Reputation: 380
Hi have a for loop that I use to get entries out of a lsit of drives to loop through, for each drive I loop through entries in a file, this all works. But then what I am trying to do is finding the entry from the file (which is a file name and path without the drive letter and the first folder (parent folder named %_TAG%)
Ok so far so good, now what I want to do is replace the extension of the file with a r (*.w or *.p or *.cls must become *.r)
But for some reason my command does not work (set str=!str:.w=.r!) I have tried replacing the ! with %
I have tried various things and still stuck. Here is my complete batch file. It reads in a file with a list of partial path and file names. I even tried using a function to do renaming
@echo on
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set _TAG=TST
set /p _INFILE="Enter Filename to use for investigation: "
set /p _TAG="To which environment did you deploy? (TST / LIV): "
if /i "%_TAG%"=="LIV" (
set _drive=M O P R S Y X
) else (
set _drive=M T X
echo We will use code in the: %_TAG% folder and file: %_INFILE% and drives: %_drive%
set /p _continue="Do you wish to continue (Y/N): "
if /i "%_continue%"=="N" goto :eof
echo We will use code in the: %_TAG% folder and file: %_INFILE% and drives: %_drive% 1>> %_INFILE%.%_TAG%.rlog 2>&1
for %%j in (%_drive%) do (
echo ...
echo investigating: %%j:\%_TAG%\ 1>> %_INFILE%.%_TAG%.rlog 2>&1
cd %%j:\%_TAG%\
for /f %%i in (%_INFILE%) DO (
set "string=%%i"
call:mySetPathFunc !string! "/" "\"
call:mySetPathFunc !string! ".w" ".r"
call:mySetPathFunc !string! ".p" ".r"
call:mySetPathFunc !string! ".cls" ".r"
if exist %%j:\%_TAG%\!string! (
echo I found you in correct folder 1>> %_INFILE%.%_TAG%.rlog 2>&1
) else (
echo I did not find you in correct folder 1>> %_INFILE%.%_TAG%.rlog 2>&1
call:mySetPathFunc !string! "cbsrc" "tty"
call:mySetPathFunc !string! "hotfix" "tty"
if exist %%j:\%_TAG%\%%string%% (
echo I found you in tty 1>> %_INFILE%.%_TAG%.rlog 2>&1
) else (
echo I did not find you in tty 1>> %_INFILE%.%_TAG%.rlog 2>&1
ECHO Done used - tag: %_TAG% and used file: %_INFILE% to drive %_drive%
ECHO Done used - tag: %_TAG% and used file: %_INFILE% to drive %_drive% 1>> %_INFILE%.%_TAG%.rlog 2>&1
timeout /t 8 /nobreak > NUL
exit /b
::-- Function section starts below here
:mySetPathFunc - passing a variable by reference
echo before %~1 1>> %_INFILE%.%_TAG%.rlog 2>&1
set %~1=%~1:%~2=%~3
echo after %~1 1>> %_INFILE%.%_TAG%.rlog 2>&1
Upvotes: 0
Views: 40
Reputation: 80113
Generation 955 of the "delayedexpansion" problem.
Within a block statement (a parenthesised series of statements)
, the entire block is parsed and then executed. Any %var%
within the block will be replaced by that variable's value at the time the block is parsed - before the block is executed - the same thing applies to a FOR ... DO (block)
Hence, IF (something) else (somethingelse)
will be executed using the values of %variables%
at the time the IF
is encountered.
Two common ways to overcome this are 1) to use setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
and use !var!
in place of %var%
to access the changed value of var
or 2) to call a subroutine to perform further processing using the changed values.
Where flags are involved, the situation changes again. set "flag="
will ensure a flag is cleared. set "flag=somethingelse"
will ensure it is set (the value is not relevant.) Using if defined flag (doiftrue) else (doiffalse)
works on the run-time (current) status of flag
- not the parse-time value.
Look for hundreds of items about delayedexpansion
on SO for solutions.
Upvotes: 1