Reputation: 1
Need customized JSON output-- (I have two files - text file and schema file)
abc.txt -
100002030,Tom,peter,eng,block 3, lane 5,california,10021
100003031,Tom,john,doc,block 2, lane 2,california,10021
100004032,Tom,jim,eng,block 1, lane 1,california,10021
100005033,Tom,trek,doc,block 2, lane 2,california,10021
100006034,Tom,peter,eng,block 6, lane 6,california,10021
abc_schema.txt (field name and position)
rollno 1
firstname 2
lastname 3
qualification 4
address1 5
address2 6
city 7
Zipcode 8
First 6 characters of rollno
Need to club address1 | address2 | city
Prefix Address to above
Expected Output-
{"rollno":"100002","firstname":"Tom","lastname:"peter","qualification":"eng","Address":"block 3 lane 5 california","zipcode":"10021"}
{"rollno":"100002","firstname":"Tom","lastname:"john","qualification":"doc","Address":"block 2 lane 2 california","zipcode":"10021"}
{"rollno":"100004","firstname":"Tom","lastname:"jim","qualification":"eng","Address":"block 1 lane 1 california","zipcode":"10021"}
{"rollno":"100005","firstname":"Tom","lastname:"trek","qualification":"doc","Address":"block 2 lane 2 california","zipcode":"10021"}
{"rollno":"100006","firstname":"Tom","lastname:"peter","qualification":"eng","Address":"block 6 lane 6 california","zipcode":"10021"}
I do not wish to hardcode the fields but read from the schema file, the idea is to have reusable code. Something like looping schema file and the text file
Upvotes: 0
Views: 82
Reputation: 31
A = load 'abc.txt' using PigStorage(',') as (rollno, Fname,Lname,qua,add1,add2,city,Zipcode);
B = foreach A generate rollno, Fname,Lname,qua,concate (add1,add2,city) ,Zipcode;
INTO 'first_table.json'
USING JsonStorage();
Hope this helps.
Upvotes: 0