Reputation: 3024
I would like to programmatically scroll a scene to the left / right, but I am not sure how to do that properly. Note that I do not want to have (visible) scroll bars.
I use a standard QGraphicsView
+ QGraphicsScene
+ QGraphicsItem
setup. I have downsized it to the minimum, with one single QGraphicsItem
(a QGraphicsRectItem
) in the scene.
I have managed to achieve programmatic scrolling by setting my view like this:
// view setup
and then, in another part of the code:
// programmatic scrolling
QScrollBar* const sb = view->horizontalScrollBar();
sb->setRange(0, 1000); // some values for experimenting
sb->setValue(sb->value() + 100 or -100); // some increment for experimenting
This works, but... scrolling through invisible scrollbars doesn't feel right.
I tried this more straightforward approach:
// programmatic scrolling - doesn't quite work
view->viewport()->scroll(100 or -100, 0); // some increment for experimenting
This code does scroll, but when the rectangle goes off the left edge of the view, and I reverse the scrolling direction (increment changed from 100
to -100
in the call to scroll()
), the uncovered part of the rectangle is not repainted. The reason is that QGraphicsRectItem::paint()
is not called in that case (it is called when using the scrollbar method).
So, is there a way to get viewport()->scroll()
work? Or some other simple way to achieve programmatic scrolling? Or is the artificial scrollbar method just the way to go?
Upvotes: 3
Views: 7842
Reputation: 27639
Moving the view assumes that it's smaller than its scene. If they're the same size, it won't move.
can be set to centerOn any position in scene coordinates. Use a timer to call centerOn
to move the view one frame at a time.
Here's a working example: -
#include <QApplication>
#include <QGraphicsScene>
#include <QGraphicsView>
#include <QGraphicsRectItem>
#include <QTimer>
class MyView : public QGraphicsView
MyView(QGraphicsScene* pScene)
: QGraphicsView(pScene, NULL)
void AnimateBy(int x)
float updateFrequency = (1000/30.0); // ~30 frames per second
QPointF currScenePos = sceneRect().center();
int curX = currScenePos.x();
int endPos = curX + x;
int distanceToAnimate = (endPos - curX);
// speed = dist / time
float updatePosInterval = (float)distanceToAnimate / updateFrequency;
printf("updatePosInterval: %f \n", updatePosInterval);
static float newXPos = sceneRect().center().x();
QTimer* pTimer = new QTimer;
QObject::connect(pTimer, &QTimer::timeout, [=](){
newXPos += updatePosInterval;
centerOn(newXPos, sceneRect().center().y());
// check for end position or time, then....
if(newXPos >= endPos)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
QGraphicsScene scene(0, 0, 10000, 20000);
MyView* view = new MyView(&scene);
QGraphicsRectItem* pRect = new QGraphicsRectItem(0, 0, 100, 100);
pRect->setPos(scene.width()/2, scene.height()/2);
// timer to wait for the window to appear, before starting to move
QTimer* pTimer = new QTimer;
QObject::connect(pTimer, &QTimer::timeout,[=](){
view->centerOn(pRect); // centre on the rectangle
return a.exec();
So, we create the animation by moving the view frame-by-frame using the call to centerOn
For simplicity, the code just deals with moving in one axis. To move in 2 axis, use 2D vector maths to calculate the interval position.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 63
If I got your question correctly, there is a dojo classes library with such class as PanWebView that allow QWebView to scroll smoothly with mouse without any scrollbars. Take a look at sources. It supports panning and can be suitable for mobile apps, but maybe it'll help you too.
PanWebView class looks like this
#include <QWebView>
#include <QWebFrame>
#include <QMouseEvent>
#include <QApplication>
class PanWebView : public QWebView
bool pressed;
bool scrolling;
QPoint position;
QPoint offset;
QList<QEvent*> ignored;
PanWebView(QWidget *parent = 0): QWebView(parent), pressed(false), scrolling(false) {
QWebFrame *frame = page()->mainFrame();
frame->setScrollBarPolicy(Qt::Vertical, Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
frame->setScrollBarPolicy(Qt::Horizontal, Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff);
void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *mouseEvent) {
if (ignored.removeAll(mouseEvent))
return QWebView::mousePressEvent(mouseEvent);
if (!pressed && !scrolling && mouseEvent->modifiers() == Qt::NoModifier)
if (mouseEvent->buttons() == Qt::LeftButton) {
pressed = true;
scrolling = false;
position = mouseEvent->pos();
QWebFrame *frame = page()->mainFrame();
int x = frame->evaluateJavaScript("window.scrollX").toInt();
int y = frame->evaluateJavaScript("window.scrollY").toInt();
offset = QPoint(x, y);
return QWebView::mousePressEvent(mouseEvent);
void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *mouseEvent) {
if (ignored.removeAll(mouseEvent))
return QWebView::mouseReleaseEvent(mouseEvent);
if (scrolling) {
pressed = false;
scrolling = false;
if (pressed) {
pressed = false;
scrolling = false;
QMouseEvent *event1 = new QMouseEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonPress,
position, Qt::LeftButton,
Qt::LeftButton, Qt::NoModifier);
QMouseEvent *event2 = new QMouseEvent(*mouseEvent);
ignored << event1;
ignored << event2;
QApplication::postEvent(this, event1);
QApplication::postEvent(this, event2);
return QWebView::mouseReleaseEvent(mouseEvent);
void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *mouseEvent) {
if (scrolling) {
QPoint delta = mouseEvent->pos() - position;
QPoint p = offset - delta;
QWebFrame *frame = page()->mainFrame();
frame- >evaluateJavaScript(QString("window.scrollTo(%1,%2);").arg(p.x()).arg(p.y()));
if (pressed) {
pressed = false;
scrolling = true;
return QWebView::mouseMoveEvent(mouseEvent);
And usage:
PanWebView web;
web.setWindowTitle("Web View - use mouse to drag and pan around");;
Also did you check this and this topics? I think it can be usefull.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 2210
Try to change the view transformation with the QGraphicsView::translate()
or QGraphicsView::setTransform()
But keep in mind that you can't move the viewport "outside" the scene, so make sure that your scene rectangle is large enough.
Upvotes: 0