Reputation: 2390
In a previous SO question, I got advice on using Scala Futures with PlayFramework, thank you. Now things have gotten a bit more complicated. Let's say that before I just had to map where fruit could be found:
def getMapData(coll: MongoCollection[Document], s: String): Future[Seq[Document]] = ...
def mapFruit(collection: MongoCollection[Document]) = Action.async {
val fut = getMapData(collection, "fruit") { docs: Seq[Document] =>
} recover {
case e => Console.err.println("FAIL: " + e.getMessage); BadRequest("FAIL")
It turns out that people care more about Apples than Bananas or Cherries, so if no more than 100 items should appear on the map, people want Apples to have priority over Bananas and Cherries, but not more than some percentage of items on a map should be Apples. Some function pickDocs
determines the proper mix. I thought something like this might just work, but no:
def mapApplesBananasCherries(collection: MongoCollection[Document]) = Action.async {
val futA = getMapData(collection, "apples")
val futB = getMapData(collection, "bananas")
val futC = getMapData(collection, "cherries") { docsA: Seq[Document] => { docsB: Seq[Document] => { docsC: Seq[Document] =>
val docsPicked = pickDocs(100, docsA, docsB, docsC)
// won't compile without something here, e.g. Ok("whatever")
} recover {
case e => Console.err.println("FAIL: " + e.getMessage); BadRequest("FAIL")
Life was simple when I just had one Future, but now I have three. What can I do to make this to (1) work and (2) again be simple? I can't really construct a web response until all three Futures have values.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 381
Reputation: 7373
This is a very common pattern for Futures and similar classes that "contain values" (e.g. Option
, List
To combine the results you want to use the flatMap
method and the resulting code is
def mapApplesBananasCherries(collection: MongoCollection[Document]) = Action.async {
val futA = getMapData(collection, "apples")
val futB = getMapData(collection, "bananas")
val futC = getMapData(collection, "cherries")
futA.flatMap { docsA =>
futB.flatMap { docsB => { docsC =>
val docsPicked = pickDocs(100, docsA, docsB, docsC)
} recover {
case e => Console.err.println("FAIL: " + e.getMessage); BadRequest("FAIL")
In fact it's so common that a special syntax exists to make it more readable, called for-comprehension: the following code is equivalent to the previous snippet
def mapApplesBananasCherries(collection: MongoCollection[Document]) = Action.async {
val futA = getMapData(collection, "apples")
val futB = getMapData(collection, "bananas")
val futC = getMapData(collection, "cherries")
for {
apples <- futA
bananas <- futB
cherries <- futC
} yield {
val docsPicked = pickDocs(100, apples, bananas, cherries)
} recover {
case e => Console.err.println("FAIL: " + e.getMessage); BadRequest("FAIL")
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 3984
This doesn't compile because your nested future block is returning a Future[Future[Future[Response]]]
. If you instead use flatMap
on the futures, Your futures will not be nested.
If you want this to be a little less repetitive, you can use Future.sequence
instead to kick off futures simultaneously. You can either use pattern matching to re-extract the lists:
val futureCollections = List("apples", "bananas", "cherries").map{ getMapData(collection, _) }
Future.sequence(futureCollections) map { case docsA :: docsB :: docsC :: Nil =>
Ok(pickDocs(100, docsA, docsB, docsC).toJson)
} recover {
case e => Console.err.println("FAIL: " + e.getMessage); BadRequest("FAIL")
or you could just hand the pickDocs
function a list of lists (sorted by priority) for it to pick from.
Future.sequence(futureCollections) map { docLists =>
Ok(pickDocs(docLists, 100, 0.75f).toJson)
} recover {
case e => Console.err.println("FAIL: " + e.getMessage); BadRequest("FAIL")
This pickDocs
implementation will take a percentage of the head of the list, unless there aren't enough documents in the full list, in which it takes more, then recursively apply the same percentage on the remaining slots lists.
def pickDocs[T](lists: List[List[T]], max: Int, dampPercentage: Float): List[T] = {
lists match {
case Nil => Nil
case head :: tail =>
val remainingLength = tail.flatten.length
val x = max - remainingLength
val y = math.ceil(max * dampPercentage).toInt
val fromHere = head.take(x max y)
fromHere ++ pickDocs(tail, max - fromHere.length, dampPercentage)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 2242
If my understanding is that you want to execute apples, cherries and bananas in that priority, I would code it similar to this
import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future}
import scala.util.Random
import scala.concurrent.duration._
object WaitingFutures extends App {
implicit val ec =
val apples = Future {50 + Random.nextInt(100)}
val cherries = Future {50 + Random.nextInt(100)}
val bananas = Future {50 + Random.nextInt(100)}
val mix = for {
app <- apples
cher <- if (app < 100) cherries else Future {0}
ban <- if (app + cher < 100) bananas else Future {0}
} yield (app,cher,ban)
mix.onComplete {m =>
println(s"mix ${m.get}")
Await.result(mix, 3 seconds)
if apples returns more than 100 when the future completes, it doesn't wait until cherries or bananas are done, but returns a dummy future with 0. If it's not enough it will wait until cherries are executed and so on.
NB I didn't put much effort on how to signal the if, so I'm using the dummy future which might not be the best approach.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 586
Basically, you should use flatMap
futA.flatMap { docsA: Seq[String] =>
futB.flatMap { docsB: Seq[String] => { docsC: Seq[String] =>
docsPicked = pickDocs(100, docsA, docsB, docsC)
Also, you can use for comprehension:
val res = for {
docsA <- futA
docsB <- futB
docsC <- futC
} yield Ok(pickDocs(100, docsA, docsB, docsC).toJson)
res.recover {
case e => Console.err.println("FAIL: " + e.getMessage); BadRequest("FAIL")
Upvotes: 2