Reputation: 37
I'm currently trying to transform binaries into floats and viceversa using the struct module. My function works with certain values, like 2.0 or 14.0, but it doesn't with values like 1.0.
I took the code from another question, and changed it from python2 to python3.
import struct
def bin_to_float(b):
""" convert binary string to float """
bf = int_to_bytes(int(b, 2), 8) # 8 bytes needed for IEEE 754 binary64
bf = bytes(bf, 'UTF-8')
return struct.unpack('<d', bf)[0]
def int_to_bytes(n, minlen): # helper function
""" int/long to byte string """
nbits = n.bit_length() + (1 if n < 0 else 0) # plus one for any sign bit
nbytes = (nbits+7)//8 # number of whole bytes
bytes = []
for i in range(nbytes):
bytes.append(chr(n & 0xff))
n >>= 8
# zero pad if needed
if minlen > 0 and len(bytes) < minlen:
bytes.extend((minlen-len(bytes)) * '0')
bytes.reverse() # put high bytes at beginning
return ''.join(bytes)
# tests
def float_to_bin(f):
""" convert float to binary string """
ba = struct.pack('>d', f)
s = ''.join('{:08b}'.format(b) for b in ba)
# strip off leading zeros
for i in range(len(s)):
if s[i] != '0':
else: # all zeros
s = '0'
i = 0
return s[i:]
import math
floats = [2.0, 1.0, -14.0, 12.546, math.pi]
for f in floats:
binary = float_to_bin(f)
print ('float_to_bin(%f): %r' % (f, binary))
float = bin_to_float(binary)
print ('bin_to_float(%r): %f' % (binary, float))
print ()
The problem seems to be that when I encode the str in bytes, I get 9 bytes instead of 8, but this happens only sometimes. This is the console readings:
float_to_bin(2.000000): '100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
bin_to_float('100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'): 0.000000
float_to_bin(1.000000): '11111111110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/arzuffi pc test/Desktop/prova", line 47, in <module>
float = bin_to_float(binary)
File "C:/Users/arzuffi pc test/Desktop/prova", line 8, in bin_to_float
return struct.unpack('<d', bf)[0]
struct.error: unpack requires a bytes object of length 8
I can't seem to figure out why this happens and how to prevent it from happening :/
Does anybody knows why this is?
Thank you very much in advance.
EDIT: J.J. Hakala answered brilliantly, so I'll post the answer up here:
import struct
def bin_to_float(b):
""" convert binary string to float """
return struct.unpack('<d', struct.pack('<Q', int(b, 2)))[0]
def float_to_bin(f):
""" convert float to binary string """
return '{:b}'.format(struct.unpack('<Q', struct.pack('<d', f))[0])
If someone wants to do the same with 32 bits float, this should be good:
import struct
def bin_to_float(b):
""" convert binary string to float """
return struct.unpack('<f', struct.pack('<L', int(b, 2)))[0]
def float_to_bin(f):
""" convert float to binary string """
return '{:b}'.format(struct.unpack('<L', struct.pack('<f',f))[0])
Thank you very much everybody!!!
Upvotes: 1
Views: 13688
Reputation: 431
If you are using structure in storing value in the binary file, to avoid
struct.error: unpack requires a bytes object of length ...
you may do this.
with open('file_name.txt', mode='rb') as file:
v = 0 # Is a variable starts from 0
size_ = 9 # It is the size of structure. In this case('ff?') 4 + 4 + 1 = 9
while True: * size_)
data = unpack('ff?',
print('File ends')
v += 1
Here size_ is a variable depends on the size you pack. Since you are getting
'struct.error: unpack requires a bytes object of length 8'
size_ = 8.
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Reputation: 6214
struct.pack / struct.unpack could be used to implement the functions like this
def bin_to_float(b):
return struct.unpack('<d', struct.pack('<Q', int(b, 2)))[0]
def float_to_bin(f):
return '{:b}'.format(struct.unpack('<Q', struct.pack('<d', f))[0])
As for the original question,
bf = bytes(bf, 'UTF-8')
seems to be the culprit since it may change the length of bf.
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 155674
Not sure why you're going to all this trouble really. There are much easier ways to perform this sort of conversion:
import ctypes
# Create pointer classes once up front for brevity/performance later
# Assumes ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_double) is 8 bytes; could add assert for this
PDOUBLE = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)
PU64 = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint64)
def float_to_bin(f):
d = ctypes.c_double(f) # Convert to true C double
pd = PDOUBLE(d) # Make pointer to it
pu64 = ctypes.cast(pd, PU64) # Cast pointer to unsigned int type of same size
return '{:b}'.format(pu64[0]) # Read value as unsigned int and convert to bin
def bin_to_float(b):
u64 = ctypes.c_uint64(int(b, 2)) # Convert bin form to unsigned int
pu64 = PU64(ul) # Make pointer to it
pd = ctypes.cast(pu64, PDOUBLE) # Cast pointer to double pointer
return pd[0] # Read double value as Python float
It could be even shorter, but I wanted to limit the work on each line for illustration purposes.
The precise cause of your problem is a little unclear, but the constant switching between bytes
and str
, and the trickiness of padding and unpadding properly, the possible off-by-one errors in stuff like calculating the precise bit and byte lengths, etc. could all be messing this up. The code above does the job much more directly and portably, without needing to fiddle with the nitty gritty.
Upvotes: 3