Reputation: 33
What would be the code for finding the time difference between two different times which are in a 12hr format using javascript. I am using these two time fields in my dynamic gridview .
var gridNew = document.getElementById("<%= Gridview1.ClientID %>");
if (gridNew.rows.length > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < gridNew.rows.length - 2; i++) {
var frombox = document.getElementById("Gridview1_txtFrom_" + (i));
var tobox = document.getElementById("Gridview1_txtTo_" + (i));
alert("Enter valid time set");
return false;
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Views: 206
Reputation: 337
Try this simple plugin to get time differences.
import the goodTimeDiff method from good-time.js to your project
import {goodTimeDiff} from './scripts/good-time.js'
declare an object to give settings like below. let settings = {}
now assign time values to the declared object variable. *time must be in standard format and must be a string! *'from' is optional the default value will be the browser current time.
let settings = {
'from': '2019-01-13T00:00:29.251Z',
'to': '2018-09-22T17:15:29.251Z'
now calllback the method called goodTimeDiff() and pass the settings object variable as a parameter.
Finally assign the method to any variable you want.
let lastCommentedTime = goodTimeDiff(timeSettings)
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Reputation: 2383
Here' how you can get milliseconds time difference between two custom dates.
Math.abs(new Date(firstDateString).getTime() - new Date(secondDateString).getTime());
If you have problems parsing/converting to Date
, consider using a library like date.js or moment.js
With moment you could do something like this:
var diff = moment('3:30','HH:mm').diff(moment('3:20','HH:mm'));
If you need am / pm:
var diff = moment('3:30 pm','HH:mm a').diff(moment('3:20 am','HH:mm a'));
Here's jsfiddle
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Reputation: 147403
You haven't shown the format of the times other than to say they're in "12hr format". An algorithm is to parse and convert them to a common unit, say seconds, find the difference, then format it back into whatever units suit.
So if the times are in h:m:s a/p format like "9:42:15 am" and you want the result in a similar format, then the following functions may help.
/* Convert time in h:m:s a/p format to seconds
** Seconds component is optional, h:m is OK
** Tolerates space before am/pm, leading and trailing whitespace
** Doesn't validate string
** @param {string} s - time to parse
** @returns {number} time converted to seconds.
function hmsToSeconds(s) {
var b = s.match(/\d+/g);
var am = /am\s*$/i.test(s);
return ((b[0] % 12) + (am? 0:12))*3600 + (b[1]*60) + (+b[2]||0);
/* Convert seconds to time in h:mm:ss format
** Maintains sign of input (+/-).
** @param {number} s - seconds to convert
** @returns {string} seconds converted to h:mm:ss.
function secToHMS(s) {
function z(n){return (n<10? '0' : '') + n}
var sign = s < 0? '-' : '';
s = Math.abs(s);
return sign + (s/3600 | 0) + ':' + z((s%3600 / 60 |0)) + ':' + z(s%60);
function getTimeDifference(t0, t1) {
return secToHMS(hmsToSeconds(t1) - hmsToSeconds(t0));
document.write(getTimeDifference('11:32 am','12:38:51pm'));
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Reputation: 6701
Times in JS can be a pain to deal with cross browser, and anyone who has had to debug wierd cross browser behavior can attest to. I have learned than when ever i wanna do anything with dates in JS involve the moment.js lib.
I was reluctant at first as I thought i can just do most everything myself and roll my own. This is a cuban cigar and no amount of home rolling can cover all the tools moment comes with.
I wont tell you how to fix, just give you the tool...
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