Reputation: 1454
The goal is to playback video file (*.mp4) inside a UIView without controls.
It will serve as a background/wallpaper on the ViewController and other controls, i.e. tableview, text fields, images will be shown over the view with video playedback.
What is the better way to do this? Thank you
Upvotes: 31
Views: 25118
Reputation: 511666
In Swift it is similar. Add the video to your resource bundle. My fuller answer is here.
import UIKit
import AVFoundation
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var player: AVPlayer?
@IBOutlet weak var videoViewContainer: UIView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
func initializeVideoPlayerWithVideo() {
// get the path string for the video from assets
let videoString:String? = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "SampleVideo_360x240_1mb", ofType: "mp4")
guard let unwrappedVideoPath = videoString else {return}
// convert the path string to a url
let videoUrl = URL(fileURLWithPath: unwrappedVideoPath)
// initialize the video player with the url
self.player = AVPlayer(url: videoUrl)
// create a video layer for the player
let layer: AVPlayerLayer = AVPlayerLayer(player: player)
// make the layer the same size as the container view
layer.frame = videoViewContainer.bounds
// make the video fill the layer as much as possible while keeping its aspect size
layer.videoGravity = AVLayerVideoGravity.resizeAspectFill
// add the layer to the container view
@IBAction func playVideoButtonTapped(_ sender: UIButton) {
// play the video if the player is initialized
Upvotes: 18
Reputation: 1454
I've reached the goal with the native AVPlayer
1.Used AVFoundation:
#import <AVFoundation/AVFoundation.h>
2.Used property for player:
@property (nonatomic) AVPlayer *avPlayer;
3.Added video file into "Video" folder and added "Video" into project
4.Initialized the player
NSString *filepath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"shutterstock_v885172.mp4" ofType:nil inDirectory:@"Video"];
NSURL *fileURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:filepath];
self.avPlayer = [AVPlayer playerWithURL:fileURL];
self.avPlayer.actionAtItemEnd = AVPlayerActionAtItemEndNone;
AVPlayerLayer *videoLayer = [AVPlayerLayer playerLayerWithPlayer:self.avPlayer];
videoLayer.frame = self.view.bounds;
videoLayer.videoGravity = AVLayerVideoGravityResizeAspectFill;
[self.view.layer addSublayer:videoLayer];
[self.avPlayer play];
5.Subscribed for event - video did play to the end
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(itemDidFinishPlaying:) name:AVPlayerItemDidPlayToEndTimeNotification object:[self.avPlayer currentItem]];
6.Resumed video playing from the very start in related method
- (void)itemDidFinishPlaying:(NSNotification *)notification {
AVPlayerItem *player = [notification object];
[player seekToTime:kCMTimeZero];
Upvotes: 52