Reputation: 23
I am new to Visual Studio and Visual Studio Team Services.
I am trying to run a build on of simple code using Team Services. However, I get the following error:No solution was found using search pattern 'C:\a\1\s***.sln'.
My steps were:
Starting: Build
Executing the following commandline:
C:\LR\MMS\Services\Mms\TaskAgentProvisioner\Tools\agents\default\agent\worker\vsoWorker.exe /name:Worker-1c2934a8-bfde-429a-945e-4bb6394a6d3b /id:1c2934a8-bfde-429a-945e-4bb6394a6d3b /rootFolder:"C:\LR\MMS\Services\Mms\TaskAgentProvisioner\Tools\agents\default" /logger:Forwarding,1.0.0;Verbosity=Verbose,Name=Agent1-1aadeebb9c4390e852d65e80b5fec753;JobId=1c2934a8-bfde-429a-945e-4bb6394a6d3b
Starting: Get sources
Syncing repository: Sam New Project (TFVC)
Workspace Name: ws_1_1;Build\f1fca027-0a60-48e6-a5aa-f55071ee636c Getting C:\a\1\s;C10 Getting C:\a\1\s\BuildProcessTemplates;C11 Getting C:\a\1\s\Sam New WIndows Form;C13 Getting C:\a\1\s\BuildProcessTemplates\AzureContinuousDeployment.11.xaml;C11 Getting C:\a\1\s\BuildProcessTemplates\DefaultTemplate.11.1.xaml;C11 Getting C:\a\1\s\BuildProcessTemplates\LabDefaultTemplate.11.xaml;C12 Getting C:\a\1\s\BuildProcessTemplates\UpgradeTemplate.xaml;C11 Getting C:\a\1\s\Sam New WIndows Form\Sam New WIndows Form;C13 Getting C:\a\1\s\Sam New WIndows Form\Sam New WIndows Form\App.config;C13 Getting C:\a\1\s\Sam New WIndows Form\Sam New WIndows Form\Form1.cs;C13 Getting C:\a\1\s\Sam New WIndows Form\Sam New WIndows Form\Form1.Designer.cs;C13 Getting C:\a\1\s\Sam New WIndows Form\Sam New WIndows Form\Program.cs;C13 Getting C:\a\1\s\Sam New WIndows Form\Sam New WIndows Form\Properties;C13 Getting C:\a\1\s\Sam New WIndows Form\Sam New WIndows Form\Sam New WIndows Form.csproj;C13 Getting C:\a\1\s\Sam New WIndows Form\Sam New WIndows Form\Sam New WIndows Form.csproj.vspscc;C13 Getting C:\a\1\s\Sam New WIndows Form\Sam New WIndows Form\Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs;C13 Getting C:\a\1\s\Sam New WIndows Form\Sam New WIndows Form\Properties\Resources.Designer.cs;C13 Getting C:\a\1\s\Sam New WIndows Form\Sam New WIndows Form\Properties\Resources.resx;C13 Getting C:\a\1\s\Sam New WIndows Form\Sam New WIndows Form\Properties\Settings.Designer.cs;C13 Getting C:\a\1\s\Sam New WIndows Form\Sam New WIndows Form\Properties\Settings.settings;C13 Done syncing repository Sam New Project to version C13 (workspace version C13)
Running tasks
Starting task: Build solution ***.sln
Executing the powershell script:
C:\LR\MMS\Services\Mms\TaskAgentProvisioner\Tools\agents\default\tasks\VSBuild\1.0.19\VSBuild.ps1 No solution was found using search pattern 'C:\a\1\s***.sln'.
Finishing task: VSBuild
Starting task: Copy Files to: $(build.artifactstagingdirectory)
Set workingFolder to default:
C:\LR\MMS\Services\Mms\TaskAgentProvisioner\Tools\agents\default\tasks\CopyFiles\1.0.10 found 0 files
Finishing task: CopyFiles
Starting task: Publish Artifact: drop
Set workingFolder to default:
C:\LR\MMS\Services\Mms\TaskAgentProvisioner\Tools\agents\default\tasks\PublishBuildArtifacts\1.0.25 Max Concurrent Uploads 2, Max Creators 1 Found 0 files to upload. Created 0 files without uploading content. Total files processed 0 Uploaded artifact 'C:\a\1\a' to container folder 'drop' of build 7. Associated artifact 6 with build 7
Finishing task: PublishBuildArtifacts
Task VSBuild failed. This caused the job to fail. Look at the logs for the task for more details.
Finishing Build
Worker Worker-1c2934a8-bfde-429a-945e-4bb6394a6d3b finished running job 1c2934a8-bfde-429a-945e-4bb6394a6d3b
Upvotes: 2
Views: 6874
Reputation: 29976
According to the logs from "Get sources" step, solution file (.sln) isn't downloaded. Please check following things:
1: Go to "Code" tab and make sure the solution folder and file has been checked in.
2: Go to "Build" tab and make sure the "Mappings" under "Repository" setting include the solution folder in your build definition.
Upvotes: 3