 ) {values$decim_factor <- 2}
else if(10>num_input & values$decim_factor != 1) values$decim_factor <- 1
values$multiplier <- values$decim_factor*10
output$decim <- renderText({paste("Decim = ",values$decim_factor, ";",Sys.time())})
output$multip <- renderText({paste("Muliplier =", values$multiplier, ";",Sys.time())})
The if/else
in the first observeEvent
only update values$decim_factor
when the value needs to be changed.
Upvotes: 2