Reputation: 493
I'm starting to use Inno Setup, and I have some problems with my INI file encoding.
I want to save user input in the INI file, and this input can contain accents.
I use Inno Setup Unicode, my setupScript.iss is UTF-8 encoded, and here is my code (a part) :
Filename: "{app}\www\conf\config.ini"; Section: "Settings"; Key: "ca.plafondAnnuel"; String: "{code:GetUser|Plafond}"
Filename: "{app}\www\conf\config.ini"; Section: "Settings"; Key: "app.siren"; String: "{code:GetUser|Siren}"
Filename: "{app}\www\conf\config.ini"; Section: "Settings"; Key: "app.adresse"; String: "{code:GetUser|Adresse}"
UserPage: TInputQueryWizardPage;
ExamplePage : TInputOptionWizardPage;
ImmatriculationPage : TInputOptionWizardPage;
FakeElemIndex: Integer;
FakeElem: TCustomEdit;
AdresseTextarea: TNewMemo;
procedure InitializeWizard;
UserPage := CreateInputQueryPage(wpWelcome,
'Configuration de l''application', '',
'Configurez ici votre application. Une fois installée, vous pourrez modifier ces valeurs.');
UserPage.Add('Siren :', False);
UserPage.Add('Plafond annuel (utilisé par les auto-entreprises, mettre 0 si vous ne souhaitez pas plafonner votre chiffre d''affaire.):', False);
FakeElemIndex := UserPage.Add('Votre adresse complète (telle qu''elle s''affichera sur les devis et factures, avec nom complet):', False);
FakeElem := UserPage.Edits[FakeElemIndex];
AdresseTextarea := TNewMemo.Create(WizardForm);
AdresseTextarea.Parent := FakeElem.Parent;
AdresseTextarea.SetBounds(FakeElem.Left, FakeElem.Top, FakeElem.Width, ScaleY(50));
// Hide the original single-line edit
FakeElem.Visible := False;
function GetUser(Param: String): String;
if Param = 'Adresse' then
Result := AdresseTextarea.Text
else if Param = 'Siren' then
Result := UserPage.Values[0]
else if Param = 'Plafond' then
Result := UserPage.Values[1];
The value returned by getUser|Adresse
in the [INI]
part is not UTF-8 encoded: I open the INI file with Notepad++ and I see the file is UTF-8 encoded. But the value adresse
is ANSI encoded (If I change the encoding of the file to ANSI, this value is readable)
Someone can help me understand how can I save this user input in UTF-8 ?
Thanks a lot !
Upvotes: 4
Views: 6321
Reputation: 202642
The INI functions of Inno Setup ([INI]
section and SetIni*
functions) use internally the Windows API function WritePrivateProfileString
This function does not support UTF-8 at all. All it supports is the ANSI encoding and UTF-16.
See How to read/write Chinese/Japanese characters from/to INI files?
So it's even questionable whether the target application will be able to read UTF-8-encoded INI file, if it relies on the Windows API function to read it.
Anyway, if you need the UTF-8, you would have to format the entries to INI format yourself and use SaveStringsToUTF8File
function to write it.
The last option is to hack it by using the system call WritePrivateProfileString
to write seemingly ANSI-encoded string, which will be in fact UTF-8-encoded.
For that you need to convert the string to UTF-8 in your code. You can use WideCharToMultiByte
for that.
function WideCharToMultiByte(CodePage: UINT; dwFlags: DWORD;
lpWideCharStr: string; cchWideChar: Integer; lpMultiByteStr: AnsiString;
cchMultiByte: Integer; lpDefaultCharFake: Integer;
lpUsedDefaultCharFake: Integer): Integer;
external '[email protected] stdcall';
CP_UTF8 = 65001;
function GetStringAsUtf8(S: string): AnsiString;
Len: Integer;
Len := WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, S, Length(S), Result, 0, 0, 0);
SetLength(Result, Len);
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, S, Length(S), Result, Len, 0, 0);
function WritePrivateProfileString(
lpAppName, lpKeyName, lpString, lpFileName: AnsiString): Integer;
external '[email protected] stdcall';
procedure CurStepChanged(CurStep: TSetupStep);
IniFileName: string;
if CurStep = ssInstall then
Log('Writting INI file');
if not ForceDirectories(ExpandConstant('{app}\www\conf')) then
MsgBox('Error creating directory for INI file', mbError, MB_OK);
IniFileName := ExpandConstant('{app}\www\conf\config.ini');
if (WritePrivateProfileString(
'Settings', 'ca.plafondAnnuel', GetStringAsUtf8(GetUser('Plafond')),
IniFileName) = 0) or
'Settings', 'app.siren', GetStringAsUtf8(GetUser('Siren')),
IniFileName) = 0) or
'Settings', 'app.adresse', GetStringAsUtf8(GetUser('Adresse')),
IniFileName) = 0) then
MsgBox('Error writting the INI file', mbError, MB_OK);
Upvotes: 5