Reputation: 623
I have a problem to show my add-in in Outlook 2016. I developed it as a Office365 Add-in and it works like a charm in Outlook 2013. But at the time I wanted to test it in Outlook 2016 it does not show up in the 'Apps for Office' section.
I think I have to add something to the manifest.xml, but I don't know what. In Outlook 2013 it opens a task pane in the right corner. It would be nice if it would be the same in Outlook 2016.
My Outlook 2013/2016 Add-in .XML looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<OfficeApp xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="MailApp">
<DisplayName DefaultValue="Name" />
<Description DefaultValue="Name"/>
<!-- Logo einfügen -->
<HighResolutionIconUrl DefaultValue="" />
<Host Name="Mailbox" />
<Set Name="MailBox" MinVersion="1.1" />
<Form xsi:type="ItemRead">
<SourceLocation DefaultValue="https://urltowebapp/#/outlook-login"/>
<Form xsi:type="ItemEdit">
<SourceLocation DefaultValue="https://urltowebapp/#/outlook-login"/>
<Rule xsi:type="RuleCollection" Mode="Or">
<Rule xsi:type="ItemIs" ItemType="Message" FormType="Edit" />
<Rule xsi:type="ItemIs" ItemType="Appointment" FormType="Edit" />
<Rule xsi:type="ItemIs" ItemType="Message" FormType="Read" />
<Rule xsi:type="ItemIs" ItemType="Appointment" FormType="Read" />
Upvotes: 3
Views: 402
Reputation: 623
I want to share my solution with you guys, who problably run into the same issue.
Here is my Manifest-XML
file, which absolutely suits my needs:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--Created: <SOME ID> -->
<Id> <SOME ID> </Id>
<ProviderName>[Provider Name]</ProviderName>
<DisplayName DefaultValue="AppName" />
<Description DefaultValue="Some text"/>
<!-- Logo einfügen -->
<HighResolutionIconUrl DefaultValue="<Link to your app logo>" />
<Host Name="Mailbox" />
<Set Name="MailBox" MinVersion="1.1" />
<Form xsi:type="ItemEdit">
<SourceLocation DefaultValue="<Link to your web app>"/>
<Rule xsi:type="RuleCollection" Mode="Or">
<Rule xsi:type="ItemIs" ItemType="Message" FormType="Edit" />
<Rule xsi:type="ItemIs" ItemType="Appointment" FormType="Edit" />
<!-- code to support Outlook 2016 -->
<VersionOverrides xmlns="" xsi:type="VersionOverridesV1_0">
<Description resid="residDescription" />
<bt:Sets DefaultMinVersion="1.3">
<bt:Set Name="Mailbox" />
<Host xsi:type="MailHost">
<!-- <FunctionFile resid="functionFile" /> add this if you need to -->
<ExtensionPoint xsi:type="MessageComposeCommandSurface">
<OfficeTab id="TabDefault">
<Group id="msgreadTabMessage.grp1">
<Label resid="groupLabel" />
<Tooltip resid="groupTip" />
<Control xsi:type="Button" id="msgreadTabMessage.grp1.btnView">
<Label resid="buttonLabel" />
<Tooltip resid="buttonTip" />
<Title resid="superTipTitle" />
<Description resid="superTip" />
<bt:Image size="16" resid="icon1_16x16" />
<bt:Image size="32" resid="icon1_32x32" />
<bt:Image size="80" resid="icon1_80x80" />
<Action xsi:type="ShowTaskpane">
<SourceLocation resid="taskPaneUrl" />
<bt:Image id="icon1_16x16" DefaultValue="<link to your 16px logo>"/>
<bt:Image id="icon1_32x32" DefaultValue="<link to your 32px logo>"/>
<bt:Image id="icon1_80x80" DefaultValue="<link to your 80px logo>"/>
<!-- <bt:Url id="functionFile" DefaultValue="<link to your function file if you need one>"/> -->
<bt:Url id="taskPaneUrl" DefaultValue="<link to your web application>"/>
<bt:String id="groupLabel" DefaultValue="Some text"/>
<bt:String id="buttonLabel" DefaultValue="Some text"/>
<bt:String id="superTipTitle" DefaultValue="Some text"/>
<bt:String id="residDescription" DefaultValue="Some text" />
<bt:String id="groupTip" DefaultValue="Some text"/>
<bt:String id="buttonTip" DefaultValue="Some text"/>
<bt:String id="superTip" DefaultValue="Some text"/>
<!-- end of code to support Outlook 2016 -->
In addition to the code between the code to support Outlook 2016
-comments, you have to be sure to add the 2 additional lines in the 'OfficeApp tag':
I tried to make this Manifest.XML
as general as possible so you can easily adopt it to your own project.
Upvotes: 3