Reputation: 57
I'm writing a sudoku solver in Python that takes in a partially filled in board and uses backtracking and forward checking to fill in the rest and solve the puzzle. Forward checking is where every time you assign a value to a blank cell you check whether its row, col, and box unassigned "neighbors" still have nonempty domains after the assignment.
To represent my board (dimenstions: N x N board with P x Q boxes), I'm using a 2D list in which each entry is of the form [value, [domain]], where value is the assigned number of the cell (0 if unassigned) and domain is the possible values for the cell that would keep the sudoku puzzle consistent.
I believe I am doing something wrong with my recursion but can't figure out what. The function always fails and returns False. Below is a portion of my recursive solver function with the preprocessing code taken out. If necessary, I can post the entire function and its helper functions.
def fc_recursive_solve(board, N, P, Q, row, col, outputFile, timeout):
###some preprocessing here to check if puzzle is solved and find next empty cell if not
vals = board[row][col][1] #domain/possible values for the empty cell
for num in vals:
#if num doesn't violate the row, col, and box sudoku constraints
if constraintCheck(row, col, num, P, N, Q, board):
#make copy of cell's domain for backtracking
tempDomain = copy.deepcopy(board[row][col][1])
board[row][col][0] = num #assign num to the cell
#remove num from domains of neighbors,
#if an empty domain results after removing num,
#return False and the original board,
#else return True and the updated board
noEmptyDomains, board = propagate_fc(board, N, P, Q, row, col, num)
if noEmptyDomains:
board[row][col][1] = [num] #update domain to be num and then recurse
if fc_recursive_solve(board, N, P, Q, row, col, outputFile, timeout):
return True
#backtrack -- reset value and domain of assigned cell
board[row][col][1] = tempDomain
board[row][col][0] = 0
board[row][col][0] = 0
return False
EDIT: more code and trying out Blckknght's solution
def fc_recursive_solve(board, N, P, Q, row, col, outputFile, timeout):
if time.clock() >= timeout:
return "timeout"
while row < N and board[row][col][0] != 0: #find next blank
if col == N-1:
row = row + 1
col = 0
col = col + 1
if row == N: #solved
return True
for num in vals:
if constraintCheck(row, col, num, P, N, Q, board):
board[row][col][0] = num
noEmptyDomains, new_board = propagate_fc(board, N, P, Q, row, col, num) # new var
if noEmptyDomains:
new_board[row][col][1] = [num] # this doesn't modify board, only new_board
if fc_recursive_solve(new_board, N, P, Q, row, col, outputFile, timeout):
return True
board[row][col][0] = 0 # the only thing that's required to backtrack
return False
def propagate_fc(board, N, P, Q, row, col, num):
origBoard = copy.deepcopy(board)
#row propagate
for x in range(N):
if board[x][col][0] == 0:
if num in board[x][col][1]:
if len(board[x][col][1]) == 0:
return False, origBoard #domain is empty; return original board
#col propagate
for y in range(N):
if board[row][y][0] == 0:
if num in board[row][y][1]:
if len(board[row][y][1]) == 0:
return False, origBoard #domain is empty
#box propagate
rDiv = row/P
cDiv = col/P
for i in range((rDiv * P), ((rDiv + 1) * P)):
for j in range((cDiv * Q), ((cDiv + 1) * Q)):
if board[i][j][0] == 0:
if num in board[i][j][1]:
if len(board[i][j][1]) == 0:
return False, origBoard #domain is empty
return True, board #success; return board with updated domains
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Views: 928
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If you're doing backtracking you need to be able to return the state of your board to how it was before. Your current code is not doing that. The propagate_fc
function modifies board
in a way that is not easy to undo.
Since I don't see an easy way to reverse the logic of propagate_fc
, I suggest changing the design of the solver so that it makes copies of the board and only modifies the copies before passing them on to further recursive steps. If the copy doesn't lead to a solution, it can be thrown away, rather than trying to write backtracking code to fix it back up.
(I'm sure it is possible to backtrack, it's just not obvious what a good way to keep track of the changes, and figuring it out is too much work for this answer.)
Anyway, here's what I suggest for the modified version of the solver:
def fc_recursive_solve(board, N, P, Q, row, col, outputFile, timeout):
if time.clock() >= timeout:
return "timeout"
while row < N and board[row][col][0] != 0: #find next blank
if col == N-1:
row = row + 1
col = 0
col = col + 1
if row == N: #solved
return board
for num in vals:
if constraintCheck(row, col, num, P, N, Q, board):
new_board = copy.deepcopy(board)
new_board[row][col][0] = num
if propagate_fc(new_board, N, P, Q, row, col, num):
new_board[row][col][1] = [num]
result = fc_recursive_solve(new_board, N, P, Q, row, col, outputFile, timeout)
if result is not None and result != "timeout":
return result
return None
I've changed it to return the solved board, if it's successful. Otherwise, you'd get a True
response, but not be able to see the result (since the top-level code's board
won't be modified).
Here's the changed version of propagate_fc
to go with it:
def propagate_fc(board, N, P, Q, row, col, num):
# no copying any more here
#row propagate
for x in range(N):
if board[x][col][0] == 0:
if num in board[x][col][1]:
if len(board[x][col][1]) == 0:
return False
#col propagate
for y in range(N):
if board[row][y][0] == 0:
if num in board[row][y][1]:
if len(board[row][y][1]) == 0:
return False
#box propagate
rDiv = row/P
cDiv = col/P
for i in range((rDiv * P), ((rDiv + 1) * P)):
for j in range((cDiv * Q), ((cDiv + 1) * Q)):
if board[i][j][0] == 0:
if num in board[i][j][1]:
if len(board[i][j][1]) == 0:
return False
return board #success; return new board
The only real change here is that I don't bother returning the board
, since we're always modifying it in place. Only the bool result is needed (to say if the board is valid or not).
(I'd initially thought there was another issue, with the if len(...) == 0
checks in each block, but it turned out not to be a problem after all. You might get slightly better performance doing those checks only when you've just remove
d a value from the current board[x][y][1]
list (by indenting those blocks by two levels), but it's not likely to be a big performance gain.)
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Reputation: 4418
Based on a quick glance, I think you mixed up your row/col propagate:
#row propagate
for x in range(row): <== should this be range(col) ?
if board[row][x][0] == 0: <== row is fixed, but cols (x) changes
if num in board[row][x][1]:
if len(board[row][x][1]) == 0:
return False, origBoard #domain is empty; return original board
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