Reputation: 2857
To put it short. I've got two simple helpers:
private SqlCommand CreateCommand(string text)
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
cmd.Connection = connection;
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
cmd.CommandText = text;
return cmd;
void SetParameter(SqlCommand cmd, string p, string dbName)
cmd.Parameters.Add(p, SqlDbType.NVarChar);
cmd.Parameters[p].Value = dbName;
This executes OK:
var cmd = CreateCommand("CREATE DATABASE Demo "+
@"ON (FILENAME = N'c:\demo_data.mdf') "+
@"LOG ON (FILENAME = N'c:\demo_data.mdf.LDF') "+
But this doesn't:
string dataBaseAttachText = "CREATE DATABASE @dbname " +
"ON (FILENAME = @filename) " +
"LOG ON (FILENAME = @filenamelog) " +
var cmd = CreateCommand(dataBaseAttachText);
SetParameter(cmd, "@dbname", "Demo");
SetParameter(cmd, "@filename", @"c:\demo_data.mdf");
SetParameter(cmd, "@filenamelog", @"c:\demo_data.mdf.LDF");
Upvotes: 19
Views: 14373
Reputation: 127603
As a bit of a combination of both Daniel's and Rich's answer. By running a DML query to sp_executesql
you can have a dynamically built query, also by using QUOTENAME
it should escape any attempts at sql injection someone may pass in.
string dataBaseAttachText = @"
DECLARE @SQLString nvarchar(500);
DECLARE @ParmDefinition nvarchar(500);
SET @SQLString =
ON (FILENAME = @filename)
LOG ON (FILENAME = @filenamelog)
SET @ParmDefinition = N'@filename nvarchar(MAX), @filenamelog nvarchar(MAX)'
EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQLString, @ParmDefinition, @filename = @filename, @filenamelog = @filenamelog";
var cmd = CreateCommand(dataBaseAttachText);
SetParameter(cmd, "@dbname", "Demo");
SetParameter(cmd, "@filename", @"c:\demo_data.mdf");
SetParameter(cmd, "@filenamelog", @"c:\demo_data.ldf");
This should execute the following DML sql query with the proper parameters passed.
ON (FILENAME = @filename)
LOG ON (FILENAME = @filenamelog)
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 139
I solved this task by calling the build in stored precedure 'sp_executesql'. The connectionstring used to create DB points to 'master'. The complete SQL statement is part of parameter value:
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString))
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("sp_executesql", connection))
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
var sql = $"CREATE DATABASE NewDatabaseName";
command.Parameters.Add("MyParameterName", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = sql;
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 1503
I solved this problem by creating an extension method to wrap all entities appropriately.
/// <summary>
/// Quotes the provided string in a sql friendly way using the standard [ and ] characters
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ObjectName">string to quote</param>
/// <example>
/// "mytable".QuoteSqlName() would return [mytable]
/// "my[complex]table".QuoteSqlName() would return [my[[complex]]table]
/// </example>
/// <returns>quoted string wrapped by quoting characters</returns>
/// <remarks>For dynamic sql this may need to be called multiple times, one for each level of encapsulation.</remarks>
public static string QuoteSqlName(this string ObjectName)
return ObjectName.QuoteSqlName(']');
/// <summary>
/// Quotes the provided string in a sql friendly way using the provided character
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ObjectName">string to quote</param>
/// <param name="QuoteCharacter">Character to quote with, use [ or ] for standard sql quoting</param>
/// <example>
/// "mytable".QuoteSqlName() would return [mytable]
/// "my[complex]table".QuoteSqlName() would return [my[[complex]]table]
/// "justin's computer".QuoteSqlName('\'') would return 'justin''s computer'
/// </example>
/// <returns>quoted string wrapped by quoting characters</returns>
public static string QuoteSqlName(this string ObjectName, char QuoteCharacter)
return ObjectName.QuoteSqlName(QuoteCharacter, false);
/// <summary>
/// Quotes the provided string in a sql friendly way using the provided character
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ObjectName">string to quote</param>
/// <param name="QuoteCharacter">Character to quote with, use [ or ] for standard sql quoting</param>
/// <param name="IsNvarChar">if true and QuoteCharacter is ' will prefix the quote with N e.g. N'mytable' vs 'mytable'</param>
/// <example>
/// "mytable".QuoteSqlName() would return [mytable]
/// "my[complex]table".QuoteSqlName() would return [my[[complex]]table]
/// "justin's computer".QuoteSqlName('\'') would return 'justin''s computer'
/// "mytable".QuoteSqlName('\'',false) would reutrn 'mytable'
/// "mytable".QuoteSqlName('[',true) would return [mytable]
/// "mytable".QuoteSqlName('\'',true) would reutrn N'mytable'
/// </example>
/// <returns>quoted string wrapped by quoting characters</returns>
public static string QuoteSqlName(this string ObjectName, char QuoteCharacter, bool IsNvarChar)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ObjectName))
return ObjectName;
char OtherQuoteCharacter = (char)0;
bool UseOtherChar = false;
if (QuoteCharacter == ']' || QuoteCharacter == '[')
QuoteCharacter = '[';
OtherQuoteCharacter = ']';
UseOtherChar = true;
var sb = new StringBuilder((int)(ObjectName.Length * 1.5) + 2);
if (QuoteCharacter == '\'' && IsNvarChar)
sb.Append(QuoteCharacter); // start with initial quote character
for (var i = 0; i < ObjectName.Length; i++)
// if its a quote character, add it again e.g. ] becomes ]]
if (ObjectName[i] == QuoteCharacter || UseOtherChar && ObjectName[i] == OtherQuoteCharacter)
sb.Append(UseOtherChar ? OtherQuoteCharacter : QuoteCharacter); // finish with other final quote character
return sb.ToString();
var QuotedDBName = this.DBName.QuoteSqlName();
CreateDBQuery.AppendFormat("USE {0};", QuotedDBName);
CreateDBQuery.AppendFormat("IF TYPE_ID({0}) IS NULL", DBType.Name.QuoteSqlName('\'', true));
CreateDBQuery.AppendFormat(" CREATE TYPE {0} as {1};", DBType.Name.QuoteSqlName(), DBType.Value);
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1885
Sadly you can accomplish this by wrapping your DDL operation in a DML operation.
var createDatabaseQuery = "exec ('CREATE DATABASE ' + @databaseName)";
var sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(createDatabaseQuery, sqlConnection);
sqlCommand.Parameters.Add("@databaseName", SqlDbType.Text);
sqlCommand.Parameters["@databaseName"].Value = "HelloWorld";
Upvotes: 12
Reputation: 135181
Parameters are supported for DML operations not DDL operations, there are no execution plans for DDL operations. you will need to use dynamic SQL
DDL = Data Definition Language (create, drop, alter....)
DML = Data Manipulation Language (select, update, delete, insert)
Upvotes: 26
Reputation: 34187
You can only use parameters in places where SQL Server supports them. Unfortunately SQL Server does not support parameterised CREATE DATABASE
statements (although I have a feeling the filename parts may support parameters).
You'll need to construct the SQL yourself:
string dataBaseAttachText = "CREATE DATABASE [" + dbName + "] " +
"ON (FILENAME = @filename) " +
"LOG ON (FILENAME = @filenamelog) " +
var cmd = CreateCommand(dataBaseAttachText);
SetParameter(cmd, "@filename", @"c:\demo_data.mdf");
SetParameter(cmd, "@filenamelog", @"c:\demo_data.mdf.LDF");
CAUTION: this is susceptable to SQL-injection attacks so caremust be taken; if you don't trust the source of the database name, don't do this!
You'll need to make similar changes to the filename parts if those can't be parameterised either.
Upvotes: 10