Reputation: 1085
I'm currently using jqgrid 4.8.2 I have a parent grid with a fixed width of 800 px, and a sub grid that is larger. I've set both the parent grid and the child grid so that shrinkToFit is false. A scroll bar for the sub grid appears and works properly. Unfortunately, when I scroll the sub grid, the data row from the parent grid scrolls as well, but not the parent grid header.
I tried to replicate this experience using jsFiddle, but for some reason the jqgrid works differently there. I don't get the scroll bar for the sub grid, even though the code I'm running on my server is exactly the same.
Here's the code I'm using:
var mainGrid = {
"total": 1,
"page": 1,
"pageSize": 20,
"records": 1,
"rows": [{
"siteId": 12516086,
"siteName": "Detroit",
"siteAddress": "1 Woodward",
"siteCitySt": "Detroit, MI",
"siteZip": "48205",
"productCd": "ProductX",
"productName": "Product X",
"finishedSize": null,
"estimatedPieceWeight": 0.125,
"vdpTypeCode": null,
"taHouseholds": 1071689,
"taDistribution": 445139,
"distribution": 445139,
"avgCpm": 32.32084084084084084084084084084084084084,
"investment": 19542.8,
"coverage": 41.54
var subGrid = {
"total": 1,
"page": 1,
"pageSize": 20,
"records": 2,
"rows": [{
"mediaPlanId": 3003,
"mbuHdrId": 4035986,
"mbuDtlId": 10442611,
"commonMbuId": 99731,
"ggId": 1244425,
"fkGeoProfileId": 15032061,
"fkSite": 12516086,
"wrapZoneId": 15049936,
"wrapZone": "MI Detroit/ Highland Park/ Hamtramck",
"productCd": "INS_SHARED",
"productName": "Insert - Shared Mail",
"wrapPagePosition": null,
"finishedSize": null,
"estimatedPieceWeight": 0.125,
"vdpTypeCode": null,
"geocode": "48205D1",
"zip": "48205",
"atz": "D1",
"cityName": "DETROIT, MI",
"households": 2088,
"taHouseholds": 2088,
"distribution": 2092,
"cpm": 0,
"investment": 0.0,
"overallCoverage": 100.191570881226053639846743295019157088,
"taCoverage": 100.191570881226053639846743295019157088,
"distance": 0.62,
"coverageDescDisplay": "Pcd",
"coverageDesc": "Private Carrier Delivery",
"ihDate": 1463371200000,
"ihDay": "M/T",
"pricingMarket": "MI DETROIT",
"fkSdmId": 15075973,
"sdmName": "MI Detroit",
"fkVariableId": 7039,
"primaryVariableName": "Candy & Chewing Gum",
"variableContents": "INDEX",
"variableValue": 63.52,
"isSelected": true,
"isActiveMbuCmn": true,
"isActiveMbuHdr": true,
"isActiveMbuDtl": true,
"isUsedInCbx": true,
"isBought": true,
"var1Name": "Candy & Chewing Gum",
"var1Contents": "INDEX",
"var1Value": "64",
"var2Name": "Toys, Games, and Hobbies",
"var2Contents": "INDEX",
"var2Value": "74",
"var3Name": "Casual Dining: Olive Garden",
"var3Contents": "INDEX",
"var3Value": "83"
}, {
"mediaPlanId": 3003,
"mbuHdrId": 4035988,
"mbuDtlId": 10442613,
"commonMbuId": 99732,
"ggId": 1244426,
"fkGeoProfileId": 22973059,
"fkSite": 12516086,
"wrapZoneId": 15049936,
"wrapZone": "MI Detroit/ Highland Park/ Hamtramck",
"productCd": "INS_SHARED",
"productName": "Insert - Shared Mail",
"wrapPagePosition": null,
"finishedSize": null,
"estimatedPieceWeight": 0.125,
"vdpTypeCode": null,
"geocode": "48205G1",
"zip": "48205",
"atz": "G1",
"cityName": "DETROIT, MI",
"households": 1156,
"taHouseholds": 1156,
"distribution": 1157,
"cpm": 0,
"investment": 0.0,
"overallCoverage": 100.086505190311418685121107266435986159,
"taCoverage": 100.086505190311418685121107266435986159,
"distance": 0.74,
"coverageDescDisplay": "Pcd",
"coverageDesc": "Private Carrier Delivery",
"ihDate": 1463371200000,
"ihDay": "M/T",
"pricingMarket": "MI DETROIT",
"fkSdmId": 15075973,
"sdmName": "MI Detroit",
"fkVariableId": 7039,
"primaryVariableName": "Candy & Chewing Gum",
"variableContents": "INDEX",
"variableValue": 68.06,
"isSelected": false,
"isActiveMbuCmn": true,
"isActiveMbuHdr": true,
"isActiveMbuDtl": true,
"isUsedInCbx": true,
"isBought": false,
"var1Name": "Candy & Chewing Gum",
"var1Contents": "INDEX",
"var1Value": "68",
"var2Name": "Toys, Games, and Hobbies",
"var2Contents": "INDEX",
"var2Value": "78",
"var3Name": "Casual Dining: Olive Garden",
"var3Contents": "INDEX",
"var3Value": "91"
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for (var i = 0; i < json.rows.length; i++) {
json.rows[i].id = $.jgrid.randId();
json.rows[i].siteNameDisp = json.rows[i].siteName + ' - ' +
json.rows[i].siteAddress + ', ' +
json.rows[i].siteCitySt + ', ' +
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editrules: {
edithidden: true
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label: 'Site',
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sortable: false
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}, {
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formatoptions: {
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var grid = $("#jqGrid");
var row = grid.getRowData(parentRowId);
showDetail(subgrid_id, parentRowId);
function showDetail(subgrid_id, parentRowId) {
var lastSelection;
var parentGridId = 'jqGrid';
var grid = $('#' + parentGridId);
var row = grid.getRowData(parentRowId);
var siteId = row.siteId;
var productCode = row.productCd;
var subgrid_table_id = subgrid_id + "_table";
var subgrid_pager_id = subgrid_id + "_pager";
$("#" + subgrid_id).html("<table id=\'" + subgrid_table_id + "' class='scroll'></table>" +
"<div id=\'" + subgrid_pager_id + "\'></div>");
$("#" + subgrid_table_id).jqGrid({
datatype: function(postdata) {
$('#' + 'load_' + subgrid_table_id).show();
var json = subGrid;
for (var i = 0; i < json.rows.length; i++) {
json.rows[i].taDistribution = json.rows[i].distribution;
json.rows[i].parentGridId = parentGridId;
json.rows[i].parentRowId = parentRowId;
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thousandsSeparator: ",",
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formatter: 'currency',
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decimalSeparator: ".",
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sortable: true,
formatter: 'currency',
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decimalSeparator: ".",
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formatter: 'number',
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width: 60,
sortable: true,
//formatter: dateFormatter,
align: 'center'
label: 'IH Day',
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width: 60,
sortable: true,
align: 'center'
label: 'Pricing Market',
name: 'pricingMarket',
width: 115,
sortable: true
}, {
label: ' ',
name: 'variableValue',
width: 90,
sortable: true,
hidden: false,
align: 'right'
// Variable 1
label: ' ',
name: 'var1Value',
width: 90,
sortable: true,
hidden: false,
align: 'right'
// Variable 2
label: ' ',
name: 'var2Value',
width: 90,
sortable: true,
hidden: false,
align: 'right'
// Variable 3
label: ' ',
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pager: "#" + subgrid_pager_id
And here's a link to the JS Fiddle:
Hopefully the following pictures will help.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1556
Reputation: 221997
First of all I have to remark that the demo, which you included in the text of your question uses my fork of jqGrid: free jqGrid and not commercial Guriddio jqGrid JS 4.8.2 or 5.0.2. The corresponding demo using the latest Guriddio jqGrid JS would be
I made many fixes in free jqGrid. One from the changes, which I can see related to the problem, is the CSS rule
.ui-jqgrid tr.ui-subgrid > td {
overflow: hidden;
If I would add CSS rule to Guriddio jqGrid JS then I get, which hold subgrid always inside of the parent grid and the problem which you reported never exist.
UPDATED: If you want to see the horizontal scrollbar in the subgrid the you should reduce it's width by usage of
$("#" + subgrid_table_id).jqGrid("setGridWidth", $("#" + subgrid_id).width());
or, in more easy way, just by replacing explicit width (width: 1400
) of subgrid to autowidth: true
option. See the demo
Upvotes: 2