Reputation: 119
I'm trying to write a function in F# that adds polynomials recursively. My polynomials can be represented as a list of tuples.
For example, 2x^4 + 3x^2 + x + 5 is equal to [(2.0,4);(3.0,2);(1.0,1);(5.0,0)]
All polynomials are properly structured (no repeated terms with the same degree, no terms with zero coefficients unless it is the zero polynomial, terms sorted by decreasing exponent no empty input list).
I'm having trouble doing this. Here is my code
type term = float * int
type poly = term list
let rec atp(t:term,p:poly):poly =
match p with
| [] -> []
| (a, b) :: tail -> if snd t = b then (fst t + a, b) :: [] elif snd t > b then t :: [] else ([]) :: atp(t, tail)
(* val atp : t:term * p:poly -> poly *)
let rec addpolys(p1:poly,p2:poly):poly =
match p1 with
| [] -> []
| (a,b) :: tail -> atp((a,b), p2) @ addpolys(tail, p2)
I have two polynomials
val p2 : poly = [(4.5, 7); (3.0, 4); (10.5, 3); (2.25, 2)]
val p1 : poly = [(3.0, 5); (2.0, 2); (7.0, 1); (1.5, 0)]
and when I call the function, my result is
val p4 : poly =
[(4.5, 7); (3.0, 5); (3.0, 4); (3.0, 5); (10.5, 3); (3.0, 5); (4.25, 2)]
When the correct answer is
[(4.5, 7); (3.0, 5); (3.0, 4); (10.5, 3); (4.25, 2); (7.0, 1); (1.5, 0)]
Upvotes: 4
Views: 693
Reputation: 3986
Unfortunately your code does not compile therefore it is difficult for me to understand your intentions. But I've got an own implementation for your problem. Maybe it will help you:
// addpoly: (float * 'a) list -> (float * 'a) list -> (float * 'a) list
let rec addpoly p1 p2 =
match (p1, p2) with
| [], p2 -> p2
| p1, [] -> p1
| (a1, n1)::p1s, (a2, n2)::p2s ->
if n1 < n2 then (a2, n2) :: addpoly p1 p2s
elif n1 > n2 then (a1, n1) :: addpoly p1s p2
else (a1+a2, n1) :: addpoly p1s p2s
let p1 = [(3.0, 5); (2.0, 2); ( 7.0, 1); (1.5, 0)]
let p2 = [(4.5, 7); (3.0, 4); (10.5, 3); (2.25, 2)]
let q = addpoly p1 p2
// val q : (float * int) list =
// [(4.5, 7); (3.0, 5); (3.0, 4); (10.5, 3); (4.25, 2); (7.0, 1); (1.5, 0)]
I would like to make a little note. When you change the representation of the polynomials a little bit then you can simplify the implementation of your function. You can express a polynomial as a list of its coefficients.
For example when you have this polynomial
p1 = 5.0x^5 + 2.0x^2 + 7.0x
you can write it also like this
p1 = 1.5x^0 + 7.0x^1 + 2.0x^2 + 0.0x^3 + 0.0x^4 + 5.0x^5
Therefore you are able to define the polynomial with this list:
let p1 = [1.5; 7.0; 2.0; 0.0; 0.0; 5.0]
Here are two functions which operates on the representation. polyval calculates the result for a given value and polyadd adds two polynomials. There implementation are rather simple:
// p1 = 1.5x^0 + 7.0x^1 + 2.0x^2 + 0.0x^3 + 0.0x^4 + 5.0x^5
let p1 = [1.5; 7.0; 2.0; 0.0; 0.0; 5.0]
// p2 = 0.0x^0 + 0.0x^1 + 2.25x^2 + 10.5x^3 + 3.0x^4 + 0.0x^5 + 0.0x^6 + 4.5x^7
let p2 = [0.0; 0.0; 2.25; 10.5; 3.0; 0.0; 0.0; 4.5]
// polyval: float list -> float -> float
let rec polyval ps x =
match ps with
| [] -> 0.0
| p::ps -> p + x * (polyval ps x)
// polyadd: float int -> float int -> float int
let rec polyadd ps qs =
match (ps, qs) with
| [], ys -> ys
| xs, [] -> xs
| x::xs, y::ys -> (x+y)::polyadd xs ys
let v = polyval p1 2.3
// val v : float = 349.99715
let p = polyadd p1 p2
// val p : float list = [1.5; 7.0; 4.25; 10.5; 3.0; 5.0; 0.0; 4.5]
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 233150
Here's a completely generic, tail-recursive implementation:
let inline addPolys xs ys =
let rec imp acc = function
| (coeffx, degx)::xt, (coeffy, degy)::yt when degx = degy ->
imp ((coeffx + coeffy, degx)::acc) (xt, yt)
| (coeffx, degx)::xt, (coeffy, degy)::yt when degx > degy ->
imp ((coeffx, degx)::acc) (xt, (coeffy, degy)::yt)
| xs, yh::yt -> imp (yh::acc) (xs, yt)
| xh::xt, [] -> imp (xh::acc) (xt, [])
| [], yh::yt -> imp (yh::acc) ([], yt)
| [], [] -> acc
imp [] (xs, ys) |> List.rev
It has the type:
xs:( ^a * 'b) list -> ys:( ^a * 'b) list -> ( ^a * 'b) list
when ^a : (static member ( + ) : ^a * ^a -> ^a) and 'b : comparison
Since float
has the member +
, and int
supports comparison, the type float * int
matches these generic constraints:
> addPolys p1 p2;;
val it : (float * int) list =
[(4.5, 7); (3.0, 5); (3.0, 4); (10.5, 3); (4.25, 2); (7.0, 1); (1.5, 0)]
Upvotes: 2