Reputation: 53
I want to convert the following data file in to JSON format
House space type ID less than 18 18 to 23 Greather than 23
1 Livingroom Temperature 1 0 29.44004742 70.55995258
1 Hallway temperature 1 14.59211237 61.59805511 23.80983252
1 Bedroom temperature 1 1.683093749 60.63394348 37.68296277
2 Livingroom Temperature 2 17.16494111 49.53457447 33.30048442
2 Hallway temperature 2 36.3833926 49.56992189 14.04668551
2 Bedroom temperature 2 39.74861892 53.78744108 6.463939993
JSON format should be like this
"segment":{"Less than 18":20, "18-25":30 , "Greater than 25":10},
"segment":{"Less Lan 18":20, "18-25":30 , "Greater than 25":10},
"segment":{"Less Lan 18":20, "18-25":30 , "Greater than 25":10},
"segment":{"Less Lan 18":20, "18-25":30 , "Greater than 25":10},
.... and so on
I tried different options whith reshape, jsonlite,RJSONIO but could not get the required results. e.g.
mm <- melt(newdata)
y <- melt(data, id.vars=c("ID", "type", "space"), measure.vars=c("less.than.18", "", "Greather.than.23"),"Segment","percentage")
ss <- split(y, y$ID)
exportJson <- toJSON(ss)
other option:
modified <- list(
traits = colnames(data),
Conditions = unname(apply(data, 1, function(x)
Any suggestion please?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 2940
Reputation: 78832
Don't treat it like a data tidying/munging operation, treat it like a "templating" problem. This iterates over each house and fills in a JSON template string.
NOTE: I deliberately left off the outer array brackets since that should be encouragement to read/grok the code vs just cut/paste this answer.
dat <- read.table(text="House space type ID less.than.18 Greather.than.23
1 Livingroom Temperature 1 0 29.44004742 70.55995258
1 Hallway temperature 1 14.59211237 61.59805511 23.80983252
1 Bedroom temperature 1 1.683093749 60.63394348 37.68296277
2 Livingroom Temperature 2 17.16494111 49.53457447 33.30048442
2 Hallway temperature 2 36.3833926 49.56992189 14.04668551
2 Bedroom temperature 2 39.74861892 53.78744108 6.463939993",
by(dat, list(dat$House), function(x) {
outer_template <- ' {
inner_template <- ' { "type":"%s",
"segment":{"Less than 18":%s, "18-25":%s , "Greater than 25":%s},
condition <- paste0(apply(x, 1, function(y) {
tolower(y["type"]), y["less.than.18"], y[""],
y["Greather.than.23"], tolower(y["space"]))
}), collapse=",\n")
sprintf(outer_template, x$House[1], condition)
}) -> houses
house_json <- paste0(houses, collapse=",\n")
{ "type":"temperature",
"segment":{"Less than 18": 0.000000, "18-25":29.44005 , "Greater than 25":70.55995},
{ "type":"temperature",
"segment":{"Less than 18":14.592112, "18-25":61.59806 , "Greater than 25":23.80983},
{ "type":"temperature",
"segment":{"Less than 18": 1.683094, "18-25":60.63394 , "Greater than 25":37.68296},
{ "type":"temperature",
"segment":{"Less than 18":17.16494, "18-25":49.53457 , "Greater than 25":33.30048},
{ "type":"temperature",
"segment":{"Less than 18":36.38339, "18-25":49.56992 , "Greater than 25":14.04669},
{ "type":"temperature",
"segment":{"Less than 18":39.74862, "18-25":53.78744 , "Greater than 25": 6.46394},
Upvotes: 1