Reputation: 123
I want to get the computer name, IP address and version (windows 10) by using a batch file that scans the network.
I have the following:
Set compInfo= "wmic /NODE:192.168.1.%%s OS GET Version,Caption"
Set ipAdd= "wmic /NODE:192.168.1.%%s NICCONFIG WHERE IPEnabled=true GET
(FOR /L %%s IN (1,1,254) DO (echo %compInfo%,%ipAdd% >>
I'm trying to have the results in the same Line and possibly have it in CSV format with /Format:
It's not working for me, is it because the variables are outside the for loop?
EDIT: Note: run command inside for loop
(FOR /L %%s IN (1,1,254) DO wmic /node:192.168.1.%%s OS GET Version,Caption /format:htable & wmic /node:192.168.1.%%s NICCONFIG WHERE IPEnabled=true GET IPAddress,DNSHostName /format:htable) > results.html
When I do this I get the TWO lines as a result instead of ONE. if i can make this as one line for every ip address it would work great :)
Upvotes: 1
Views: 2146
Reputation: 56154
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
FOR /L %%s IN (1,1,254) DO (
set "compInfo=N/A"
set "IpAdd=N/A"
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('wmic /NODE:192.168.1.%%s os get version^,caption /all^|find "."') do set compInfo=%%a
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('wmic /NODE:192.168.1.%%s NICCONFIG WHERE "IPEnabled=true" GET IPAddress^,DNSHostName /all^|find "."') do set IpAdd=%%a
echo !compInfo:~0,-1!,!IpAdd:~0,-1!
Upvotes: 1