Reputation: 749
I have a image of low resolution, 128x128 pixels. I need to obtain the mean value of a circle ROI, in order to do that I use the easy method:
%% Draw circle ROI
t = 0:pi/500:2*pi;
xi = ((R0/pixelSize)*cos(t)+63.5+x0+((Rsphere)/pixelSize)*cos(theta))*4;
yi = ((R0/pixelSize)*sin(t)+63.5+y0+((Rsphere)/pixelSize)*sin(theta))*4;
%% Calculate roi statistics
ROImask = poly2mask(xi,yi, size(im,1),size(im,2));
ptROI = find(ROImask);
ROImean = mean(im(ptROI));
The problem here is that using this method I don't account for the partial value of a pixel in the ROI, as can be seen in the image.
Is there any direct way to obtain the mean of the ROI weighting the value of the pixels?
Upvotes: 3
Views: 577
Reputation: 1215
If you really want to do this exactly, you'll need to do some calculus (integral of a circle on a square domain for each pixel). But, this probably overkill for your application. My suggestion is to calculate your circle on a fine grid, then resize it to match the image:
upFactor = 3;
% load built-in example image
x = imread('rice.png');
% convert to double
x = im2double(x);
% define the ROI
center = [68.5, 180]; % [row, column]
radius = 1; % pixels
% do the distance calculation
% (getting the coordinate systems to match is the hardest part, try making
% small examples to see how it works)
iVector = (0:size(x,1)*upFactor-1)/upFactor + .5 + 1/upFactor/2;
jVector = (0:size(x,2)*upFactor-1)/upFactor + .5 + 1/upFactor/2;
[I, J] = ndgrid( iVector - center(1), jVector - center(2));
sqDist = I.^2 + J.^2;
insideBig = double(sqDist <= radius^2); % need this to not be logical type
% this resizes back to the original image size my taking the mean of each
% upFactor by upFactor block
inside = reshape( mean( im2col( insideBig, [upFactor upFactor], 'distinct')), size(x));
% check that we have the values we expect
uniqueVals = unique(inside(:))
% show examples
result = sum(sum( x .* inside )) / sum(inside(:))
Upvotes: 1