Reputation: 759
What should be the regex for matching a specific word in every sentence in JavaScript?
The rules for matching the sentence are clear: It should end with dot (.) and the next letter should be capital.
But what I need to achieve is match a word in each sentence. So I suppose I should use groups. Or should I put the string word within the regex?
Here is my java regex for looping the sentences enter link
Here is my java regex for matching words in -5 +5 word context: enter link But I will need to have a combination of both in JavaScript.
My goal:
Cliffs have collapsed in New Zealand during an earthquake in the city of Christchurch on the South Island. No serious damage or fatalities were reported in the Valentine's Day quake that struck at 13:13 local time. Based on the med. report everybody were ok.
Output for chosen word "on":
- Cliffs have collapsed in New Zealand during an earthquake in the city of Christchurch on the South Island
- Based on the med. report everybody were ok.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 10879
Reputation: 12458
Update: I provide two solutions below. My original answer only provided the first.
One solution uses a single regex to try to parse the entire original paragraph. It can be done, but as described below, may not be the best solution.
An alternative solution is a more involved algorithm, but uses lighter regex's. It splits the text into sentences and works on each sentence separately. This solution is much more efficient and, might I say, more elegant.
Solution 1: Single Regex
Run the first code snippet below to demo this solution. It finds all sentences (as you defined them) that contain any keyword you want. The complete regex is...
\. +([A-Z]([^.]|.(?! +[A-Z]))*?" + keyword + "([^.]|.(?! +[A-Z]))*?\.(?= +[A-Z]))
...but the code breaks it down into much more understandable pieces.
Once you click the 'Run code snippet' button, it takes a few seconds to run.
This is a fairly regex-heavy solution. It can be fairly slow. Using the example paragraph you provided, this routine becomes intolerably slow. Even being this slow, it is actually not complex enough, as it can't tell when the keyword is embedded in another word. (e.g. when looking for "cats" it will also find "catsup"). Trying to avoid that sort of embedding is possible, but it just made the whole thing too slow to even demonstrate.
var text = "I like cats. I really like cats. I also like dogs. Dogs and cats are pets. Approx. half of pets are cats. Approx. half of pets are dogs. Some cats are v. expensive.";
var keyword = "cats";
var reStr =
"\. +" + // a preceding sentence-ender, i.e. a period
// followed by one or more spaces
"(" + // begin remembering the match (i.e. arr[1] below)
"[A-Z]" + // a sentence-starter, i.e. an uppercase letter
"(" + // start of a sentence-continuer, which is either
"[^.]" + // anything but a period
"|" + // or
"\.(?! +[A-Z])" + // a period not followed by one or more spaces
// and an uppercase letter
")" + // end of a sentence-continuer
"*?" + // zero or more of the preceding sentence-continuers
// but as few as possible
keyword + // the keyword being sought
"([^.]|\.(?! +[A-Z]))" + // a sentence-continuer, as described above
"*?" + // zero or more of them but as few as possible
"\." + // a sentence-ender, i.e. a period
"(?= +[A-Z])" + // followed by one or more spaces and an
// uppercase letter, which is not remembered
")"; // finish remembering the match
// That ends up being the following:
// "\. +([A-Z]([^.]|.(?! +[A-Z]))*?" + keyword + "([^.]|.(?! +[A-Z]))*?\.(?= +[A-Z]))"
var re = new RegExp(reStr, "g"); // construct the regular expression
var sentencesWithKeyword = []; // initialize an array to keep the hits
var arr; // prepare an array to temporarily keep 'exec' return values
var expandedText = ". " + text + " A";
// add a sentence-ender (i.e. a period) before the text
// and a sentence-starter (i.e. an uppercase letter) after the text
// to facilitate finding the first and last sentences
while ((arr = re.exec(expandedText)) !== null) { // while hits are found
sentencesWithKeyword.push(arr[1]); // remember the sentence found
re.lastIndex -= 2; // start the next search two characters back
// to allow for starting the next match
// with the period that ended the current match
// show the results
show("Text to search:");
show("Query string: " + keyword);
for (var num = 0; num < sentencesWithKeyword.length; num += 1) {
show((num + 1) + ". " + sentencesWithKeyword[num]);
function show(msg) {
document.write("<p>" + msg + "</p>");
Solution 2: Divide and Conquer
Here, you do the following:
That way, any regex's you use do not have to simultaneously deal with splitting into sentences, searching for the keyword, keeping hits and discarding non-hits, all in one massive regex.
var textToSearch = "I like cats. I really like cats. I also like dogs. Cats are great. Catsup is tasty. Dogs and cats are pets. Approx. half of pets are cats. Approx. half of pets are dogs. Some cats are v. expensive.";
var keyword = "cats";
var sentences = {
all : [],
withKeyword : [],
withNoKeyword : []
var sentenceRegex = new RegExp("([.]) +([A-Z])", "g");
var sentenceSeparator = "__SENTENCE SEPARATOR__";
var modifiedText = textToSearch.replace(sentenceRegex, "$1" + sentenceSeparator + "$2");
sentences.all = modifiedText.split(sentenceSeparator);
sentences.all.forEach(function(sentence) {
var keywordRegex = new RegExp("(^| +)" + keyword + "( +|[.])", "i");
var keywordFound = keywordRegex.test(sentence);
if (keywordFound) {
} else {
document.write("<pre>" + JSON.stringify(sentences, null, 2) + "</pre>");
Upvotes: 4