Reputation: 35
I am new to c++ and I get this error “Invalid operands to binary expression (‘const Vector’ and ‘const Vector’)” and I have no idea where to look at in my own code.
The error appears at the line “{return __x < __y;}” in _functional_base:
#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER > 11
template <class _Tp = void>
template <class _Tp>
struct _LIBCPP_TYPE_VIS_ONLY less : binary_function<_Tp, _Tp, bool>
bool operator()(const _Tp& __x, const _Tp& __y) const
{return __x < __y;}
But my real code looks like this:
// MCP.cpp
// Speciale
// Created by Zaki G on 21/11/15.
// Copyright © 2015 Zaki G. All rights reserved.
#include "mcp.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include "Vector.h"
#include "Particle.h"
#include "Detector.h"
#include "Cave.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <map>
MCP::MCP(char* name,Vector& dimension,Vector& QuartzDimension, int NumberSubQuartz, double ElectronicThickness, double Reflective_index, double z_axis_sign): Detector(name, dimension, 0)
MCP_Dimension = dimension;
MCP_QuartDimension = QuartzDimension;
MCP_NumberSubQuartz = NumberSubQuartz;
MCP_ElectronicThickness = ElectronicThickness;
MCP_Quartz_Reflective_index = Reflective_index;
MCP_z_axis_sign = z_axis_sign;
Vector MCP::Quartz_wall_Intersection(Detector& name, Vector &inter_front_quartz, Vector &path_photon, Vector &direction_vector, int reflection_on_off, Vector &Cherenkov_photon) //The direction vector is the vector against the normal vectors of the walls, and the Cherenkov_photon is only called to
//calculate the refelcted photon.
{ // Function for finding the intersection with the quartz walls and it can also calculated the reflected photon vector//
Vector detector_posi = name.fPosition; // The position of the detector
double Quartz_L_corner_x = detector_posi.GetX()-(0.053/2);
double Quartz_L_corner_y = detector_posi.GetY()-(0.053/2);
double Quartz_L_corner_z = detector_posi.GetZ();
Vector loop_Quartz_Lcorner = (Quartz_L_corner_x, Quartz_L_corner_y, Quartz_L_corner_z); //The position of the Quartz down left corner.
//Generating walls and roofs position for every sub MCP quartz.
int number_of_walls =int(sqrt(MCP_NumberSubQuartz)); //4+1 walls in total remember "+1"
int walls_position[number_of_walls+1];
for (int i = 0; i<=number_of_walls; i++)
walls_position[i] = loop_Quartz_Lcorner.GetX()+i*(0.053/sqrt(MCP_NumberSubQuartz)); // 0.053 is the length and width of the MCP Quartz
int number_of_roof =int(sqrt(MCP_NumberSubQuartz));
int roofs_position[number_of_roof+1];
for (int i = 0; i<=number_of_roof; i++)
roofs_position[i] = loop_Quartz_Lcorner.GetY()+i*(0.053/sqrt(MCP_NumberSubQuartz));
//loop for which section (Divided quartz) is the generated particle close to.
int en = 0;
int to = 0;
double x_array[2];
double y_array[2];
for (int i = 0; i<=number_of_walls; i++)
if ( abs(inter_front_quartz.GetX()) - abs(walls_position[i])<= (0.053/sqrt(MCP_NumberSubQuartz))){
x_array[en] = walls_position[i];
en =+1;
if ( abs(inter_front_quartz.GetY()) - abs(roofs_position[i]) <= (0.053/sqrt(MCP_NumberSubQuartz))){
y_array[to] = roofs_position[i];
to =+1;
// Defining the four point in which the particle is incapsuled within the divided quartz:
Vector position_array_one_zero = Vector(x_array[0], y_array[0], 0);
Vector position_array_one_one = Vector(x_array[0], y_array[1], 0);
Vector position_array_two_zero = Vector(x_array[1], y_array[0], 0);
Vector position_array_two_one = Vector(x_array[1], y_array[1], 0);
//Defining the four normal vectors for the incapsuled walls and roofs:
//Walls normal vector:
Vector normal_left = (position_array_one_one-position_array_one_zero).Cross(Vector(position_array_one_zero.GetX(),position_array_one_zero.GetY(),position_array_one_zero.GetZ()-0.020)-position_array_one_zero);
Vector normal_right = (position_array_two_one-position_array_two_zero).Cross(Vector(position_array_two_zero.GetX(),position_array_two_zero.GetY(),position_array_two_zero.GetZ()-0.020)-position_array_two_one);
//Roof normal vectors:
Vector normal_top = (position_array_two_one-position_array_one_one).Cross(Vector(position_array_one_one.GetX(),position_array_one_one.GetY(),position_array_one_one.GetZ()-0.020)-position_array_one_one);
Vector normal_bottom = (position_array_one_zero-position_array_two_zero).Cross(Vector(position_array_two_zero.GetX(),position_array_two_zero.GetY(),position_array_two_zero.GetZ()-0.020)-position_array_two_zero);
// Putting the normal vectors in a array
Vector normal_walls_roof[4]={normal_left,normal_right,normal_top,normal_bottom};
//point on the surface for every normal vector which coresponds to the each surface
map<Vector, Vector> quartz_surface_position;
quartz_surface_position[normal_walls_roof[1]] =Vector(position_array_one_zero) + Vector(0, (0.053/8), (0.020/2)*MCP_z_axis_sign ) ; //Left
quartz_surface_position[normal_walls_roof[2]] =Vector(position_array_two_zero) + Vector(0, (0.053/8), (0.020/2)*MCP_z_axis_sign ); //Right
quartz_surface_position[normal_walls_roof[3]] =Vector(position_array_one_one) + Vector((0.053/8), 0, (0.020/2)*MCP_z_axis_sign ); //Top
quartz_surface_position[normal_walls_roof[4]] =Vector(position_array_two_one) + Vector(-(0.053/8), 0, (0.020/2)*MCP_z_axis_sign );//Bottom
Vector Quartz_wall_Intersection; //The intersection point on one of the walls
Vector return_intersection_vector;
//Looping over which wall it hits
for (int i=0; i<=3; i++){
double dot_normal = direction_vector.Dot(normal_walls_roof[i]);
if (dot_normal < 10e-18)
{ //the dot product should be less than zero so the angle is stump (over 90 degree)
//The intersection point on one of the walls
Vector Quartz_wall_Intersection = path_photon-(((path_photon-quartz_surface_position[i]).Dot(normal_walls_roof[i])/dot_normal)*direction_vector);
Vector w_quartz = Quartz_wall_Intersection - quartz_surface_position[i];
// If the intersection of the plane falls outside window, return a
// NAN vector.
if (w_quartz.GetY() > name.GetHeight() || w_quartz.GetZ() > name.GetWidth())
return_intersection_vector = Vector(NAN,NAN,NAN);
if (reflection_on_off==1) //If the reflected momentum is needed:
// Refelction vector with in the quartz walls for the Cherenkov photons
Vector Reflection_vector_quartz = Cherenkov_photon -2.0*(Cherenkov_photon.Dot(normal_walls_roof[i]))*normal_walls_roof[i];
return_intersection_vector = Reflection_vector_quartz;
return_intersection_vector = Quartz_wall_Intersection;
return return_intersection_vector;
void MCP::Cherenkov_Photon_Generation(const Particle& pname, Vector &first_intersection, Vector &second_intersection, Vector pathPhoton_array[], Vector CherenkovPhoton_array[])
// Now we generates cherenkov photons along the particle path.//
Vector particle_momentum = pname.GetMomentum();
// The end_value is a constant, which describes the position where the particle is at the end of the quart plan.
double end_value =(second_intersection.GetX()-first_intersection.GetX())/particle_momentum.GetX();
// Generating the path for the particles where the photon should emits as Cherenkov light.
for (int n=0; n<=1000; n++) //1000 Cherenkov photons per particle
srand( (unsigned int) time(0) );
double random_number_d = ( double(rand()) / double(RAND_MAX))*end_value; // generate numbers between 0 and end_value.
double path_photon_x =first_intersection.GetX() + random_number_d*particle_momentum.GetX();
double path_photon_y =first_intersection.GetY() + random_number_d*particle_momentum.GetY();;
double path_photon_z =first_intersection.GetZ() + random_number_d*particle_momentum.GetZ();
Vector path_photon(path_photon_x,path_photon_y,path_photon_z);
double random_angle = (rand()/RAND_MAX)* (2*M_PI); //Generate number between 0 and 2*Pi
Vector velocity_vector = pname.GetVelocity();
double v = velocity_vector.Length();
double Cherenkov_Angle = acos((1.0)/(MCP_Quartz_Reflective_index*v));
double x = (pname.GetMomentum()).Length()*sin(Cherenkov_Angle)*cos(random_angle); //random angle is from 0-2pi
double y = (pname.GetMomentum()).Length()*sin(Cherenkov_Angle)*sin(random_angle);
double z = (pname.GetMomentum()).Length()*cos(Cherenkov_Angle);
Vector Cherenkov_photon(x,y,z);
//pathPhoton_Cherenkov_array[path_photon] = Cherenkov_photon;
pathPhoton_array[n] = path_photon;
CherenkovPhoton_array[n] = Cherenkov_photon;
Vector MCP::MCP_end_Intersection_for_particle(const Particle& pname, Vector &particle_pos, Detector& name)
// Intersection with the end surface of the quartz//
// end_position is the position of the end plan of the quartz.
Vector front_quartz_position = name.fPosition;
Vector end_position(front_quartz_position.GetX(),front_quartz_position.GetY(),front_quartz_position.GetZ()+(0.020*MCP_z_axis_sign));
Vector particle_momentum = pname.GetMomentum();
Vector normal_end_quartz(0, 0, MCP_QuartDimension.GetX()*MCP_QuartDimension.GetY()*MCP_z_axis_sign);
double dot_end_quartz = particle_momentum.Dot(normal_end_quartz);
if (dot_end_quartz > 10e-18)
return Vector(NAN,NAN,NAN);
// inter_end_quartz is the intersection point on the end surface of the quartz
Vector inter_end_quartz = particle_pos-(((particle_pos-end_position).Dot(normal_end_quartz)/dot_end_quartz)*particle_momentum);
Vector w_end_quartz = inter_end_quartz - end_position;
// If the intersection of the plane falls outside window, return a
// Zero vector.
if (w_end_quartz.GetX() > MCP_QuartDimension.GetX() || w_end_quartz.GetY() > MCP_QuartDimension.GetY())
return Vector(NAN,NAN,NAN);
return inter_end_quartz;
Vector MCP::MCP_end_Intersection_for_Photon(Vector &Photon_momentum, Vector &particle_pos, Detector& name)
// Intersection with the end surface of the quartz//
// end_position is the position of the end plan of the quartz.
Vector front_quartz_position = name.fPosition;
Vector end_position(front_quartz_position.GetX(),front_quartz_position.GetY(),front_quartz_position.GetZ()+(0.020*MCP_z_axis_sign));
Vector normal_end_quartz(0, 0, MCP_QuartDimension.GetX()*MCP_QuartDimension.GetY()*MCP_z_axis_sign);
double dot_end_quartz = Photon_momentum.Dot(normal_end_quartz);
if (dot_end_quartz > 10e-18)
return Vector(NAN,NAN,NAN);
// inter_end_quartz is the intersection point on the end surface of the quartz
Vector inter_end_quartz = particle_pos-(((particle_pos-end_position).Dot(normal_end_quartz)/dot_end_quartz)*Photon_momentum);
Vector w_end_quartz = inter_end_quartz - end_position;
// If the intersection of the plane falls outside window, return a
// Zero vector.
if (w_end_quartz.GetX() > MCP_QuartDimension.GetX() || w_end_quartz.GetY() > MCP_QuartDimension.GetY())
return Vector(NAN,NAN,NAN);
return inter_end_quartz;
void MCP::MCP_Intersection(const Particle& pname, Vector &particle_pos, Detector& name, Vector intersection_array[], int array_size)
//Intersection with the front surface of the MCP which is the quartz.//
Vector particle_momentum = pname.GetMomentum(); //Momentum of the particle
Vector front_quartz_position = name.fPosition; // position of the MCP on the FIT (Husk nedeunder MCP flad position)
Vector normal_front_quartz(0,0,MCP_QuartDimension.GetY()*MCP_QuartDimension.GetX());
double dot_front_quartz = particle_momentum.Dot(normal_front_quartz);
if (dot_front_quartz > 10e-18)
//return Vector(NAN, NAN, NAN);
// inter_front_quartz is the intersection point on the quartz
Vector inter_front_quartz = particle_pos-(((particle_pos-front_quartz_position).Dot(normal_front_quartz)/dot_front_quartz)*particle_momentum);
Vector w = inter_front_quartz - front_quartz_position;
// If the intersection of the plane falls outside window, return a
// Zero vector.
if (w.GetX() > name.GetHeight() || w.GetY() > name.GetWidth())
//return Vector(NAN,NAN,NAN);
// Intersection with the end surface of the quartz//
// end_position is the position of the end plan of the quartz. hvad med protonen flyver den videre igennem MCP?!!!
Vector end_position(front_quartz_position.GetX(),front_quartz_position.GetY(),front_quartz_position.GetZ()+(0.020*MCP_z_axis_sign));
Vector normal_end_quartz(0, 0, MCP_QuartDimension.GetX()*MCP_QuartDimension.GetY()*MCP_z_axis_sign);
double dot_end_quartz = particle_momentum.Dot(normal_end_quartz);
if (dot_end_quartz > 10e-18) // If it does not intersect with the end panel, then it must intersect with the walls of the MCP.
//Here I find the wall intersection
Vector zero_vector(NAN,NAN,NAN);
Vector particle_intersection_with_wall = Quartz_wall_Intersection(name, inter_front_quartz, particle_pos , particle_momentum, 0 , zero_vector);
//Defining the two arrays for path of the photons and the cherenkov photon vector:
Vector pathPhoton_array[1000];
Vector CherenkovPhoton_array[1000];
Cherenkov_Photon_Generation(pname, inter_front_quartz, particle_intersection_with_wall, pathPhoton_array, CherenkovPhoton_array);
//slette Vector array_path_cherenkov_photon = Cherenkov_Photon_Generation(pname, inter_front_quartz, particle_intersection_with_wall);
static Vector intersection_array[1000];
//Here it finds out that the photon intersect with the walls or not.
for (int i = 0; i <= sizeof(pathPhoton_array); i++)
Vector photon_intersection_with_wall = Quartz_wall_Intersection(name, inter_front_quartz, pathPhoton_array[i] , CherenkovPhoton_array[i], 0, zero_vector);
if (photon_intersection_with_wall.GetX() != zero_vector.GetX()) //If the photon interc. with the wall:
// Here the reflected photon is found:
Vector reflected_photon = Quartz_wall_Intersection(name, inter_front_quartz, pathPhoton_array[i] , CherenkovPhoton_array[i], 1, CherenkovPhoton_array[i]);
//The reflected photon is intersected with MCP
Vector intersection_with_end_MCP = MCP_end_Intersection_for_Photon(reflected_photon, photon_intersection_with_wall, name);
intersection_array[i] = intersection_with_end_MCP;
//return Intersection; // tænk lige over det
else // If the photon do not intersect with the wall then:
Vector intersection_with_end_MCP = MCP_end_Intersection_for_Photon(CherenkovPhoton_array[i], pathPhoton_array[i], name);
//Intersection[] = intersection_with_end_MCP;
intersection_array[i] = intersection_with_end_MCP;
//return Intersection; // tænk lige over det
//The particle intersection with the MCP directly
Vector intersection_with_end_MCP = MCP_end_Intersection_for_particle(pname, particle_pos, name);
//Intersection[] = intersection_with_end_MCP;
//Generate Cherenkov photon in 2D array
Vector pathPhoton_array[1000] = {};
Vector CherenkovPhoton_array[1000] = {};
Cherenkov_Photon_Generation(pname, inter_front_quartz, intersection_with_end_MCP, pathPhoton_array, CherenkovPhoton_array);
Vector zero_vector(NAN,NAN,NAN);
for (int i = 0; i <= sizeof(CherenkovPhoton_array); i++)
Vector photon_intersection_with_wall = Quartz_wall_Intersection(name, inter_front_quartz, pathPhoton_array[i], CherenkovPhoton_array[i], 0, zero_vector);
if (photon_intersection_with_wall.GetX()!= NAN) //If the photon interc. with the wall:
// Here the reflected photon is found:
Vector reflected_photon = Quartz_wall_Intersection(name, inter_front_quartz, pathPhoton_array[i] , CherenkovPhoton_array[i], 1, CherenkovPhoton_array[i]);
//The reflected photon is intersected with MCP
Vector intersection_with_end_MCP = MCP_end_Intersection_for_Photon(reflected_photon, photon_intersection_with_wall, name);
intersection_array[i] = intersection_with_end_MCP;
Vector intersection_with_end_MCP = MCP_end_Intersection_for_Photon(CherenkovPhoton_array[i], pathPhoton_array[i], name);
intersection_array[i] = intersection_with_end_MCP;
Hope someone can figure this out.
#ifndef _VECTOR_H
#define _VECTOR_H
//class ostream;
using namespace std;
class Vector
double fX;
double fY;
double fZ;
Vector(double x=0, double y=0, double z=0);
double Length(void) const;
void SetX(double x) { fX= x; }
void SetY(double y) { fY= y; }
void SetZ(double z) { fZ= z; }
double GetX(void) const { return fX; }
double GetY(void) const { return fY; }
double GetZ(void) const { return fZ; }
Vector Cross(const Vector& v) const;
double Dot(const Vector& v) const;
Vector operator+(const Vector& v);
Vector operator-(const Vector& v);
Vector operator=(const Vector& v);
bool operator() (const Vector& lhs, const Vector& rhs) const
return (lhs.GetX(),lhs.GetY(),lhs.GetZ()) < (rhs.GetX(),rhs.GetY(),rhs.GetZ());
// Global functions
Vector operator*(const double a, const Vector& v);
Vector operator*(const Vector& v, const Vector& u);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const Vector& v);
Upvotes: 0
Views: 2891
Reputation: 179779
The problem, as pointed out in the last comment, is map<Vector, Vector>
. This is a sorted associative container. Its Key
is a Vector
, and the default order is std::less<Vector>
. The compiler duly instantiates std::less<Vector>
, finds no specializations, and fails on <
. You'll need to provide one, but it can be simple: return std::tie(r.x, r.y, r.z) < std::tie(l.x, l.y, l.z)
PS. normal_walls_roof[]
runs from [0]
to [3]
, not [1]
to [4]
Upvotes: 2