
Reputation: 23

(MuMIn) Dredge when global mixed-effects model is rank deficient

I am trying to run variable selection on Poisson mixed-effect models using glmer() and dredge(). Since several variables are collinear I use the subsetting function of dredge to avoid correlated variables. However, to use dredge() effectively one needs to have a full model including all terms - which can lead to full model to be rank-deficient.

[edited Feb 15 2016] To give a reproducible example, let's generate a random data set:

dfdat<-data.frame(replicate(6, round(rnorm(6),2)))
     X1    X2    X3    X4    X5    X6 group  Y
1 -0.88  0.05  1.33 -1.51  0.61 -0.09     2  8
2 -0.12 -0.57  0.05 -1.12  0.60 -0.41     1  7
3  0.14 -0.97 -1.04  0.40  0.87  0.27     1  9
4 -1.04 -0.26 -1.33  0.77 -1.84  1.67     1 11
5 -1.06  1.10 -0.09  0.50 -2.62  2.15     1 10
6 -1.74 -0.61  0.72 -0.29 -0.30 -0.93     1  8

Trying to run a model with all 6 terms does not work as the model is rank-deficient:

 #library(MuMIn) # not run
 #library(lme4) # not run
 fixed-effect model matrix is rank deficient so dropping 1 column / coefficient
 Error: pwrssUpdate did not converge in (maxit) iterations

Using dredge on fmod would lead to the one variable dropped by glmer being always excluded.

The solution, suggested here seems to 1. run a model that converges, and 2.trick dredge into considering the full list of variables by changing the formula in the converged model.

## full model is rank deficient, so use smaller subset<-vars[1:3]<-formula(paste0('Y~',paste0(,collapse='+'),'+(1|group)'))<-glmer(,data=dfdat,family='poisson')

This new model converges, but only includes variables X1,X2 and X3.

Now to the "tricking dredge" part. The solution proposed on the page linked above didn't work as such with glmer as the structure of mermod is different from gamms. So I tried to use:$formula<-form

where form has all my covariates (to be subsetted). This didn't work, but using the formula in the frame element, as suggested by Kamil Bartoń below, did work:

# replace formula in the frame element of
# check
# now apply dredge function with covariates
# exclude variable combinations (randomly chosen for the sake of example)
sexpr<-expression(!((X1 && X3) || (X1&&X6) || (X4 && X6) || (X4 && X5)))
# run dredge()
options(na.action =


While ms seemed to include all variables, as shown by:

[1] "(Intercept)" "X1"          "X2"          "X3"          "X4"          "X5"          "X6"         
[8] "df"          "logLik"      "AICc"        "delta"       "weight"  

the new variables (X4,X5,X6) were never actually included (NAs everywhere):

  (Intercept)          X1                X2                X3              X4        X5        X6    
 Min.   :2.407   Min.   :0.09698   Min.   :-0.4026   Min.   :-0.42078   +   : 0   +   : 0   +   : 0  
 1st Qu.:2.443   1st Qu.:0.22688   1st Qu.:-0.3204   1st Qu.:-0.35303   NA's:26   NA's:26   NA's:26  
 Median :2.474   Median :0.27361   Median :-0.2980   Median :-0.22444                                
 Mean   :2.535   Mean   :0.27539   Mean   :-0.3059   Mean   :-0.23517                                
 3rd Qu.:2.515   3rd Qu.:0.32357   3rd Qu.:-0.2718   3rd Qu.:-0.17472                                
 Max.   :3.009   Max.   :0.45664   Max.   :-0.2177   Max.   : 0.08802                                
             NA's   :20        NA's   :13        NA's   :16                                      

What is happening?

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Views: 1250

Answers (1)

Kamil Bartoń
Kamil Bartoń

Reputation: 1562

In "merMod" objects, formula is first looked for at attr(<object>@frame, "formula") (see the function code of getS3method("formula", "merMod")). So, replacing it in a call element was not effective, which can be tested with formula() or getAllTerms(). Replace the "formula" attribute of @frame.

Edit: it turns out it isn't that easy to trick dredge, because it also looks at coef (or fixef in this case) when building the table. To work that around, first generate calls, evaluate, then build the table with model.sel:

model.sel(lapply(dredge(..., evaluate = FALSE), eval), ...)

Upvotes: 2

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